Community Based Retail Server (Retail Server with Classic Approach)

I’m sorry, but your thought process is very ironic…

“You have your own game now, so quit trying to suggest changes to modern wow. Oh yea, Classic wow was a mistake though and it (not the bad design of retail) divided the player base!”

Half of what you are saying is slowly “dividing the community”. You want easy mobs that are mindless to kill, to be able to press a button and join a dungeon, without EVER needing to say a word to anyone. In fact, you could easily go months without speaking to another soul in retail…

So again, which side is actively trying to sever the playerbase?:roll_eyes:

All these people are asking for is a feeling of having a community in wow.

In my opinion, you should be wanting some sort of community again.

Nyaria and I don’t agree often - but they’re right on this. Taking additional dev time away from retail for the sake of enforcing arbitrary rules when we already have classic and retail is silly in my opinion. We need to stop trying to redesign the past and now and stick with better designs for the future.

How about instead of this nonsense, we just give incentives (nothing aggressive) to people for grouping and guilding on their realm? +10% bonus to WQ rewards or XP gained for grouping with members of your guild. Small crap like that.


Sounds better than Warmode.

Could classify it like they do guild dungeons / guild raids.

X amount of members of your party needs to be part of the same guild to qualify.

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Problem with saying “you guys have classic” though, Is not everyone wants to play classic.

In fact, the biggest part about classic is the community being back.

Why not make this possible on retail? It honestly takes little to no work doing something small like making one realm unable to do CRZ type of stuff.

If you want community, you can get it on Retail, it’s just not absolutely forced onto people anymore.

So I see no reason to devote time and resources to this third off shoot of wow, that isn’t needed in the slightest.


Except they put in Cross realms in order for people’s servers to feel less dead and for there to be more options in community. People just choose not to actually converse with one another, and that’s on the person. If they don’t wanna chit chat then they don’t want to chit chat.

A lot of the reason there was a community in Classic was because people had no idea what they’re doing, you didn’t have LFG/LFR systems to look for groups, and you had to heavily communicate certain things. Amongst people just wanting to chat.

Some people don’t want that, and don’t care to. I chat with randoms from time to time and don’t care. But other times I don’t want to chat with randoms.

^ This.

Perhaps not little to no work, but how hard would it be to turn off heirlooms, cross server transfers, auto-queue buttons, etc.

The nay sayers are creating a straw man argument.

I think their biggest fear would be how successful such servers might be and further relegate modern “convenience” oriented cross realm auto queue gaming servers to the backseat.

That’s a legitimate fear, actually.

But it should tell them something about the game they are playing.

TBH I don’t really see how there’s much of a straw man argument when again you can’t solely blame the lack of community just on Blizzard. It isn’t just on Blizz. It’s also on the people to decide whether or not they want to make a thriving community or not. Some people don’t care to be social as people did in Classic.

I play on both RP realms and Non-RP realms. And I’m not even talking about solely people that RP. There is indeed a community of people that Don’t RP and still hang around. I’ve also seen communities in my PvP realm that I main on.

You don’t have to level with heirlooms. I’ve seen people do those iron man challenges, or simply level without. And you can choose to be social with others whenever you want, same with people can choose to be social with others if they want.

And, personally… I don’t care for the auto queue button since I don’t really rely on it as I have a guild… So, idc if that goes personally :stuck_out_tongue:. But again Cross Realms were made for people’s servers to feel less dead.

You tell me. Are you a programmer? Surely you remember the mighty 7.3.5 patch where doing some minor tweaking to leveling resulted in LFR and multiple instances at cap also being busted and incapable of being completed.

Blizzard games (WoW especially) are victims of spaghetti coding. You go to tweak some quest in BFE and watch as the world breaks entirely. It’s happened before.

Regarding this:

I don’t think people having a differing opinion is automatically a straw man. I think trying to bring back community is a good thing. I don’t think separating the player base even further is a good idea. We already have 4 separations going on between if someone is Horde or Alliance, and on Classic or Retail. Why not take from classic’s good aspects and try to work it in somehow to Retail as a base idea rather than separate people further?


^ pretty much this…

So? you retailers have your anonymous LFD tool to pull in randos across the game for you to never see again. what do you care about server populations? You’ll still be able to play the game as a tourist with other tourists.

LFD isn’t the only thing on retail, you realize that right? Server populations mean something for guilds looking to recruit. Among other things. Leave the snark at home and have an actual discussion.

Because that idea triggers retailers hard?

Adding a new server type isn’t suggesting changes to fix modern WoW.

I never once said it was a mistake.

Both sides divided the playerbase. And not once have I ever stated retail didn’t have issues.

Please show me where I said I want this.

Convenience for casuals is not a bad thing.

People can if they choose, yes. And that’s their choice. I could do the same in Vanilla. I can do the same in Classic. As a matter of fact, I actually am right now, because my guildies aren’t really playing Classic. This isn’t new.

