Community Council discussion on Hunter design

You misinterpreted a bit of what I said, so let me clarify.

  1. 200%AP is a fair amount, however, considering it takes 2 points in NSW and 1 point in ST, the cost per dps leaves it pretty much in the negative. That means that there are other talents far better then ST.
  2. You have to take into consideration the trouble of ground targeting the trap, the issue of bosses not triggering traps (idk if its still that way), the potential for missing, and the 1.5 GCDs spent to use the trap. So the costs continue to rise.
  3. You obviously did not read the other comments that I made in the comment above. Since your still going off of the tooltips and not what i wrote, ill fix it in the tooltip just for you.

[Sniper Shot] ( PvP Talent
40 Focus 40 yd range
3 sec cast, 30-second cooldown
Take a sniper’s stance, firing a well-aimed shot dealing 400% Attack Power in Physical damage. Aimed Shot increases Sniper shot’s critical strike chance and critical strike damage, Sniper Shot refreshes the duration of Barbed Shot, and Raptor Strike decreases Sniper Shot’s cast time by 20%, stacks 5 times.

This is by far a better capstone than NSW and ST.

That’s not a problem with ST itself, but with its path.

That being said, that amount of Focus generation is not negligible, especially going into True Shots (more the case before ETF was forced), Killer Cobra BW, or a Spearhead (previously, CA).

And, for single-target, what else would you spend those 3 points to make Steel Trap “negative value”? Explosive Shot, for 60 less Focus for only 93% the damage. Stampede, for just half an Aimed Shot of damage and its brief +10% crit, only once per 2 minutes (decent for CA or Unerring True-Shot, but not much else)?

I commented on those as well. But if the only thing about Sniper Shot you’re keeping, despite removing it from PvP where it is actually valuable, why are you even calling it “Sniper Shot”?

That said, if those weren’t meant only as spitballs, they need fixing. They are also mostly backwards and largely passive.

  • Because this proposed “Sniper Shot” would require a prior Aimed Shot for full effect on MM, you wouldn’t want to open with it despite its long cast time; but MM is never going to go 30s in combat without a single AiS, making the “synergy” passive.
  • Similarly, you’ve very unlikely to go 30s in single-target without getting in at least 5 Raptor Strikes/Mongoose Bites, making that, too, effectively passive.
  • The only significant synergy is the Barbed Shot reset.

Finally, you’d need to balance the AiS bonus against that of BM (i.e., to 12.5%-15% on average). BM can amp every other Sniper Shot by 25%; MM cannot amp it at all via its CDs. SV cutting its global cost in half is significant, though I’d need more time to see by how much. And, ofc, BM’s Mastery would be completely wasted on it, unlike the other two’s. So you’ll need to adjust for that somehow. (Steel Trap, on the other hand, just ignored ALL Masteries.)

My main concern, again, though, is that your “synergies” are just… “Play MM, get bonus SnS crit; play SV, halve the uptime cost of SnS; play BM; increase the damage of every other SnS by 25%, and get a spare Barbed Shot per 30s.”

Make them scale more with/around deliberate play and it could be really cool, though. It’s just that, Barbed Shot aside, they’re not “synergies” so much as simply a very slight constraints (MM can’t open with SnS and BM needs to fit it into BW windows where possible, so long as its %AP is sufficient, and long-time cleave may cause SV to delay SnS use very slightly, if it’d otherwise have fewer than 3 stacks towards making next SnS instant—as 3 stacks is all it takes to keep its uptime cost down to a single GCD).

I agree with your assessment of the SV tree thus far. I would only add one more thing.

A talent with active synergy to reduce the cooldown of Flanking Strike.

I have almost entirely given up on the dream of being more than a 2 button rotation of KC and RS/MB. The closest we will become to a 3 button rotation is that we have a way to reduce Flanking Strikes Cooldown to make it more frequent than every 30 seconds.

I would love to see a talent where every 30 focus spent or every Kill Command would reduce the Cooldown of Flanking Strike. I would also love to see a talent that makes Flanking Strike give an buff of some kind that lasts X seconds to either the Pet or the Hunter. Either Increased Crit or Mastery or Haste. Something more than just Focus regen.

