Community Council : The future of Mounts and Flying in WoW

Mounts as convenience is incredibly outdated. Players (for the most part) no longer get excited by simply increasing their movement speed or simply gaining the ability to move on the Z-axis. Mounts need to be gameplay, mounts need to be fun.

When you make statement’s that include words such as players (for the most part) immediately sets my teeth on edge.

You do not speak for a majority of players unless you have imperial data and or sources that support such a bold claim.

I have always preferred to structure a post to speak about my views on a topic, not try to inflate my views beyond my own opinion.


Ehh, I think he is right. Having mounts have unique effects would be interesting, it’s why people like the sky golem and liked the water strider.

I think he was referring to the fact that as a trend, game are moving towards mounts being a little more special because they have been bland for so long.


So do you not like the idea OP? Is there even a point to the thread…or do you just not want to be spoken for? I am confused.


Sorry OP, I’m going to hard disagree with you here.

The state of mounts in WoW is actually pretty atrocious. Right now when you earn a mount, it’s just a +1 to the mount journal. It doesn’t even feel good earning mounts anymore.

Blizzard has also gone out of their way to prune special abilities from mounts (e.g. Water Strider), which made mounts even more unfun.

Can mounts look pretty and have cool animations? Sure, but in the end they all move the same exact boring way and are nothing more than a cosmetic that adds to the collection at this point. They need to be more engaging.


I don’t think the topic was the issue? Just a sense people speaking are under the assumption they speak for a majority?

I don’t believe that’s true. It’s a forum people aren’t going to be overly grammatically correct or super literal

Honestly its true i no longer get excited for mounts i already got.

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“I’m essentially copying and pasting my Twitter thread that I made…”

That’s where I stopped reading.

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I simply don’t think Blizz is capable of doing anything better with flying, just worse.

leave it alone and go back to selling tokens…

I think the amount of mounts in game also exacerbates this. At least, for me it does. It’s hard to get excited for a mount when I already own 10 other colorations of it.


Why does this change the credibility? Making the same statements on multiple platforms is bad?

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How do you know he doesn’t speak for us? Do you have data that suggests that?

Lol :joy:

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Indeed, especially when they’re handed out like candy. There’s nothing wrong for putting mounts behind effort, but that’s not the way SL feels at all right now.

The only mount I thoroughly enjoy still is the Orgrimmar Interceptor, and I believe that’s because of its cash price tag more than anything.

Because it is twitter, that’s why. Tiktok might also contain literary masterpiece but I’ll never know.

Crossposting is an abomination.


Yes, players should be able to fly without mounts. I agree.


GW2 has mounts? since when? i dont remember there being any mounts in that game, then again the last time i played it was back in like 2014

Yet we constantly keep yelling at the devs to cross post in here when they put something on twitter or some other site. Yet it is not ok when one of us players does the same ?

Sounds a little hypocritical there .


We? I can only speak for myself and I was always in favor of devs posting here and not twitter.

Making mounts have more functionality was supposedly the purpose of the mount equipment system. A shame it got abandoned by Blizz. Where’s my mount equipment that allows me to mine or herb from any mount? Where’s the one that allows faster then max flying speed but at the cost of having a default slower flying speed but with a stamina bar to balance it out? Where’s the one that allows you to have a glowly neon outline for funsies?

I’m just throwing out random ideas here in under 30 seconds. Should I…should I apply to work at Acti-Blizz???

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they actually have a really unique mount progression system. their mounts have like specialties.

I think blizz should consider expanding and improving mount equipment…because if anything is outdated, it’s ideas like that, which just rot away.

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I also don’t like that person speaking for me, especially since I don’t agree with his opinion.

I match my mounts with each of my characters according to the individuals they are, and the last thing I want is to be limited in which mounts I can use as a general ground or a general flying mount for each , especially since I am already seriously limited due to the majority of mounts being too oversized for me to enjoy using most of the time.

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