All the Kyrian Table Buddies Ranked (Updated 9.1)

So, I am in the process of getting my last buddies up to 60 at the table. From this, I will give you my personal ranking of the troops, not including the generic troops.

EDIT: Added new 9.1 troops to my personal rankings

S Tier

  • Mikanikos Despite having two tanks and several “healing” classes, this is the ONLY troop with a damage reduction ability, and he has two. Mikanikos is basically required for the difficult Maw table missions. Mikanikos paired with any other troop pretty much tripples their effectiveness.

The problem with having such a lone hero on the roster is that you are only guaranteed one win at a time. If you want to have multiple missions going, the rest of the buddies are a sad sack of misfits. Be prepared to make a lot of “noble sacrifices” if mikanikos is not in your group.

  • Cromas the Medic knocking Kosmas square out of the park is this guy, our final table buddy for now. Blizzard actually took my suggestion :O! And combined sika and tekethekas into one troop. Unlike sika, however, the damage boost is only applied to one party member instead of all of them, but good placement can make good use of this guy, such as next to pelagos or kleia.

  • Hermestes Like water in the desert, kyrians FINALLY got a second damage reduction troop with the new patch. Is this troop good? No, but compared to what else we have to work with, he’s what we got.

A Tier

  • Auric Spirit Guide dang, this lady pumps heals and does absolutely Jack-else. Retire Telethekas to the senior owls home, auric spiritguide can help keep your sad buddies afloat for a few more turns.
  • Teliah Great single target damage, and a heal. Simple, but effective troop
  • Apolon Same as Teliah, but with a single target dot instead of heal
  • Pelagos For a Soulbind, you kinda expect them to be your strongest troops. Pelagos does good aoe damage, but as a ranged lacks HP and is weak to other ranged troops.

B Tier

  • Kleia Similar to Pelagos, she’s good, but still only a DPS troop and not a tank. She has medium HP for an ability that does reflected damage when hit. She needs to either be a tank spec and have more health or do some form of healing.

  • Nemea Somewhere between A and B Nemea does good ranged single target damage.

  • Disciple Kosmas The only really effective healer (in 9.1 we get some better healers) and it’s an aoe heal that damages at that. The Kyrian table is really feast and famine in that the good troops get double the good and the bad troops get nothing

  • Meatball A classic

  • New Robot Buddy another melee dps with a damage pattern that is between Halaa and Molako. It fills a niche, but isnt special.

C Tier

  • Sika The power boost is fine, but no heal and low HP make her squishy. Sika and Telethekas should have been combined into one useful troop instead of two barely-mediocre ones.
  • Halaa Finally some decent spread damage. Good vs ranged troops being protected by a tank. Super unnecessarily long cooldown on her ability.
  • Croman the Barbarian Low HP and his ability with a long cooldown doesn’t do enough damage to make up for it
  • Clora Decent HP but does no damage. Still not a tank. Because she and Kythekios are melee troops, their cleave is often wasted on tank mobs protecting the back ranged troops that pick off your squishies.
  • Bron The only good tank troop besides Mikanikos, but its damage is done by being hit and he has no damage reduction or self heal abilities
  • New Healer Lady Blizzard finally realised that having a melee troop that only heals was a bad idea, and made our next healer ranged. Good thing she for heals for slightly more. Now, if only they would stop casting their heal at the start of combat…

D Tier

  • Kythekios Same damage as Klora but with even less HP. He suffers from the triple-whammy of low hp, being stuck in melee and his aoe is often wasted on tanks. He’s often dead by the time the front row is taken care of.
  • Molako The damage pattern is weird, making him hard to place, low HP, long cooldown, doesn’t hit hard
  • Telethakas Telethakas was given the highest autoattack damage to make up for the fact that his ability is a single target heal and doesn’t do any damage. He’s still undertuned even after buffs

Trash Tier

  • Ispiron This sad kitty can’t do anything. Less HP than the ranged troops, and its one ability lowers its own damage by the same % that it lowers damage taken negating the entire thing. Only send this guy on easy low level gold missions. Trash.

Seems pretty spot on to me. Great job!


Is there any rewards or perks for getting your followers up to 60? I got all the mounts while mine were in the high 40s and I have since abandoned it.