Especially with your assessment of the current problem with the Alpha Predator line in the general tree. If that cost continues to remain elevated then having a secondary source of Focus generation becomes highly valuable. Improved Harpoon might actually see some use if only for the Focus generation. I would rather see Flanking Strikes cooldown be lowered.

And I would much prefer an active way that revolves around synergy with other abilities to reduce the Cooldown like I stated above instead of simply tacking on a 7/15 second reduction to Tactical Advantage. Though even that would be a great improvement to the ability as a whole… It just is not engaging spec design at all.

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It was a mere spitball. Something that was already in the game that could be moved.
Plus, the synergies just show that it can be modified to fit the spec playstyles.
It would fit a 30 - 45 sec cd slot which I think hunters need.

I agree that Flanking Strike cdr would be a welcome addition to the single target rotation – it would also shore up the ability to not have to take Alpha Predator for the focus regeneration.

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All good then.

While it’s not great, though, they presently have that in NTA+Steel Trap, which offers a spike in Focus and in ST damage per 30 seconds all without the problematic imbalances in spec implications.

More simply put, yes, that capstone path can and should be improved upon in terms of gameplay interest, but what replaces it needs to be at least as viable across all specs as it was.

Gameplay-wise, the Focus cost will also be pivotal. Given the 2 GCDs’ time to cast it, you’re looking at effectively 50-55 Focus consumed for MM and SV, instead of 40 Focus granted. That can easily feel more like a boulder in the way of rotation than something that augments that rotation.

You may want to consider giving the skill itself CDR from Focus spent, as not to be overpowered in PvP as an opening shot by Camo-addicts, and rather than having other skills augment it in imbalanced fashion, perhaps have it augment skills thereafter, such as by simply having it briefly increase Mastery by a large amount (whatever could arrive at some 30% of the cheapest points-per-percent Mastery), fading over 8 seconds.

Such would free it up to work as an actual sniper shot while offering greater synergy and no balancing nightmares (especially so long as SV gets its Mastery fixed, which can be as simple as giving WFB a 10-Focus cost).

Yea, I can see the focus spent, but id push to blizz with either no focus cost, which id lean towards, and either lower the cast time to 2 sec with a 30 sec cd, or keep the 3 second cast/30 cd cd but have the cd reduced by haste. Id stay away from reducing cast time for lower damage amounts because then it becomes just a normal rotational shot and i think that is not what it needs to be. It needs to stay a heavy hitter, with a short cd, no focus, but i liked that cast time reduction for surv because you dont want to cast while melee, so your always going to have a insta cast SNS. Thats intended. The long cast time could be an issue with BM, but i figured if it renewed barbed shot then SNS long cast would replace the need to barb shot right afterwards. Could add a talent in the BM tree that has two points, decreasing SNS’s cast time by 1 second per point, but costs 10 focus per point. Thats 20 focus for a 1 sec cast SNS dealing 400%, 30 sec cd. That is quite reasonable.
Fo MM, of course the cast time is fine with the cd, no focus obviously. Could have it be affected by mm mastery. I dont know if i would add a proc to it. Honestly, blizz loves to nerf cool things like this down to the ground and make them more about the buff then about the shot. Could have it increase focus regen by 20% for 10 seconds. This actually makes a ton of sense because you would waant to time it with Trueshot and Trueshot always has issues with focus. So that would patch up a need really nicely.

The only difference between a Haste-based CDR (which tends not to be attached to anything so long) and spending-based CDR is downtime value. The burstier you make Sniper Shot, the more increasing its downtime value can be bad for PvP.

Similarly, you can’t have…

…all at once, especially when by “heavy hitter” you mean something like the strongest attack in the entire game (at 400% Attack Power). 400% AP at no cost per 30 seconds would just be flagrantly OP.

You would not want to time it to current True Shot. True Shot does not increase the per-use potency of any skills but Aimed Shot, and only indirectly (by reducing its uptime cost by 40%). You’d specifically want to make sure no part of your True Shot window is wasted by Sniper Shot.

I mean, I’d be all for just turning True Shot into a 25% Haste, and 25% further increased cooling speed for your damaging shots, but… the way True Shot works now is highly limited and has anti-synergy with all but Rapid Fire and Aimed Shot.

