Community Council = Fall Guy

I got a 1-week suspension for saying the same thing so be careful OP.

whoever wrote the original twitlonger is a loser LMAO

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You mean the biggest manchild in existence?

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Still entertaining

I would say his removal was justified

If y’all won’t allow FFXIV threads in GD there’s no way I’m allowing Fall Guys threads


Anyone who doesn’t think that needs to share where they purchase thier optimism from because it certainly isn’t Blizzard and I am in desperate need.

Sounds on-brand for current Blizzard.

“You wanted this! These people you’ve never heard of WE appointed to represent you said you wanted this!”


This is exactly how Blizzard has set it up.

Blizzard has all the feedback they could ever want right here on their own forums. The problem is they’ve ignored EVERY SINGLE BIT of it for YEARS.

Nothing will change.


They are unpaid members of the customer base trying to offer input to the game and make it better.

I have little to no hope they will actually get anything they suggest added, but saying they will be blamed for the game’s failures is a huge reach.

If Blizzard even tried to do this, any credibility they have left will be gone. The ultimate d*ck move imo.


:+1: you got that right. Sad to see this company going in this direction.

Well before they can play that card, they need to actually implement some of the bigger changes they brought up. Otherwise no one will buy them blaming someone for something they didn’t implement.

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Because it generates outrage. Outrage creates more traffic. And there will always be people who will always take things at face value if they line up with their biases. Regardless if the content is true or not. Even when it can be easily disproved. Anti-vaxxers and people who buy into news corp propaganda are examples of such people.

There is a reason why things like news corp keep attacking fact checkers. After all, never let the truth get in the way of a good story.

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I forgot who else said it but I believe that the reason they can't respond to every post is simply due to the fact that they have to edit and review everything they write with lawyers. and whatever else to ensure that no language is offensive nor derogatory and remains at best vague and not hinting at nor providing information about the next expansion or patches
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Sounds like management in retail aka Walmart blame teamleads cause my area sucks in operation and sales! #alwaysblamenextinline.

No this is a Fall Guy…


even eve bitters know CSM is not the deal they make it out to be. Being a front runner for one of the most toxic games ever…we throw blame. Blame like champs lol.

But we keep the blame on the people who wrecked, and are still wrecking the game. Devs, certain ones too. A power vacuum when they were poached hard years ago let some number 2’s become number 1’s. and they were number 2 in more ways than one if you catch my drift.