If you notice, I said one vs the other. Both sides are to blame.

And dividing people into a different type of server and different type of retail game doesn’t fix retail. That’s not changes to the game. That’s division of the playerbase.

You want more community? Start with more Connected Realms and get rid of CRZ. Add layering in the same manner as Old Republic’s and trash sharding.

Start with bringing back guild permissions and different types of guild perks. Add incentives to groups who join without auto queue. Stop throttling XP when joining people in a group. (Party Sync is the start of that.)

That’s the kind of changes retail needs. Not a separate server of half Classic and half retail bs.

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The straw man argument is this notion of “it will take too many resources away from regular retail WoW” which somehow implies doing some of these things are some great undertaking when it’s pretty obvious they are not. It also implies resources are finite, when they are not. Finally, it implies that it’s all a zero sum game, as if no new or returning players might be enticed to a retail version of wow that has a better server/realm/social environment.

As for the community thing…hmmm…I have leveled a nightborne mage to 76 and I’ve not met one person of note after many many dungeons and visiting many many zones. This is the exact opposite of what I am experiencing in classic WoW.

And yes, rulesets matter, in fact they extremely important. You can’t expect a community and social experience to flourish if your rulesets do everything to undercut it.

I mean I wouldn’t necessarily say this is the case. My first guild coming back from WoW was found through the LFD tool. And I’ve also had some pretty nice chats with other people depending on if I’m feeling chatty or not. You can very well add the person and do more content.

Also, you can care about your servers population even if you use LFD.

Side note: I actually like and miss certain things from Classic and wouldn’t mind it being brought back in some sort of way in Retail… So, idk I think it’s very subjective to some retailers.

I love Classic and it’s game systems and philosophies. With that said I enjoy modern WOW too. But I don’t love it like I love Classic. When I play Classic I never want to log off, and when I do I can’t wait to get back on. In modern WOW I actually choose to take breaks days, maybe weeks at a time.

It seems to me Classic is much more of an MMORPG than today’s version. I realize a lot of the charm comes from the absence of many quality of life changes, the speed at which game play happens and the organic social interactions and bonds formed between total strangers. These things are very different in the current game and some may say it’s a detriment to the game. And I have to admit, I believe it.

There are a few glaring things that I feel could change in modern WOW and it would be an overall improvement. I think Titanforging item mechanics could be removed as well as the auto Q systems.

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This is all fair. No question. I agree with a lot of this, including with enjoying Classic’s aspects in this department. What I don’t agree with is how we’re talking about separating people further. That’s my complaint with this proposition.

Like I said. Bring forth incentives for the community on retail as well. In the current moment, being in a guild means nothing. All being in a guild is good for is the social experience. The loss of master looter, guild specific ranks, and overall just the complete lack of emphasis on guild life has resulted in people not even trying to be social, even more than before. At least when there was more point to guilds, people sought a reason to join them.

Bring an emphasis back on guild life and social etiquette. Trash warmode bonuses and bring in guild and friend bonuses instead. We get experience buffs for playing with our friends in other games like Overwatch and Heroes of the Storm, why wouldn’t we get it here? A 10% buff to experience while leveling with a guild mate or someone on your real ID would be a hell of a lot more fun than Warmode’s current incentives, and it would make it so people would have a point to socializing more.

That’s your own worthy opinion if you haven’t found anyone worth noting during your leveling experience. But that isn’t the case for everyone, especially if someone is new to the game and is actively chatting with people to understand more about the game or simply be social. And, leveling also depends on shards your in, since you could very well be in different shards as other levelers, or people just might not be leveling in the same area or time as you.

Except in a way that’s not really a straw man argument? You’re essentially asking Blizz to create a dev team strictly to making these ‘special servers’ that you’re wanting, are you not? Because, that’s basically what would happen. And, if they have to pull people from either teams they probably will. It would also take time investment from blizz for those servers to be created and specialized in the way you want.

It also separates people even more. Like other people have said, rather than separate people through simply servers why not just add things to the current existing servers that people may like from wow. Rather than dividing people even further, why not just implement it in the current game’s servers? I can’t really see how that’s too much to ask for really.

I mean, idk this is a bit situational since some of the things I feel listed aren’t really a huge deal in regards to community. I feel a good part of some community issues is that they’ve basically gutted the guild systems in multiple ways that there’s really no point to being in a guild unless for friends.

Edit: Also, like I said idrc if LFG systems get removed, I don’t really use it or care to use it that often unless to level. And even then I haven’t really been queing for dungeons all that often after level changes here and there.

More subs generates more revenue, which generates more profit, which generates more internal investment. These resources were not wasted. They generated more dollars to go into R&D to create more content for you. Classic is a good thing. I’ll never try retail, i’m here just for classic. I’m not upset my sub revenue is going to generate content for YOU. You shouldn’t be upset either man.