Community Council Members - Read

Thank you!!! I am really glad this was addressed.

The main thing discussed in said discord is the problem everyone can see, which is having too many topics and some that relate to each other/can be condensed down. It’s just “hey I’m planning a post on lore” and a “hey why don’t we combine this and this idea for this post.” A recurring theme any time any opinions on topics arise is to just take it to the forums and not discuss it in disc; to do so defeats the purpose of the CC. :slight_smile:

Here’s my opinion on this for what it is worth. If Blizzard truly wants to show they are moving in a new direction with the game they will not in any way allow the community council to represent any kind of marketing scheme. With that said, the community shouldn’t be a platform for any streamers/content creators to advertise their stream/content and or their products. Also, the larger streamers/content creators should be more in the background (off the site) due to them already having a huge platform to speak on. For example, If Blizzard wanted to listen what Asmongold had to say they could always pop open his stream and or you tube. Just my 2 cents

well if they ever get their employees to actually work again the next expansion will tell how good this community is and if it really does anything good. if it’s another broken expansion after the last 3 with borrowed power garbage and crap balance and pointless systems on top of systems you can say the community did no good and blizz don’t care anymore whether the game rolls on with lots of subs or just whatever low number it is now which we all know it’s pretty damn low from any other expansion.

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Sounds like that would require a bit of extra effort/micro-management from the blues running the CC board, but I generally agree with this idea since it ensures that only the properly-qualified people are providing feedback on X topic.

Many achievements are account-wide anyways and therefore easy for the forums software to automatically “verify” behind all the forum alts. It could work something like this:

  • someone doesn’t have at least 1 KSM under their belt? That CC member can’t post/comment in threads flagged as “Mythic+ category”
  • someone only has AoTC? That CC member can’t post/comment in threads flagged as “Mythic raiding/CE category”
  • someone doesn’t have 400 mounts achievement? That CC member can’t post/comment in threads flagged as “Collections category”
  • someone doesn’t have some kind of PvP achievement (Glad, 250k HKs, etc)? That CC member can’t post/comment in threads flagged as “PvP category”
  • someone doesn’t have 1000 battle pets achievement? That CC member can’t post/comment in threads flagged as “Collections category”
  • and so on and so on
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I knew it, I just knew it that Blizzard would look to those supposed movers and shakers in this game but, once again, they removed the bread and butter folks like us and concentrated on streamers, the bullies and the ones who sell services for real money. You, Blizzard, have ignored YOUR bread and butter for this trash. You must literally hate the common players to do this, as you’ve done repeatedly since the start of this game. I predict this game will end up in the trash bin of history, which is unfortunate. Shame on you!

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And why YOU THE PLAYER are bad, wrong, and actually the problem.

That would be absolutely horrible.

I dont have to meet your expectations in order to have an opinion on things.

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Why does it need to be tied behind such achievements? I understand wanting to know that people having the discussions are credible, but, as an example, mounts are not the only thing people collect in this game, so just because someone chooses to collect something else (mogs, pets, toys, etc) means they aren’t allowed in the discussion? I just don’t think thats a good idea.

Same for M+ - maybe they don’t have an opinion on +20 level keys, but they’ve run hundreds of 10’s. Not enough to get KSM, but enough to have an educated opinion on +10 or lower keys. ( 40% of the horde playerbase is between 1100 and 2000 score. They should have a voice in the conversation, not just the 20% of the horde playerbase that has KSM.

I agree that blizzard could help by making an engaging in posts; but having a conversation with a representation of the entire playerbase is what they have said they want.

Where did they do that? So far there are 2-3 streamers and they are very small ones. Most of the Council are pretty average. In fact, another group on the forums feels they are too average and normal to discuss input.

You might want to read the Intro thread there and learn about the actual people who are on the Council so far. There are still around 60 more to be added but the early folks are there for you to learn about.

Has anyone spoken anything about the lack of representation for many aspects of the game? Majority of the crew are Hardcore Raiders with a few PvPers in there.

But WoW bled out of players (those with an actual issues with the game) that are of Casual nature. They don’t care about PvP or Raiding.

They care about lore. Collecting mogs or mounts. Battle pets. World content. Seasonal events. Roleplaying. Basically playing the game outside of it’s core, and weirdly enough, those are the majority of the player base! And those are who are leaving the game!

