Community Based Retail Server (Retail Server with Classic Approach)

I totally agree with all of this.

I absolutely think Blizz should do everything in its power to make guilds matter more and be one of the cornerstones of the game.

This I agree with and would love for them to look into more incentives for guilds and simply give guilds more love.

I’d like to see Blizzard re-visit the idea of select servers being similar to Vanilla/Classic in that there is no cross-realm play (transfers still allowed off though.)

It’d be an interesting experiment and wouldn’t really cost Blizzard much to try.

I’m not upset that classic is generating revenue and I’m not trying to dispute it’s launch success. I’m upset that the cost of developing it was basically the entire bfa expansion.

I’d rather not sacrifice another expansion’s development resources for this awful idea the op has.

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Crazy concept, but queue’s are really short when people actually both want to and have reasons to do dungeons. Unfortunately, there’s 50 game modes and such a low difficulty ceiling that the rewards have to be terrible that it takes a Mythic +10 for a dungeon to be worthwhile

You’re not sacrificing anything. You had a net GAIN from your “sacrificed resources.” It’s an investment, that only retail players will reap the rewards from.

Your only thinking monetary gain. Look how poorly received bfa is, look how much faith people have lost in blizzard because of it. Sure we probably a good amount of revenue but it still cost us an entire expansion.

You don’t, and refuse to, play live so I don’t expect you to understand. But there were a lot of things sacrificed to give you classic.

Either way you look at it, it’s a gain for retail over all. More money, means more R&D, which leads to better expansions. Hopefully with the increased funds they can do more RESEARCH on what you guys want in retail. I don’t know what else was sacrificed for you guys that can’t be equated in dollars, help me out?

No one should be hating that Classic came out. Blizzard launching the original version of the game for the second time has been hands down the best thing to happen to (not only the gaming sphere as a whole but) the brand, World of Warcraft, in many years.

Classic has generated so much interest and revenue it simply is impossible to be a loss. Blizzard is literally printing money with what they’ve done. Their decision to attach Classic to an existing sub to modern WOW was also a huge power play. When people are burnt from the grind on Classic they can ease up and play some hard, fast, instantly gratifying modern WOW; and vice versa.

I love Classic but I also enjoy modern WOW. I just hope that Blizzard identifies the success of Classic and uses it to influence modern WOW - note that I didn’t say make them identical, because no one wants that. With that said I’m very much looking forward to what they do with the next expansion now that they’ve hopefully learned with BFA and now Classic.

They will never do that.

Having Lfr and Lfg improves the game, while you can still do it the old way.

The classic complaints, about having to group beg have already started. It will only get worse as people all are higher level.

Oh…is this a thing now??

We’re World of Warcraft players.

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Wow! Really?!?

“the entire bfa expansion” Really?!?

That’s a ludicrous statement based on nothing and flies in the face of the fact that BfA had extremely high production values. Yes, the design decisions were very poor (extending from the malaise that plagues retail in general and has for some time now) but it wasn’t a matter of a lack of manpower or resources being diverted elsewhere.

I’d rather not take feedback from someone like yourself that doesn’t even dain to recognize basic reality.

“…this awful idea the op has”."

Yeah, combine the best of retail with the best of classic and then put it on select servers that people have the option of choosing (but are not forced to) …such an awful boneheaded idea.


No it doesn’t. In its current format it has been a detriment. Keep its functionality but limit it to battle groups or some sort of smaller player base so maybe just maybe community will return.

Your unproven but possibly longer queues will be tolerable .

I disagree, especially about LFR and the button to auto queue for dungeons. The issue is that these sorts of conveniences undercut the value of guilds, friends lists, and working with people from your server community to accomplish group content. Such anonymous auto-queieing for group content defeats the purpose of group content. It’s not much different than grabbing four “follower” NPC’s and running a dungeon solo.

LFR is probably the worst thing to ever happen to this game, and that tops a very long list of things.

On the other hand, I agree a good “looking for group” interface that relies on human interaction and manually building dungeon / raid / pvp groups is a good thing. It’s not necessary to have a spammed chat channel when a dedicated interface could facilitate this.

But, I’d rather have a spammed chat channel than one button auto-queue features because of the overall detriment such automation does to the game.

MMORPG’s “special sauce” comes from their inherent social environment. The more you undercut that, the worse the game becomes, no matter how good the “content” is or how “convenient” its features seems to be.

And I say this as a profound introvert. I don’t really like people all that much. But the social fabric is really what keeps an MMORPG alive.

I think you mean well, but I don’t see anyway to make this happen that doesn’t spiral into a heap of poor bandage solutions that don’t actually fix the issues and in most cases encourage bad behavior. People are going to play how they are going to play.

Worse I’m concerned this focuses only on extrovert players. Introverted players are going to feel isolated and excluded in this situation (that’s how I felt back during classic and playing classic now). I can’t speak for other introverts but I can say that I see this actually causing more problems than it’s worth.

I think there are other ways to encourage social behavior and community other than destroying the tools many people need to interact with the game. Incentives are a much better way to do things. Blizzard has also added barriers to being social by removing the ability to do certain things with existing systems. Rolling back those changes could also help things get better.

Just my misinformed two cents.

I think LFD/LFR etc. are great additions that help people enjoy the game in the way(s) that best suits them.

But then again I’ve never noticed or cared about the fuzzy concept of overall community. My community is my friends and my guild. That was true in 2004 and it is true now.

If I’m grouping with randoms, regardless of how the group is formed, I’m there to play, not chat. And no I didn’t have conversations with randoms in Classic any more that I do using LFD or LFR. Pugging has always been the same for me so I appreciate any and all conveniences to facilitate the group forming.

I would never support things being removed from WoW in order to cater to the nebulous community people talk about. There would be nothing positive for me, just negatives.

That said, if pristine servers like the OP wants were created I’d be curious how the experiment would go. How many people would play and for how long.

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I’m just going to flag any GD thread with the word classic in it now pro and anti .

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Not that it matters but I agree with you. Looks like you quoted a quote and attribution got jacked up.

The community in Classic is a necessity the way the game works is much different than retail, and really wouldn’t be Classic without it. But the community in Vanilla was something that was created organically, and the Classic iteration of that community is more of a revival than it is a recreation.

Creating a more community focused version of retail does not require the wholesale removal of entire systems, or added server restrictions, because most of the systems are already in place. They just need to be tweaked or updated to better facilitate group interaction.

the point is there would be no queues. you get the group together your self like in classic and run out to the dungeon.