Community Council discussion on Hunter design

I want that from my pretty Panther

Pretty sure Legion Lacerate was only 233.3% AP…

That’s not the only relevant question, though. If you could do the same damage in one GCD as would take another class 7 GCDs, you’re getting effectively 6 more GCDs uptime per that cooldown.

And in this case, if it’s a true pet ability, it won’t take even 1 GCD of uptime. You have to tune for the lack of opportunity cost, as well, not just the frequency with which the burst damage is dealt.

As such, you’d likely be looking at something nearer to around an effective 180% AP at most for a mere 20s pet CD.

And that “effective” AP would have to account, too, for its being an auto-crit, if you chose to do that.

Hmm yeah not sure why that would read 960% then lol. You’re right wowhead confirms 233.3%AP.

This is also true and can be tuned to reflect the GCD costs ratios. Plus factoring a new lower AP%.

This is definitely not a pet ability. It would be a mew punchier tier of Raptor Strike. Devilsaurs are much bigger than Raptors, avian or otherwise.

I like the Auto crit from behind as it plays into the class fantasy. I also like the reduction of CD per RS/MB crit. It could be 20second cooldown or with enough crit it could be 12.

Ahh, I had thought it was a meant to be an actual Devilsaur ability. My fault for not following the reply-chain up high enough.

Has anyone with Alpha, tested BM AoE? On live Wild Spirits props up BM AoE. Since Wild Spirits is gone, wondering how BM AoE is.

Hardly anything is actually implemented and functional right now.

This is the sorriest class tree. Looking at the shaman tree getting everything right in the first draft, I’d be rioting in the alpha forums. The utter lack of creativity and disconnect from the hunter playerbase.


I so wish we could see how these are working in game! I can’t tell if I should be really excited or terribly frustrated.

Below is my first attempt at a revised MM Hunter spec tree for DF. I have noted some differences and/or changes from the current tree. All other nodes have their current abilities & descriptions intact.

The intent was to provide a bit of flexibility while plainly indicating which selections are for AoE vs ST. This tree includes a new Aimed Shot bleed, as well as bringing back Sniper Training with some enhancements. All percentages and durations are subject to changes, as necessary. I also wanted a bit of symmetry in the look of the tree itself.

The text below does allow access (spaces added to break the link). I cannot post the actual link. Please don’t ban me, I worked hard on this. Accessing the information is completely at the discretion of the user.
https: //imgur. com/a/ BMazSmF

You won’t get banned for posting links. If you don’t have the trust level you can surround the link with backquotes `like this` which turns it into a code block for easy copy-pasting:

In any case here’s the embedded link:

Thank you, Bepples.

It took me a while reorganizing the nodes to create better symmetry, as well as a more logical predecessor/successor layout. I’m still not sure about combining Volley/Double-Tap, but felt it was a decent compromise for the extra abilities that were added. The Piercing Shots talent was included (and modified) since I didn’t see any reference to the current Master Marksman bleed mechanic in the DF information. < [In the Class Tree, will need to be modified.]

Again, this is a rough draft and is open to suggestions. I didn’t analyze damage potential or throughput. There is a total of 37 nodes and maximum skill points of 50. The point total is a bit low when compared to other trees, but this can be adjusted.

EDIT: I just realized I forgot to add a link from Careful Aim to the Lone Wolf placeholder node.

EDIT2: Unintentional bonus, the tree is in the shape of an arrowhead. I have an idea of shaping the BM tree like the face of a wolf.

EDIT3: Removed the link to True Shot from Lone Wolf. Added a single node after Lone Wolf (if it remains) for Primal Rage [only usable with Lone Wolf active].

Okay, I finally made my first two posts.

I only posted about half of what I wanted to – since I was already hitting fourteen pages in my rough draft.

I covered the following:

  1. The issue of bloat (I have facts to back this up! The numbers are a little shocking, honestly)
  2. The odd placements and pathing issues in the trees
  3. The general class tree
  4. MM tree

I’ll be covering both the BM and SV trees another day, along with more “miscellaneous” points that many players have brought up on this forum – like the lack of abilities for SV, the lack of “cool stuff” for the Hunters in general, and so on.

