So, I am in the process of getting my last buddies up to 60 at the table. From this, I will give you my personal ranking of the troops, not including the generic troops.
EDIT: Added new 9.1 troops to my personal rankings
S Tier
- Mikanikos Despite having two tanks and several “healing” classes, this is the ONLY troop with a damage reduction ability, and he has two. Mikanikos is basically required for the difficult Maw table missions. Mikanikos paired with any other troop pretty much tripples their effectiveness.
The problem with having such a lone hero on the roster is that you are only guaranteed one win at a time. If you want to have multiple missions going, the rest of the buddies are a sad sack of misfits. Be prepared to make a lot of “noble sacrifices” if mikanikos is not in your group.
Cromas the Medic knocking Kosmas square out of the park is this guy, our final table buddy for now. Blizzard actually took my suggestion :O! And combined sika and tekethekas into one troop. Unlike sika, however, the damage boost is only applied to one party member instead of all of them, but good placement can make good use of this guy, such as next to pelagos or kleia.
Hermestes Like water in the desert, kyrians FINALLY got a second damage reduction troop with the new patch. Is this troop good? No, but compared to what else we have to work with, he’s what we got.
A Tier
- Auric Spirit Guide dang, this lady pumps heals and does absolutely Jack-else. Retire Telethekas to the senior owls home, auric spiritguide can help keep your sad buddies afloat for a few more turns.
- Teliah Great single target damage, and a heal. Simple, but effective troop
- Apolon Same as Teliah, but with a single target dot instead of heal
- Pelagos For a Soulbind, you kinda expect them to be your strongest troops. Pelagos does good aoe damage, but as a ranged lacks HP and is weak to other ranged troops.
B Tier
Kleia Similar to Pelagos, she’s good, but still only a DPS troop and not a tank. She has medium HP for an ability that does reflected damage when hit. She needs to either be a tank spec and have more health or do some form of healing.
Nemea Somewhere between A and B Nemea does good ranged single target damage.
Disciple Kosmas
The only really effective healer(in 9.1 we get some better healers) and it’s an aoe heal that damages at that. The Kyrian table is really feast and famine in that the good troops get double the good and the bad troops get nothing -
Meatball A classic
New Robot Buddy another melee dps with a damage pattern that is between Halaa and Molako. It fills a niche, but isnt special.
C Tier
- Sika The power boost is fine, but no heal and low HP make her squishy. Sika and Telethekas should have been combined into one useful troop instead of two barely-mediocre ones.
- Halaa Finally some decent spread damage. Good vs ranged troops being protected by a tank. Super unnecessarily long cooldown on her ability.
- Croman the Barbarian Low HP and his ability with a long cooldown doesn’t do enough damage to make up for it
- Clora Decent HP but does no damage. Still not a tank. Because she and Kythekios are melee troops, their cleave is often wasted on tank mobs protecting the back ranged troops that pick off your squishies.
- Bron The only good tank troop besides Mikanikos, but its damage is done by being hit and he has no damage reduction or self heal abilities
- New Healer Lady Blizzard finally realised that having a melee troop that only heals was a bad idea, and made our next healer ranged. Good thing she for heals for slightly more. Now, if only they would stop casting their heal at the start of combat…
D Tier
- Kythekios Same damage as Klora but with even less HP. He suffers from the triple-whammy of low hp, being stuck in melee and his aoe is often wasted on tanks. He’s often dead by the time the front row is taken care of.
- Molako The damage pattern is weird, making him hard to place, low HP, long cooldown, doesn’t hit hard
- Telethakas Telethakas was given the highest autoattack damage to make up for the fact that his ability is a single target heal and doesn’t do any damage. He’s still undertuned even after buffs
Trash Tier
- Ispiron This sad kitty can’t do anything. Less HP than the ranged troops, and its one ability lowers its own damage by the same % that it lowers damage taken negating the entire thing. Only send this guy on easy low level gold missions. Trash.