Community Council member unleashes their inner Worgen

Man these lore nerds are unbelievably annoying. I’m just glad they’re not bad people.

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This is due the cinematic assets, they might cannot replicate them. Alone his beard style is completely different.

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That and being years apart. Still could have tried to get the eyebrows and wrinkles right.

The grass is currently covered in snow, settle in.

its sad how the worgs were played but is anyone really shocked? blizz just got done finally ending their torture on night elves and gave them a gift of apolog after how many years? sadly, i think gilneas has no hope unless they really focus was more than 10 mins on them and thats as much as they could done since their release lol. cant even give em tails and that coulda been enough.

again i say sadly bc this is either it or they’ll come back around with a full fleshed gilneas/worg thing in about 20 years lol. they just do not care about this games story or models/cc at the end of the day and its sad. they handed it down the wrong folks.

Yep. I’m so disappointed I’m sincerely regretting buying the new xpac and resubbing. I definitely fell for the hype. Fooled again. You got me, Blizzard.

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Probably a style choice. Legion itself was meant to be mega dark and sort of gritty. DF not so much.

Citation please.


Dude, it’s a game. All of this is stupid and irrelevant. Just because other people prioritize other types of stupid and irrelevant than you doesn’t make them wrong.


You cannot cite that the masses aren’t, you could cite that the masses are if it was actually a fact. I applaud you on trying though.

Did that CC member just reveal they mod their client which is against the ToS? XD

I didn’t cite that. Someone else did. Do you have any idea how juvenile you sound?

Other poster who is not me : almost no one likes this.

You: you are wrong and…

Me: do you have a source Kiper?

You: you first…

Also what? I’m familiar that you can’t prove a negative but you don’t claim something that is merely a negative. If the masses aren’t dissatisfied they are…drum roll…satisfied. You can measure satisfaction. It can be quantified.

This is the second time I’ve seen you all high and mighty whilst using poor logic. You remind me of a child wearing a doctor’s uniform somehow thinking that makes them a doctor. I’m not saying you are dumb, but you’ve said dumb stuff unless I’m missing something very crucial. If I’m missing something, then enlighten me. But I forecast you’ll fade off into the void like last time we sparred.


Other than the potshots at High Elf fans in their post (… tbh we’re still not in much better a boat than before), I 100% agree with everything said therein.

I don’t even play a worgen that much, nor have a ton of attachment to Gilneas and its lore. But playing through the quest was simply atrocious. Lazy, slapdash, anticlimactic, and the rewards are an actual joke. Night Elves have gotten shafted a lot too, but at least our new city has a bloody portal back and forth to Stormwind. Gilneans weren’t even given that much.

If I didn’t know better, I’d have almost called this malicious with the way they’ve been treated. Blizzard needs to do better than this, and we know they can do better than this. The CC member is absolutely valid in being outraged by this sheer disrespect they’ve been shown for a decade.


Frankly, I’m not even sure they really read the council’s messages or take them on board if they’re not considered important…


looool that’s amazing, really?

No, felforsale, I do not have a source because it would be impossible to have a source. However, the claim that was originally made could easily have many sources if there were an overwhelming number of players crying for it.

Once a poster isn’t worth my time for discussion then I stop replying. I know this may be upsetting to you but you are not entitled a discussion, yet alone a response, from anyone here.

I wouldn’t go that far.

I think it’ll be used for an upcoming ''look how awesome this patch is!" filled with worgen tails and a few cosmetic additions for some other race, or some more fluff things to bulk up a lackluster patch lol


This is such a laughably stupid comment lmao. Yeah of course they won’t like everything hence why they’re complaining on the forums bro.

No matter what the anti-complainers insist, squeaky wheel got the grease when it came to orc priests.


I addressed that below. You can prove customer satisfaction which is the opposite of dissatisfaction. You act like the opposite of dissatisfaction is nothing and thus cant be quantified. So, citation please.


I’ve said I’m entitled to these things? Citation please.

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This is like going back and forth with a toddler.