Community Council discussion on Hunter design

If you swapped the positions of One with the Pack and Killer Command, OWTP would end up in a spot that is a cross point, a key pathing position for several other talents, even though you could get to it without even picking Wild Call itself.

The reason Killer Command is on the right side is because most of the nodes that somehow interact with Kill Command are on that side. Such as how Killer Command continues the theme of Barbed Shot into Qa’pla into Killer Command, and then continuing down the right side. The exception there being pure AoE stuff + Kill Shot nodes, because it would just be too much on one side, leaving the other side empty.

In that case, the sole access point to Thrill would be through One with the Pack, which is something I would like to avoid.

The reason all the Dire Beast stuff is on the right side is because of the interactions and heavy ties it/they have, both with Kill Command, again, the right side having a lot of focus on that, and also because they build on the reworked Aspect of the Wild(specifically one of the options in the choice node following Aspect of the Wild). The Dire Beast stuff have much more synergy and frequent interaction with Aspect of the Wild CDR than Call of the Wild, a 3min CD.

You are not responsible for the fate of hunters going forward into DF. Simple as that.

You have spoken for us multiple times, and more importantly, have been heard by those in charge. And you did it in a sensible, thoughtful and logical way. It’s all we can ask.

I really credit you for initiating some of the conversations and changes. However, some of the biggest stuff flaws for BM have already been addressed and they aren’t changing anytime soon. There is nothing you can do about that.

You already brought up Pet Pathing AI issues and the Animal Companion bugs. They already knew about them. They weren’t very concerned and MAY fix when they can. The immersion answer about pathing was ludicrous. You can’t fix that.

They also don’t seem particularly concerned about the limitations of not changing pet specs. Nothing you can do about that either.

You initiated conversations about the class and pets in a big way and things are much better than when we started. I’m hopeful they will continue to improve over time.

If you ever get the chance to finish what you have I would still post it because if class trees stay, your suggestions could also help in the future.

You made a difference and spoke for us and I thank you for that.


You are too kind. I don’t think I have as much of an impact as you think, but nobody can really know. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m just mostly bummed because posting this stuff is fun! More fun than I expected! And like I said earlier, I hate leaving things undone.

I think I’ll still share my BM/SV feedback primarily in the post regarding the question of class/spec design.


If your Busy as you obviously are, Its hard to stay current with the recent changes as well. I can imagine the editing needed after the last changes.

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Well, it looks like beta will be out in the next week or two, so take a look at the trees, bc thats what we are getting for the next 2 years.

Yes, I noticed the forums went from Alpha to Beta. Have to say Blizz is moving rather quickly here…

Same old Same Old gotta release by Christmas.

Beta is out and I got an invite. I just logged in to it.


Damn, grats.

If you could spare the time, it’d be great if you could share with any feedback on whether your favored BM/MM builds still play as well or better (relative to Shadowlands), and/or whether any new options really appeal to you.

Just gameplay-wise, of course, unless there are flaws with the actual functionality, not just tuning, that might otherwise be left until release.

BM plays fine on st and better in AoE.

I wonder if survival is going to be stuck with all those passive % damage increases. They have something like 14 talent points of nothing but % damage increases to one or two abilities per talent. Some of them are even doubled up both within the spec tree and across the class tree.

All pet damage % increase is both in class and spec tree.

Kill command damage % increase is in both class and spec tree.

Spear Focus and Sweeping Spear both increase mongoose bite damage by the same amount, except Sweeping Spear also affects raptor strike, butchery, carve, and is easier to path to.

Two different talents to increase the damage wildfire bomb does by a flat % not counting the one that gives it an extra charge (because that one does something extra or different).

This is just laziness. Replace those with something that has an additional affect. It’s pointless to have % increase that doesn’t have situational requirements or doesn’t also alter something about the game play because they’ll just balance the base attack power coefficients to assume you have them. I can understand 2 or 3 of these talents in a tree, almost every dps spec has a couple, but survival has 7 two point talents that in no way alters the abilities other than damage coefficients. Nobody else is even close except devastation evokers and even they only have 8 points worth, not 14.


The bolded part I am fine with. What I’m not okay with is that Sweeping Spear blocks access to Bloody Claws, especially given that Sweeping Spear already exists, and how obligatory Sweeping Strikes is (let alone how much a non-choice it makes of Sharp Edges).

Banal throughput nodes should essentially just be ways to forgo builds that have higher complexity (and accordantly slightly higher performance ceilings) and should therefore be those at the end of a given path (“terminal nodes”) or, at the least, non-unique paths — such that one can always take more gameplay-additive choices instead in pathing to a shared destination. They should simply create choices by which to take a simpler build for a duly lower performance ceiling for its heightened performance floor, not bloat pathing to desirable gameplay effects.

Why is there no gameplay-additive path to Coordinated Assault? Both Sharp Edges and Sweeping Spear are, after all, purely banal (non gameplay-affecting) talents. Similarly, why is the gameplay-affecting portion of specializing deep into Mongoose Bite locked behind a non-gameplay affecting portion? Those are my greater concerns.


i literally figured it out hunters have the least talents in there first section of Class talent trees compared to every other class… the problem is every other othere class tree starts with a spec driven choices ie. Stances for warriors. BM and SV shares Kill command so the who survival side of Class tree is MISSING. I think that Blizzards needs to really Identify what Survival Spec is so we cant get the rest of our tree… i really hope blizzard doesn’t feel like hunter trees are Finished or Completed

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I don’t suppose you could steal a dracthyr appearance using either prism or mirror and show off how it looks in combat as hunter?


I may stream it in a bit if anyone here is interested.

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Sadly I will be driving the next 3-4 hours so I won’t be able to watch, butngonna leave stream on to boost your views :smiley: can ya tag me if you decide to do my request?

I have some prisms so I’ll take a look in a minute


Is there no audio for this stream, or is it just me?

Thanks for recording! Kill Cleave looks like it hits hard and I hope it remains a noticeable spike through the tuning process- impactful button presses are fun.

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