Consider, alternatively, a more balanced, low-bloat, inherently synergetic Sniper Shot that can function well as an opener or as a creator of mini burst windows.

Opening Shot
20 Focus. 50-yard range. 3-second cast. 1-minute cooldown.

Fire an opening shot and let havoc follow, dealing (160% of Attack Power) to your target and gaining 500 Mastery, fading over 6 seconds.

Every 5 Focus spent reduces the remaining cooldown of Opening Shot by 1% and the cast-time of its next use by 2%.

Simple, clean, with lower %Attack Power as not to overly favor SV/MM outside of Bestial Wrath or BM inside of Bestial Wrath.

I am good with that, however you still need to do something with Surv. Your not going to find too many who want to cast for 3 seconds every min, well more like 45 seconds. The 1% lower cast time for focus spent isnt going to lower the cast time enough for surv. Also with surv, mastery is just sooooo bad. Cast time + worst stat would lead surv to not touch it. Oh, and number 3, surv has what, 3 charges now with ca/sh/harpoon. You could open with the shot then charge in.

I’ve doubled the cast speed reduction, so it’ll already be an instant cast by the time you get it down to 30s via CDR.

That requires 250 Focus spent in 30 seconds, which should be pretty doable for most builds, though it will slightly favor builds that spend more towards Focus generation (at present, only a choice to SV). May tweak the exact Focus per % CDR further.

Yes, but that needs to be dealt with regardless. The last thing you want is to buff some fringe stuff specifically for SV only to then have Mastery go unfixed simply because those would then be OP (and therefore obligatory) for SV if its Mastery were fixed.

That’s the idea… for the opening shot. In continuous combat, the remaining shots should be instant-cast anyways.

Id be concerned with a big SnS cast out of camo with a big Sh charge.

Id be in favor of just adding a pvp modifier to it. Opening shot does 20% less dmg.

For pve bursty is fun. Its exciting. It lends itself into a highened awareness for the rest of the fight. Thats why when you lust on pull you have a tendency to do more overall dmg. That shouldnt suffer for pvp reasons. Add the modifier. Keep the damage up.

That’s why it’s down from your suggested 400% AP to the mere 160% AP there. It could be reduced further, though.

Right, but you can apply that in either of two ways, the initial damage (for which only BM has no effect from Mastery, but only BM can augment with CDs) or the attached effect.

If you want palpable synergy (it making your spec playstyle feel more impactful), that will primarily come from the attached effect, not the initial damage.

In either case, you’ve got some variance in that MM and SV can’t affect Opening Shot / Sniper Shot / whatever shot with damage CDs, but they can affect it with Mastery, while BM cannot affect it with Mastery, but can affect it with Bestial Wrath.

Had some time now after the week to go through the Beast Mastery tree in the latest build again. There are still some things I find a bit annoying. Mostly about accessibility and pathing/structure, but also regarding point requirements for many nodes.

I went and compiled an alternative layout, with a select few talent additions, much because I think the tree is fairly sparse in terms of available choices you can make. The talents are mostly the same as on the alpha, just some nodes have had their point requirements lowered, while keeping their relative effects intact. Note that I haven’t gone through every single talent and looked at the numbers, so take them for what they are.

Here’s an image of what I came up with. For anyone who wants to, it’s all available in the TalentTreeManager app from github. And if you want to read up on all the talents, even without TTM, click on the expandable tab below to get a complete list of the available talents in the concept.

Code to import into the TalentTreeManager

Also note that the node for Animal Companion is off on its own because I don’t want it to be a part of the tree itself, but for it to be a baseline passive choice people can make when they choose to play Beast Mastery. A choice that doesn’t have any impact on throughput.

Talent Summary

Beast Mastery Hunter Concept
Created with TTM Version 1.3.7
Number of talents: 41

Concept for Beast Mastery


Animal Companion

Your Call Pet additionally summons the first pet from your stable. This pet will obey your Kill Command, but cannot use pet family abilities.

I want this talent to be made a baseline passive effect. A choice that has no direct impact on increasing throughput, but instead is purely about the aesthetics/visuals of fighting with 1 or 2 pets.

