Ok time for feedback.
NTA is gone, thats a step in the right direction. Good on the dev for listening to people.
However, it lead to two unfortunate side affects.
- Steel trap still exists
- Coordlated blade was moved to its location.
Lets tackle number one.
First, NTA built up Steel Trap even though there wasnt any correlation between the two talents. What i mean is that when you went NTA you usually also went ST. Without NTA, ST sticks out like a sore thumb.
Second, where does ST fit now? Honestly, i dont really see a scenario where any spec WANTS to take ST.
Third, offensive traps are not fun to play. No one wants to ground target traps during a rotation. If it was a 3 min cd, id say MAYBE. Outside of that, and since blizz refuses to address ground targeted accessibility issues with target oriented spells, ST is DOA.
My suggestion: remove ST.
2nd suggestion: move it out of the way on a side somewhere where pvpers can get to it without it affecting pve builds.
First, lets talk optics. When you remove a highly-unliked spell and instead of replacing it with something new you just move another spell over, thats not being fixing a problem, thats being lazy and cheap. The hunter community sees it as lazy and cheap.
Second, we just got blade figured out in its location and it gets moved. You just made MORE work for everybody.
Third, blade is out of place now. Before, it was around the spells it changed, now its in the middle of the dead zone, ahead of DOA ST.
Now. If blizz would do two things:
- Remove/move ST out of the bottom AND
- Put blade back where it was before
There is a LARGE DEAD SPOT between the already and still dead KC talent, and chakrums.
Now, this might seem a little forward, and a bit frank but PUT SOMETHING NEW THEREEEEE!!!
One of the largest complaints about the hunter trees is that its boring, along with “using base shots as capstones.”
Here is my suggestion:
But with modifications of course.
Add the covenant leggo as another talent (fills nta spot)
Address accessibility concerns by making it castable on target.
This suggestion not only provides hunters with a nice big exciting cd that we dont have but it also gives choice. Right now, there is no choice.