Committing Heinous Acts Until DK Buffs Day 6

Previous Thread: Committing Heinous Acts Until DK Buffs Day 5

Good morning Sufferers. Currently, my job has me posted at a Naval Shipyard. Today, as I stepped aboard this mighty warship, I intentionally fumbled my belongings while crossing from the pier to the ship - all while shipyard workers were changing shifts.

This delay, that might have lasted upwards of almost a minute, caused a work stoppage that resulted in the Navy losing a whole minute of valuable restoration and war fighting efforts. I think of this waste of time in the same way Blizzard has costed me years of my life playing Death Knight in a miserable state.

We have all lost time today.

Suffer well and Buff DK.


This man is becoming a domestic terrrorist.

Please buff DK so that we don’t have this man commit any more crimes.

If we don’t get a buff soon I’m going on start crapping and peeing my pants. Is this what you want blizzard???

Did I just save DK

i feel like you should ramp up your heinous acts