-Row 1-

Cobra Shot
Talent type: active
Max points: 1 - Points requirement: 0
A quick shot causing Physical damage.

Reduces the cooldown of Kill Command by 1 sec.

-Row 2-

Talent type: active
Max points: 1 - Points requirement: 0
Fires several missiles, hitting all nearby enemies within 8 yards of your current target for Physical damage.

Barbed Shot
Talent type: active
Max points: 1 - Points requirement: 0
Fire a shot that tears through your enemy, causing them to bleed for damage over 8 sec.

Sends your pet into a frenzy, increasing attack speed by 30% for 8 sec, stacking up to 3 times.

Generates 20 Focus over 8 sec.

-Row 3-

Beast Cleave
Talent type: passive
Max points: 2 - Points requirement: 0

  • After you Multi-Shot, your pet’s melee attacks also strike all nearby enemies for 35% as much for the next 3.0 sec. Deals reduced damage beyond 3 targets.
  • After you Multi-Shot, your pet’s melee attacks also strike all nearby enemies for 75% as much for the next 6.0 sec. Deals reduced damage beyond 6 targets.

Wild Call
Talent type: passive
Max points: 1 - Points requirement: 0
Your auto shot critical strikes have a 20% chance to reset the cooldown of Barbed Shot.

Qa’pla, Eredun War Order
Talent type: passive
Max points: 2 - Points requirement: 0

  • Barbed Shot deals 10% increased damage, and applying Barbed Shot has a 50% chance to the cooldown of Kill Command.
  • Barbed Shot deals 20% increased damage, and applying Barbed Shot has a 100% chance to the cooldown of Kill Command.

Training Expert
Talent type: passive
Max points: 1 - Points requirement: 0
All pet damage dealt increased by 10%.

-Row 4-

Kill Cleave
Talent type: passive
Max points: 1 - Points requirement: 0
While Beast Cleave is active, Kill Command now also strikes nearby enemies for 50% of damage dealt.

One with the Pack
Talent type: passive
Max points: 1 - Points requirement: 0
Wild Call has a 10% increased chance to reset the cooldown of Barbed Shot.

Kindred Spirits
Talent type: passive
Max points: 1 - Points requirement: 0
Increases your maximum Focus and your pet’s maximum Focus by 20.

Killer Command
Talent type: passive
Max points: 1 - Points requirement: 0
Kill Command damage increased by 10%.

Sharp Barbs
Talent type: passive
Max points: 1 - Points requirement: 0
Barbed shot damage increased by 15%.

-Row 5-

Talent type: passive
Max points: 1 - Points requirement: 8
Targets struck by Kill Command during Beast Cleave also start to bleed for Physical damage over 6 sec.

Kill Command has a chance to immediately reset its cooldown when used while Beast Cleave is active.

Thrill of the Hunt
Talent type: passive
Max points: 3 - Points requirement: 8

  • Barbed Shot increases your critical strike chance by 3% for 8 sec, stacking up to 1 time.
  • Barbed Shot increases your critical strike chance by 3% for 8 sec, stacking up to 2 times.
  • Barbed Shot increases your critical strike chance by 3% for 8 sec, stacking up to 3 times.

Pack Tactics
Talent type: passive
Max points: 1 - Points requirement: 8
Passive Focus generation increased by 100%.

Aspect of the Beast
Talent type: passive
Max points: 1 - Points requirement: 8
Increases the damage and healing of your pet’s abilities by 30%.

Increases the effectiveness of your pet’s Predator’s Thirst, Endurance Training, and Pathfinding passives by 50%.

Cobra Senses
Talent type: passive
Max points: 1 - Points requirement: 8
Cobra Shot reduces the cooldown of Kill Command by 1.0 sec.

Talent type: passive
Max points: 1 - Points requirement: 8
Increases the base duration of the bleed effect of Barbed Shot, and the duration of Frenzy by 1 sec.

Critical damage dealt by Kill Command is increased by 10% against bleeding targets.

-Row 6-

Talent type: passive
Max points: 2 - Points requirement: 8

  • When you cast Barbed Shot, your pet stomps the ground, dealing Physical damage to all nearby enemies.
  • When you cast Barbed Shot, your pet stomps the ground, dealing Physical damage to all nearby enemies.

