Community Council Members - Read

This sentence is a massive contradiction. If you represent a group of people, you are a leader of those people. It’s scary how many “council members” have your mindset.

Actually completely disagree. We signed up and were chosen because of our experience, most of the council members are not leaders within their respective communities. You can be part of a group, and represent it that way, without being a leader. We have been asked to speak for ourselves based on our experiences, nothing more.

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True. But I believe most players end up looking with hope that the people in the Council can be vocal for issues that afflict the whole community, sadly, it places a weight on the Council members shoulders that they clearly don’t deserve, but it’s not really possible to avoid. When a company never listen and then decided to listen to a few, those few will have people looking up to what they’ll do. It’s inevitable.

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Even professionals have limited attention spans. These are run on paragraphs flooded with emotion. They need to be constructive, concise, and data driven.


Those forums are just a copy of GD with few members selected, i don’t see that Blizzard provided a guideline which is unfortunate because it could be like a little bit more concise.

Feedback-RNG on Cosmetics

Issue: Cosmetics attached to low RNG which causes the following problems in the community:

  1. Burn Out: Example, Cosmetics like mounts, transmogs and others with drops below 1% and lockouts that doesn’t match with a player base that goes from players with 1 character, few characters or alts armies (12-50+ alts).


  • MoP world bosses: Comments like: " 06.11.2021
    Reins of the Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent
    Wow_1: 13 700
    Wow_2: 3300
    Will i collect 20 000 ?" - WoWhead By K1mBLee13

Which show how some cosmetics are almost impossible without a not life perspective, just a really huge time sink that i don’t think any Dev gets involved on that kind of commitment.

  • Change of Annivery mount from low % to 100 % because Community was vocal about this same issue.
    Insert comments or info if needed

  • Changes to Mechadone Achievement on 9.1.5 due to low drop rates.

Feedback and possible solution ideas:

  • Add bad luck mechanics like Shadowlands mounts from rare that are also in a vendor for grateful offerings.

  • Keep evergreen content, instead of lowering % for an expansion boss like Arthas, Garrosh, Argus, Adjust the fight to a similar level when it was current and keep the a high drop %, this will generate new cores around collecting old things in a challenge environment. (Similar to the mage tower)

… etc

Then provide also examples on how other games keep rarity on some cosmetics, because the own playerbase learned from the philosophies about rewards during years and now they’ve a mentaltiy that “I’ve it and you must suffer too” considering really bad drops as rarity.

Just an example, it will be a challenge for Blizzard to check some of those post without a specific template.

Also, i don’t get why Council members include TL:DRs to their post, those are pure feedback everyone involved should read the whole thing.


Reading some of the responses I am starting to think that a lot of people that signed up for the council didn’t understand what they were signing up for hoenstly.

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Because someone on GD here made a thread calling out the Council for writing long things. The thread specifically asked for TLDRs.

I have no plans to do that. My title makes it pretty clear what my post is about and the post is organized.

If Blizz wants a template they will provide one, maybe on the Focused Feedback type threads where Blizz starts it with a request for specific feedback.

The council is a way for players to have people that represent their voices. Most people aren’t leaders of anything, but that doesn’t mean because you signed up for this your aren’t seen as a leader and communicator for the players that share or do the same content as you. You were chosen for your experience because that is suppose to make it so you are capable of going through player feedback an ideas and present them to Blizzard because of the experience you have. Take ideas of your own, read what others have said that may be similar to your own and be able to adjust your ideas based on information. You aren’t put on a “community” council to just ignore the rest of the player base and only present ideas you want too.

Exactly my thought.
Far as I know is the one Bornakk one that asks a question on 9.1.5 I think.

The other posts reads like GD just less bickering.

It should be more organized by Blues and more interactive by them, which makes me feel this is just a hopeless ploy and too many people are getting wrapped up in the buzz word council like it’ll be a big voice.

People chosen, are not representing anyone, they are there to parlay their own experiences in the content they do.


THat is why people have been saying the CC forum needs to be organized in to sub forums or specific based on different aspects of the game from PVP to PVE, Open World ,Profs ,Classes etcetera. Kind of like how the channels are set up in the unofficial discord set up by one of the members so that the rest of us can interact with you all.

Doing that would decrease the possibility of multiple threads on the same exact topic and give players an easier way to find the topics that resonate with them the most .


I tried to do an example with a topic that bothers me as mount collector, however as a software consultant, man reading those threads are going to be really difficult for them.

Blizzard’s problem because they didn’t created a better tool and just used the same forums as a copy paste with a new role to enable the council members to post in that new section.


Problem I see in the discord is some of those channels get off topic. Like the WPvP channel suddenly turned into a conversion about racials in PvE. So you have a bunch of stuff in there that is unrelated that you have to sift through. I think a sub forums with those categories would be better though, in my eyes off topic things are less likely to happen.

They’ve gone down this road before in some way so you’d think they’d put a tad more effort if they REALLY wanted to turn a new leaf… you gave a proper example that is easier to digest so to speak.

It should of been selected members, an outline of how they’d like posts formatted and presented… or simply have a blue post with that all in mind to start topics on issues.

Players are really having way too high expectations on this tbh.

But the concept itself is solid . It is people that mess things up .

Difference is I don’t know how much the person running the discord knows about moving topics that belong in one channel and are made in one about a different topic.

THe forum mods however do . It is done all the time . If something comes up that is not a part of the topic of the thread it gets moved to the proper topic.

I have on good faith the current format of those forums isn’t finished. Nor are even all the council members selected yet. So we will have to see what happens I guess.

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No I agree it is. I would rather have that Discord than not have it honestly.

When there’s really low standards around a lot of things, everything becomes a high expectation… haha

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Another idea is do it like the Beta and the PTR forums where they have pre made topics with the Blue Blizz logo next to them .

You can move your own threads on the forums.

To move a thread just edit your original post. There is a drop down menu letting you move the whole thread to a different sub forum. Just select which forum you wish to have it on.

The Blues currently on the Discord are the CMs. So far it is just forum questions, admin stuff, welcome stuff. Pet pics. Chatter. All game content is to be posted on the forums. So there are no topics on the Discord related to the game. Unless you mean someone else’s personal discord then that is not part of the program.

I feel like is some of the most constructive criticism we as a community have had in a while.

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I don’t think any of us are on the official CC Discord but there are some of us on the unofficial one .

If you go back I did say