So we all know the command tables for Venthyr and Ascended are totally screwed up right? I have level 55+ followers and they can’t even do level 54 non-elite missions (as Venthyr), Ascended is the same way. And we’ve known this for lots of months, right? So my question is why hasn’t Blizzard fixed this? This shouldn’t be rocket science to them…they did a decent job with the other 2 factions? Maybe they’re just too busy doing other stuff.
There’s your answer. Other stuff, of course, not connected to the game.
Yea, like touching women inappropriately.
No biggie, right? :^)
For Kyrian, I recommend checking out this thread. Not all followers are equally strong/useful
is BAD i say on them get a job , do works i wanna get a bugfix my cosin by solash O K , she starteng 1800 solash then she learn it get LESS solash 1500 is a bug , is so dum !
Honestly at this point if you are having trouble it’s on you.
My level 40 venthyr champs are easily clearing level 49 missions for soul cinders.
OK I realize it’s been awhile since I posted this…have you changed your mind yet? I offer the following example: L48 Adventure “Dealing with the Drust” My troops are L55, my followers are 52-58. I can complete this using Stonehead and Theotar (58/55 respectively) & troops with 50% health left. Given the levels of the adventure and the toons I should easily be able to do this with a single toon and no lost health (as I could with Night Fae). Broken? Maybe not, but woefully out of balance? No doubt.
Venthyr and Kyrian are weaker, yes, but if you can’t complete the missions, that’s totally on you.
There’s not a single mission I’ve been unable to complete since my companions hit 42ish.
My favorite part is how badly tuned companions are in the SAME COVENANT.
For instance, the healers of Venthyr:
At level 49, Kaletar’s heal heals the entire party for 59. With a 4 round cooldown.
At level ONE, Madame Iza’s heal heals the entire party for 39. With a ONE round cooldown.
Like, the hell?
Then you have really OP companions like Plaguey. Who at level 49, does something like 260 damage to ALL enemies, and heals ALL allies for the same amount… every other turn.
I haven’t changed my mind. I am completing the exact mission you are talking about with minions level 41/40. I don’t understand why you are using troops at all. We have 20 companions.
22 when we hit Renown 71.
23 when Ben Howell is available from Torghast.
I’m missing one then
A new Torghast companion was added like… 2? weeks ago.
You’re Venthyr, so it would’ve been… Lassik Spinebender.
Steadyhands was added to Torghast a few weeks before that too.
I got steadyhands who seems like a bit of a dud but I am definitely missing Lassik thank you.
I don’t even know why I’m doing these missions. My followers never seem to get high enough to do much of anything I need. What are my rewards…gold, pet coins or xp. Occasionally I can do a mission that gives me something else but I still can’t do them if they’re higher than 8000.
Do you have the Venture Plan AddOn? It’s immensely helpful as it tells you whether a mission will be successful or not and automatically orders your companions (autofilling missing slot with troops) at the click of a button to maximize chance of success. It’s not always clear where you should place which companions or if a mission can be successful, so VP is really invaluable.
The AddOn itself hasn’t been updated in 9.1 so you also need to download a separate AddOn (it’s not on the AddOn sites, gotta search for it on Google) and VP is broken now unless you go into a lua file and change a number in the script from 20 to 21 or higher. But it’s worth it.
This feels very outdated. Get the Praetor minion for Kyrian. Dude can pump like 2500 damage from his eye beam every 3 rounds. Absolutely insane damage if the enemy formation is dense enough for it (which most of the harder missions are).