Community Feast

Happened to me last night. Stopped getting credit after 3. Crazy how lazy blizzard is being about this. They fix it for some people and leave the rest with nothing but frustration.

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Still happening, was there at start and got to 1 of 5 and then never got anything again, even though was doing the activities, guess will try again later but will be 15mins of sadness.

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Only way I was getting any credit or any tasks was by logging out and back in, or flying away and coming back. 1/3 of the time I did either of those I would get credit for a task, but only managed to get 4/5. Just stays at “get orders from big kinook” and never get the chef’s hat icon.

Probably a similar problem to the world boss bug people have, where it never acknowledges you actually entered the area and doesn’t give credit.

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I am also having this issue. Got to 2/5 on the quest yesterday, but part way through the event, I stopped getting credit. Trying the feast right now, and im still not getting credit. Both times I also didnt get the Chef Hat action button.

Edit: I did what the comment above me said (Flew away and came back). The event title popped up on my screen and I was able to get a few chef hats and 1 credit. Only lasted for a minute though, and stopped getting credit.

Same thing happened to me… first time today. Got the hat 3 times then it never Proc’d…still did everything but got no further credit. Tried several times to hit my special action bind (in case it was just a visual issue) when others were saying “yes, chef” but didn’t work. Killed last boss but still only half way through with the quest…guess I got to do it again. :frowning: fix plz… or spawn more often so can get the quest done the 2-3 times necessary to actually complete.

Not getting credit same as everyone else, yet another massive bug. Gotta love this expansion… :man_facepalming:t2:

Same issue on this toon. Get xp for killing beasts and final boss Bisquis but the quest doesn’t advance past 1 task, even though I help with all the tasks. Done 2 full feasts now. It HAS happened on another toon but joining the next feast fixed it. No such luck for this one yet.

Happened with me as well. Maybe the weekly shouldn’t be tied into a quest for it, but just the registration of it’s completion? Just a thought.

I have not been able to complete this quest. Still at 2/5 and nothing will increase it.

Edit because on an unrelated note I started fighting a rare shortly after my “fun” time with the community feast and a rare I was fighting just disappeared. Fun game.

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Gonna add to this - to see if other people can get help from it.
Went back to the Community feast for third time. Dropped the quest, picked it up again when it activated. THIS time I looked carefully at the panel that appears on the right hand side of the screen and noticed I had ‘something to do’ that I hadn’t noticed before (in this case it was gather 3 types of seaweed that are nearby and marked on map) - so I did that and then… plain sailing after. The rest of the ‘orders’ were attacking fish heads, kill beasts etc. I do wonder now if not doing the ‘special request’ blocked me previously.

i was supposed to buy piping hot orca milk … but i couldnt find it anwaywhere.

i guess ill be back in 2 hours to fail this broken quest again because blizzard insists on making us beta test their terrible game

Those tasks are a bit more of a headache but if you look closely at your minimap there should be a yellow dot at the needed location. None of them are very far from the feast. A couple are with the fishermen to the east, a couple are at or near the inn across the island, and one is in the town hall.

Worst case, if you have a task you just can’t complete, you can fly away from the feast until it drops the task from your log then fly back and you will be able to get a new one.

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Same issue.

I can get the quest from the little guy to complete 5 community feast events, but the quest never progresses. I just did an entire feast and stayed stuck at 0/5 completed even though I was active and participated over the entire feast.

Never got chef’s hat button and Big Kinook gave me no instructions.

And still no fuucking update or replys to this fuucking bug. I’ve tried the Community Feast three times now with no luck. OH DID I MENTION IT STILL FUuCKING LAGS THE ZONE?!

SAme Issue today. Tried to reload. 3rd time I try since launch still at 1 of 5 :frowning:

Second time (second toon today) where feast is completed, but no Bisquius. I did it earlier this week on my main with no issues. Is this a known issue (yet)?

Was the soup at Legendary? Bisquis won’t spawn if it’s less.

im not getting task from big Kinook either… im stuck 3/5 since 3 feast ago, reload, loggin… nothing works to get more tasks -.- is so annoying

I’m having the same issues. It’s especially annoying this week because the weekly wants me to participate. Two quest didn’t update after I participated.

This is still an issue, hello?