Community Council Needs to be Anonymous

Karamo is awesome. I love how he views things and what he teaches.

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then it must not be a very thorough review process :woman_shrugging:

I understand and don’t disagree but I was talking about my only reservation about the whole Andiun gay proposal was that for him to continue the line of Arathorian kings with the final bloodline of Wrynn then he would need a queen.
Can’t have that unless
 Blizzard is willing to tell the story of a gay man marrying a woman for political reasons. Similar to Renly in Game of Thrones.

I edited my last post to include the public source document.

I don’t know what their review process entails. Scouring everything someone has said and done in their life is a bit tough. Sort of like how companies hire people then find out they are trash humans who have good resumes. In this case, it is not even paid.

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People want him to be gay because he looks pretty in their eyes. Anduin has been established to be straight with a small wink to a small Wrathion-baiting. If he ends up bisexual, good, but what brings this to the plot? Nothing so far.

I found interesting bcz I relate to that exact phrase / trigger memory he mentioned only w my mom not my dad, my dads always been my biggest supporter

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One of my other favorites:

“I don’t subscribe to the phrase ‘coming out.’ Because the act is actually letting people in. And if you subscribe to ‘coming out,’ you’re actually giving them the power to reject or deny you. But they don’t have that power. I have the power to say I’m inviting you in to my life.”


I take it back:

I’m glad I’m not on the community council.


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or one of the ‘high elf’ threads

Looks like the community council is going well!


Honestly, the whole target on my back thing is a serious deterrent. Probably not the best idea. Enough people from the forums already don’t like me :stuck_out_tongue:

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You sort of get used to it. I don’t think it is for everyone though. It took me over a year to go from the TS D3 forum to General. It took me a lot longer to post in WoW GD.

Humans target anything/anyone different and it can be distressing. Much like it ever was.


I think this is where I’m losing you. Not everyone is mad about the deaths of their ethnicity, but rather the context.

Personally we should be a little annoyed with how the Egyptian keepers were killed off so unceremoniously. Uldum was a lot of wasted potential.

As for the horde and being evil? Good luck convincing people that after BfA, which is another reason why that expansion is bad.

There’s a positive way and a negative way of showing something.

Night elves are displayed as savages in a positive way. They live with nature so they don’t need technology. They fight tooth and nail to defend their land from hostile invaders. Any brutality they display is meant to serve as a warning to their enemies, instead of sadism.

Compare that with the trolls, that are typically depicted as being narrow minded about technology, or too dumb to use it like the other races. Their hostility to outsiders is not seen as heroic, but greedy and isolationist. When they brutally kill their enemies, they’re seen as sadists for it.

You’re allowed to like those dungeons. Many people enjoy the Scarlet dungeons, but don’t see blizzard as being anti Christian. That’s because we’ve seen many heroic paladin and priests to contrast that.

Orcs are a mixture of different tribal and warrior cultures. But on the surface they’re inspired by black/African culture and history.

I’ve only seen one person compare the forsaken to the :rainbow_flag: community, and I staunchly disagree with them.

A bunch of European looking races invading a South American looking city is going to be compared to colonialism. Even if that wasn’t blizzard’s intent, which to be honest, I can’t fully believe them due to the various accusations of bigotry from the employees.


Who summons me?

Oh hai.

I see we have people are low key pushing the rhetoric of how LGBT+ characters have no personality aside from being LGBT+ again, as if sexuality and gender identity don’t play a role in a person’s larger identity at all.

I partially don’t get why people get so mad in the booty about a character being something other than cisgender and straight.


Correct title: Community Council needs to be extinguished. It’s dumb and pointless.