#18 Bestial Wrath
Talent type: active
Max points: 1 - Points requirement: 8
Sends you and your pet into a rage, instantly dealing Physical damage to its target, and increasing all damage you both deal by 25% for 15 sec. Removes all crowd control effects from your pet.

Aspect of the Wild
Talent type: active
Max points: 1 - Points requirement: 8
Fire off a Cobra Shot at your current target and 1 other enemy near your current target. For the next 20 sec, your Cobra Shot will fire at 1 extra target and Cobra Shot Focus cost reduced by 10.

-Row 7-

In for the Kill
Talent type: passive
Max points: 1 - Points requirement: 8
Kill Command has a 10% chance to reset the cooldown of Kill Shot, and causes your next Kill Shot to be usable on any target, regardless of the target’s health.

A Murder of Crows / Bloodshed
Talent type: choice
Max points: 1 - Points requirement: 8

  • Summons a flock of crows to attack your target, dealing Physical damage over 15 sec. If the target dies while under attack, A Murder of Crows’ cooldown is reset.
  • Command your pet to tear into your target, causing your target to bleed for damage over 18 sec and increase all damage taken from your pet by 15% for 18 sec.

Barbed Wrath
Talent type: passive
Max points: 1 - Points requirement: 8
Barbed Shot reduces the cooldown of Bestial Wrath by 12.0 sec.

Dire Beast
Talent type: active
Max points: 1 - Points requirement: 8
Summons a powerful wild beast that attacks the target and roars, increasing your Haste by 5% for 8 sec.

Master Handler / Snake Bite
Talent type: choice
Max points: 1 - Points requirement: 8

  • Each temporary beast summoned reduces the cooldown of Aspect of the Wild by 2.0 sec.
  • While Aspect of the Wild is active, Cobra Shot deals 30% increased damage.

Flamewaker’s Cobra Sting
Talent type: passive
Max points: 2 - Points requirement: 8

  • Cobra Shot has a 10% chance to make your next Kill Command consume no Focus.
  • Cobra Shot has a 20% chance to make your next Kill Command consume no Focus.

-Row 8-

Call of the Wild
Talent type: active
Max points: 1 - Points requirement: 20
You sound the call of the wild, summoning 2 of your active pets for 20 sec. During this time, a random pet from your stable will appear every 4 sec to assault your target for 6 sec.

Scent of Blood
Talent type: passive
Max points: 2 - Points requirement: 20

  • Activating Bestial Wrath grants 1 charge of Barbed Shot.
  • Activating Bestial Wrath grants 2 charges of Barbed Shot.

Dire Command
Talent type: passive
Max points: 2 - Points requirement: 20

  • Kill Command has a 15% chance to also summon a Dire Beast to attack your target for 8 sec.
  • Kill Command has a 30% chance to also summon a Dire Beast to attack your target for 8 sec.

Cobra Commander
Talent type: passive
Max points: 2 - Points requirement: 20

  • When Cobra Shot hits a target, there’s a chance that this summons 2 snakes to poison the enemy, dealing Nature damage over 3 sec.
  • When Cobra Shot hits a target, there’s a chance that this summons 4 snakes to poison the enemy, dealing Nature damage over 6 sec.

-Row 9-

Endless Wrath
Talent type: passive
Max points: 2 - Points requirement: 20

  • Bonus Kill Shots granted by Kill Command extend the remaining duration of Bestial Wrath by 1 sec, and increase the damage bonus it grants by an additional 5% while it’s active.
  • Bonus Kill Shots granted by Kill Command extend the remaining duration of Bestial Wrath by 2 sec, and increase the damage bonus it grants by an additional 10% while it’s active.

Brutal Companion
Talent type: passive
Max points: 1 - Points requirement: 20
When Barbed Shot causes Frenzy to stack up to 3, or when you refresh it while at 3 stacks, your pet will immediately use its special attack and deal 100% bonus damage.

Wailing Arrow
Talent type: active
Max points: 1 - Points requirement: 20
Fire an enchanted arrow, dealing Shadow damage to your target and an additional Shadow damage to all enemies within 8 yds of your target. Targets struck by a Wailing Arrow are silenced for 5 sec.