There’s no one in the Council who actually represents the people whom has the biggest issue with the game so far, and that’s actually a bit frustrating.

As for the Council Members, we appreciate you all. Just don’t let your opinions and suggestions be based only with the few you speak with or experience the game with. It’s a heavy burden to drop on you guys, butt there’s thousands of people that was to voice their lack of satisfaction towards the game for very different reasons.

For now, since this is just Wave 1, please try to give some of the ignored group a voice if you can. At least to drag attention to the biggest problems in the game. Because raiding is really not an actual big problem, it’s literally the strongest feature WoW has nowadays.


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Yes there are. Please go read the Intro thread on the Council.

This is who would probably represent me most. Im working on my legendary fishing pole right now. (after way too many years of ignoring it)

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blizzard making engaging posts is kind of humorous considering whether your a casual or mythic raider the majority of the playerbase has played this game so much more than blizz employee’s especially now the whole blizz crew is like brand new so ya we know whats going on we have quality posts sure. they dodge all the bs like they always do making excuses. the ion interviews with that other ion wannabe that did the q@a’s was quite hilarious. quality feedback is long past blizz knows the problems they either can’t fix the problems cause pressure or flat don’t care. they would be about as worthless posting stuff like us lol.

I mean, their existing forums software is already coded to filter/“detect” whether you are a certain trust level and whether or not you have an active/paid subscription… it’s not like it’s impossible for them to create custom new/additional filters for certain achievements (400 mounts, KSM, Glad, CE, etc) to act as a “gatekeep” mechanism for certain blue-created/official feedback threads.

This would prevent the “dudes that barely got AoTC commenting on Mythic raiding” that a few folks have pointed out and complained about.

Imo, we really shouldn’t even know and or have any type of information that some of the council members are streamers. (Streaming has zero to do with moving the game in a better positive direction) This also includes even if the streamer is a small streamer. Being on the council shouldn’t be about promoting yourself and or your stream/products from your stream.

Sure, but I don’t need 250,000 Hks and Gladiator to have an opinion about Random BGs, or 400 mounts to have an opinion on collecting legacy items.
Just because someone barely got AoTC doesn’t mean they are unable to have an opinion on mythic raiding, it will just be a different perspective than someone who gets CE each tier. Both valid opinions, different standpoints, different experiences which lend to their opinions.

I don’t think the people on the council were chosen because they are the best of the best in a certain area. We were chosen because we want to make a positive impact and have experience in 1 or many fields.
In my own case, I would say I’m a jack of all trades kind of guy. I do a little bit of just about everything the game has to offer.

I meant lack of, not non-existent. There are some, (5 out of 30 players) who I know will point out some good things, but clearly needs a tad more. Casual players are often overlooked, specially by Blizzard since Blizzard is very dedicated to their core loop. So, the louder the voice, the better.

I just wanted to reinforce how that’s an actual big thing that requires attention to bring people back to the game and why other games are actually striving, that’s all! <3

No, I’m not a raider but having someone comment on a difficulty they don’t do really shouldn’t be commenting. Nor should their opinion be taken with any weight past the difficulty they do.


This was my point. As usual, Blizzard further destroys this game in ignoring the real folks who play this game. Today was the first day I had no desire to log in and play. After all, millions have left this game and it will continue on. What a shame! I’ve been loyal to this game for years…tbh, since the beginning and I’ve watched this downward spiral ever since.


This sentence is a massive contradiction. If you represent a group of people, you are a leader of those people. It’s scary how many “council members” have your mindset.

I’ve noticed this, too.

You have to be kidding me lol

This is the scariest thing I’ve noticed. There are, outside of the “introduce yourself” section, blue posts. There’s no dialog at all happening. It’s a like a smaller, sadder GD cuz it’s the same 10 people making threads that are getting ignored, except this time they don’t even have the community to give feedback either.

This is the same guy that hawked his twitch stream, then his Twitter and won’t stop arguing with everyone on the forums. You need to massively lower your expectation of this person, lol.

I think you’re being overly optimistic about this, but I also hope I’m wrong.

This. I don’t know why they just won’t swallow their pride, give the employees what they rightfully deserve and get on with creating these games.