Communication Preference - An Error Occured

Hello, when trying to change the Communication Preference on my account, I click save and I get “An Error Occurred”.

Why is this?

Maybe your phone number is wrong in account settings.

Are you using a Criket phone? Criket phones don’t work with Blizzard’s systems. It’s an issue on Criket’s end.

Tried with phone detached aswell and no I use iPhone 7

Who is your iPhone service provider?

I’m not sure Blizzard Phone Notifications would impact this.

I just tested and was able to make changes to my own communication preferences.

In my test I was changing:
Send messages to alert me about changes to my Blizzard Account (disabled and re-enabled)
Receive News and Special Offers from Blizzard Entertainment (disabled and re-enabled)
I was also able to change my language preference from English (US) to Spanish (EU) then back again.

If you’re still getting “An Error Occurred” when making updates, can you try using a different browser to see if that helps?

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Thanks for the reply, I tried what you suggested, even used my mobile on the mobile data network but still get “An Error Occurred” in orange box up the top.

Won’t let me change any language options.

Ah ok, I see you recently completed a country change for your Blizzard account. Something might have become stuck. Try fully logging out of the account one more time and then logging back in again and see if the language is updated now.


That fixed it,

Gracias Sir!


Hello, I am also having the exact same issue but even after completely logging out and back into my account I am still getting the error message and cannot change the language

If that didn’t work, you’ll likely want to submit a ticket. This forum is one for players to assist other players, with our rather rad SFAs chiming in to offer advice when and where they can.

Also, please be mindful of the date of what you’re replying to. This thread is a few months old. Granted, not so egregious as some of the other necros of late, but they try to say that anything older than a couple of weeks, to create your own new thread.

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