EDIT: I’ll be also discussing themes more deeply. That goes without saying, I think.

EDIT 2: Yes, I’ll cover Lone Wolf. Don’t worry about that!


Below is my first attempt at a revised BM Hunter spec tree for DF. I have noted some differences and/or changes from the current tree. All other nodes have their current abilities & descriptions intact. The multi-point talents are not complete.

I am painfully aware that I am limited on detailed characteristics of BM Hunter (I played during BfA while running dungeons). This is a rough draft intended on providing a template that can be built upon. There is still much that needs to be improved. I wanted to try and add options to interact with pet abilities but ran out of time. The shape of a wolf’s head was intentional.

The text below does allow access (spaces added to break the link).

https:// imgur. com /a/7hrUxZC

Well done water!

I will have my generic tree AND a surv tree ready for you to look at for ideas here in the next day or so. I would like to see you post them on cc and alpha so they reach blizz and hopefully fix many issues with surv.

However, after reading your initial notes, i do want to suggest being a bit more critical about some of the things on the trees. For instance, you mention how traps are situated yet you dont clarify that most people want nesingwary’s gone. So you offer insight but you dont offer suggestions.
I did like how you pointed out there is a little identity, which there is, however you didnt point out that there is zero direction in the tree. I did like how you pointed out issues with pitch points in the tree.
I hope your substantially more critical with msv. It has no identity, no direction, the tree is a mess, and is boring af.
Oh, also, you forgot to mention that the generic tree, and the spec tree are absolutely boring af. There is no excitement. Ive heard this across the hunter playerbase. Everyone goes to the other trees and are like wowwww, but then return to the hunter tree and are like ugh, then exit the window. This is especially true for msv.


Thank you Watermist! Youre doing the Lords work for the Hunter community!!! Thanks for the Link in the Alpha forums! Hopefully the devs respond and meet your level of depth and length in kind!


Keep on 'em!!

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Put a baby in me mist! Lol

Don’t worry, that is coming.

Generally, the way I tend to compose my posts is by starting out with the “facts” — things that’s plain to see, and not subjective. Hence why I started with the nodes — then I move onto the least “hot-button” thing I could (in this case, the question of whether Blizzard met their own goal of clear themes in each tree) before I come swinging out of the gate with the real hard-hitting stuff (the critical things).

So, I’m gonna write a similar post on BM and SV, and then I’ll make a post about the “miscellaneous” stuff I mentioned: Lone Wolf, lack of active talents for all trees especially SV, and the fact that the Hunter trees aren’t really exciting.

As a matter of fact, for that last thing I mentioned? I plan to cite some of the past things that Hunters used to have — exotic ammo (I could’ve gotten the name wrong), Powershot, Titanstrike, Windburst and the such.

If you guys don’t mind sharing with me what old ability Hunters used to have, and doesn’t exist anymore in retail and isn’t in DF, that you guys loved and miss, then please share with me! I can’t remember them all.

Also, I’m glad you guys are satisfied with the first half of my post. :slightly_smiling_face:


#[Updated for Dragonflight] Munitions - If RSV was to return

You might find a thing or two in there, where there are abilities/effects that I would like to get back. :upside_down_face:

And no, I’m not here to start the debate back up. It just boggles ones mind how, after all the things they’ve said, both historically, as well as future design philosophies regarding the class, how they still haven’t brought the spec back for us. Not to mention how inconcistent they’ve been with how they applied their logic, and how they’ve judged class and spec design for hunters compared to other classes. My point of referense here is mostly from Legion and onwards.

The specific points of this have already been voiced before, where such inconcistencies, or fault of logic have occurred.

Also, thanks for linking to my topic on the hunter forum, regarding the class tree and Beast Mastery!


Mist, i am working on a full new tree for surv and have one for the generic tree.

Ill post them again soon after revisions. There is plenty of amazing ideas you can pull from them to help blizz with the trees. Ghorak has seen my generic tree and states it is quite good.