Dire Frenzy
Talent type: passive
Max points: 1 - Points requirement: 20
Dire Beast lasts an additional 2 sec and deal 30% increased damage.

Cobra Strikes
Talent type: passive
Max points: 1 - Points requirement: 20
Cobra Shot now strikes one additional target while Aspect of the Wild is active.

-Row 10-

Wild Instincts / Bloody Frenzy
Talent type: choice
Max points: 1 - Points requirement: 20

  • While Call of the Wild is active, Barbed Shot has a 25% chance to gain a charge any time Focus is spent.
  • While Call of the Wild is active, Barbed Shot affects all of your summoned pets.

Feeding Frenzy
Talent type: passive
Max points: 1 - Points requirement: 20
Casting Barbed Shot increases the initial damage dealt by Bestial Wrath by 100%, stacking up to 4 times. If the initial hit critically hits the target, this increases the damage bonus of Bestial Wrath by an additional 10% for the duration.

Killer Cobra / Rylakstalker’s Piercing Fangs
Talent type: choice
Max points: 1 - Points requirement: 20

  • While Bestial Wrath is active, Cobra Shot resets the cooldown on Kill Command.
  • While Bestial Wrath is active, your pet’s critical damage dealt is increased by 35%.

Dire Pack
Talent type: passive
Max points: 1 - Points requirement: 20
Every 5 Dire Beasts summoned resets the cooldown of Kill Command, and reduces the Focus cost and cooldown of Kill Command by 50% for 8 sec.

Edit: The auto-generated talent list in the tab has been made more readable.


The auto-generated summary can be a bit hard to read… (see example below)

…but the pathing and much of the point distributions are looking notably improved.

Feels a little weird forcing Animal Companion, but I suppose that’s better than it not being hard to path to while getting access to more palpably gameplay-affecting talents.

By making it baseline, we’re also unable to get any augmentors (e.g., getting access to both pet’s affinities or abilities), but since we’ve never had such available to use anyways… /shrug

It was added and read before I posted. Making it have no effect on throughput also makes it unable to be augmented or made able to affect utility in any way. Personally, I’d rather be allowed to invest in it to granular degrees than have it just be solely a visual perk.

But, again, it’s not like we had any such options for it beyond added AA damage before, so that’d be new territory anyways.

Forgot to add the note about AC at first. See below:

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By “no effect on throughput” I simply meant that it should split pet damage equally between the two main pets(50/50). Obviously the second pet should deal damage. I just don’t want it to be a choice to consider for directly increasing your throughput.

As an example, on live, picking AC gives you that second pet, and both your main pets now deal 65% of normal damage(though, the AC doesn’t use Basic Attacks like Bite, Claw, Smack). All in all, this makes it a net damage increase over the baseline. This is the part that I want to avoid.


I went over the auto-generated talent list in the expandable tab, at least it’s somewhat more readable now^^


So I found that video btw. You forgot to mention that the kid is lamenting the fact that ST isnt accessible with the current pathing. One of the reasons it is inaccessible is because of how much dmg ExShot does in, appartently, 100-0 4gcd burst combo. That is likely to be nerfed …

Got me, I guess? I don’t see where I’m hiding the ball or misconstruing what he said.

And I don’t think killing someone over the course of 4 gcds—three of which include a 2 minute cd, a 45 second cd, and a 30 second cd—is so gamebreakingly overpowered that it has to be nerfed.

I haven’t been arguing for the removal of Steel Trap or anything like that, I think it’s great PvP ability, but where it is in the tree and the fact that Nesingwary’s gates it—let alone exists—need to change.

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It’s probably been said here, but I’d like to reiterate that swapping pet specs was amazing when we were able to do that. I love a lot of the cunning models and I hate not being able to use them because it puts us at a severe disadvantage in M+ and raids.


You go out of your way to pick a class you apparently know little about to go from simply noting what’s wrong with your own tree to telling said class how much better they have it… and you’re mad that someone from that class noted why your take is uninformed at best despite their agreeing with you about Hunter’s Trees?

I do feel like it needs further PvE vs. PvP adjustment, though, at least to the point it’d be worth taking for something like Fortified high tiers of M+.

If at least it took a ton more damage to break in PvE or… something.