Committing Heinous Acts Until DK Buffs Day 5

Previous Thread: Committing Heinous Acts Until DK Buffs Day 4

Good morning Sufferers. I have a good friend who queues Mistweaver, and has been running two toons in SS at almost 2400. Quite the accomplishment! He also happens to be graduating this winter, another great accomplishment.

I reached out to as many colleges as I could with his number. Maybe he would like to further his education. Maybe he’ll get a call mid-game and throw. Why should I be the only one who can’t enjoy gaming? Why did I pick the class that gets reamed at every season start? Why am I crying right now?

Suffer well and Buff DK.


Hm, this one missed the mark. You may have actually positively linked him to a higher education institution further increasing his personal trajectory. So not only will he potentially be successful in game, but he may also do well professionally and financially. All the while you’ll still be playing DK.

The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away

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tbf this would only happen if he’s playing during business hours

This is what day 5 on Blood DK looks like kids. Stay away.

Yeah bring down that poor MW. He can’t have fun.

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