Command table is just an anima drip, right?

Every now and then, and even recently in a thread right there, I see someone comment on adventures (you know, the shadowlands mission table) to the tune of “some of the higher missions are hard” or “do the campaign,” or “this covenant is undertuned for adventures” and I’m wondering if I just saw something no one else did. That’s highly unlikely, but I mean, I haven’t seen anyone else mention this.

I can’t make myself spend anima on upgrading the table beyond the base level, nor doing anything else with it beyond “spend 10-14, get 30” for 1-3 4-hour missions at a time on four different characters. For alts whose renown steps I don’t get to for a few days after reset, their anima gathering is half done by the time I get to them (because all 30 will count toward the quest despite what I paid for the team). Like I passively get 150 points of progress per day per character just… being at work with my phone.

Am I missing something? Is there a breakthrough where the anima income surpasses the multi-digit costs of upgrading the table or taking a chance on doing other missions when the drip is basically a guarantee? All the covenants can do the anima drip, even just having one named character lead 3-4 minions. I figured this was the… “default” use of the table. Am I way off base here?

It does seem to be barely worth it. They need you out in those shadowlands zones. No doing old content or holing yourself up in rested areas!

Oh the drip is certainly worth it, what I mean is to ask how anyone justifies doing anything else with the mission table, or am I missing something?

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But how else am I going to get iLvl 148 items without it?


Right now I am just keeping my people up to level in hopes that later on more interesting rewards are offered. I got all my people in BFA to legendary on my shaman with equipment, so I’ll probably stubbornly stick to this table as well.

Right, me too, but I’m doing it with the anima drip. Like, we got time, no need to “waste anima” on the XP missions, or… literally any other missions, is what I’m saying.

I am not in a super rush myself to get my covenant upgrades personally. I like wasting my resources on the table. Waiting 12 hours for 4 cloth is truly the end game I yearn for.

Although yeah, I plan to cap my guys then just do gold missions later on.


Soul Ash missions

I won’t upgrade it till way later but it has its uses .

I get crafting materials , soul ash , pets , mounts , anima , gold and keep leveling my followers all while anima not going down too much each day .

Its a nice send them before going to sleep , send them again when waking up , send them after work , etc . A small way to grind stuff while not playing , nothing else !

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Command table has always been… just sort of uninvolved housekeeping from the players point of view. Follower positioning doesn’t really add anything interesting.

Take those “followers”, and make them NPC’s in a scenario like Withered Army training, in Legion and Blizzard will finally have a cool side event for such things.

Island expeditions in BfA should have worked this way, and Torghast absolutely could have worked this way (or at least had a wing for this element)

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I wonder how far the “progress” missions will go. I’ve seen some 171’s around level 30. It’s a bit of a grind to level your companions up that’s for sure. Not sure how much anima I throw at the table every day I’d imagine around 100-200 it basically depends on how often you do it. Most missions seem to take around a bit less than half a day(with the exception of smaller more pointless ones).

Honestly, this is a big upgrade over the joke we had in BfA. It holds no candle on wod/legion of course, yet at least.

The profession missions sometimes deliver big rewards.

Eventually you can start getting missions for pets and mounts if you do your campaign quests.

I got a mount and some pets from it, one mount mission i can’t complete it seems, that damn darkhound.
Yeayea nerf NF table blahblahblah

I get 10 tokens with a completion, so thats what 50 anima back.
The gold missions are giving over 300 a piece, which is pretty good for doing nothing.
The enchanting cache has 1-2 epic crystals, which on my server are currently 6k a piece.

Seems worthwhile to me considering how low effort is.

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How deep in the campaign are you? I’d love to see some math on how long it would take a fully campaign-advanced table to overcome the gains of someone that didn’t bother and stayed on the slow drip!

I’m sorry, I have no idea. how would i tell? by renown?

I unlocked the House of Eyes dailies today at the Anima Conductor. One of the dailies awarded me 500 anima. That’s very generous of Blizzard.

Mission table also gives Soul Ash, materials, and mounts.

I made like 200k selling the battle pets early on from the table.