Thanks for this. It makes me hate tables even more. What an unnecessarily complicated system. Even using addons and reading up strategies, I still fail lots of missions. Now I just focus on gold.


Sick analysis dude!

He’s meatball, he’s been there for like ten years doin’ his meatball thing.


You’re not wrong!

Wanna know something even more infuriating?

My dudes are all almost 60 and sometimes I can put ALL my top tier dudes on a mission and the addon will still predict it as a failure.

There is one mission that’s like 8 bats and the only reward is a bit of venthyr rep and none of my troops are strong enough to best it. Not at 40, not at 60. The kyrian troops are just bad compared to the op ardenweald troops


Use adventure plan addon and none of anything you said matters - click that adventure guide until you see success = profit.

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You still need to understand which troops are good and which are trash, even if the planner arranges them for you.

Don’t waste your time placing ispiron in any of the difficult missions, you will see failure more than success.


Yea, that’s partially why I have just given up. I really don’t know what is best. Blizzard needs to give us… something… anything to give us a better idea of what will succeed. Maybe the percentages were too much, but I feel like I’m completely in the dark.

So, I end up sending too many followers on one mission I think will be hard or not enough and fail. I had a similar thing happen a week back where the addon said I had a high success rate. I failed it. The mission was against 8 mobs. I just kinda scratched my head. NO idea what to fix. NO idea what to change. That isn’t fun. Waiting 12 hours to see you failed something sucks. Not knowing why you failed sucks more.

lol. Yea, thats the one. I typed out my first response to your first comments. Yep. Addon said I had a success chance with that one. :man_shrugging:

I’m at a loss. The missions honestly just feel… dare I say, poorly done. If the mission has one or two mobs only, the level means nothing and any combination will win. I can send 3 heals and two ranged and complete it. It’s like… that shouldn’t work…?

It’s like mob count + HP is the biggest determining factor.

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I did the same exact thing: once I got that pesky darkmane mount (last one I needed) I only occasionally send out followers on bonus XP missions to get their levels up since we’ll probably need them in 9.1.


That one needs to be tuned. I think it is 40 level and at 45 no combinations can beat it. It’s stupid to have that one not tuned right.

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Bruh, you can’t even beat it at 60. I have not tried literally every possible combination of troop, but after piling on all my strongest dudes, it still predicts fail. Waste of time, at least the reward means you’re not missing out.

I am not sure I would put anyone in the same tier as Mikanikos–he is that good.

Sika has a lot of synergy with the Kyrian roster, the power boost buffs all of the hit all abilities and the damage reflect abilities.

Ispiron + Mikanikos will have Ispiron taking 0 damage if Resilient Plumage and Reconfiguration are both up. He is good at missions that have 5+ mobs attacking the same spot and can be the difference between taking 5k damage and 2k.


Achievements I think.

“S” because healing is scarce and most Kyrians are so useless, but there is a certain Necrolord healer that is so good that it makes Kosmas seem like trash tier.

“A” in my opinion because her auto-attack, cooldown attack, and counterattack all add up to a good amount of damage considering her high health.

“B” in my opinion as the counterattack damage adds up if he takes a lot of hits. Have Mikanikos protect him from below or from the right.

Below trash, a practical liability. Interestingly enough, if you ask the add-ons to recommend troop placement, they will stick him in the spot that gets him obliterated ASAP to help ensure that the other troops get damaged as little as possible. If Ispiron is not available, the addons will prioritize obliterating Molako.


Agreed on all points, but just wanted to add to this. What were they thinking with Ispiron? Like, okay, his ability reduces damage taken(and damage done) by 40%. So is he supposed to be one of the tanks for Kyrian? Even with the 40% damage reduction his health is so laughably low it doesn’t matter, lol. That said, due to his low health, it’d make sense for him to be a good damage dealer, but his ability directly counters that.(Of course his attack is already pretty weak).

I genuinely feel like, when they did the Follower tuning pass, they only did it for Followers out at that time. Anything that was later unlocked via Torghast or Renown, wasn’t touched. Kyrian’s noteworthy one here is Ispiron,

Venthyr has 3 that fall into this category in my opinion(though Venthyr as a whole are pretty solid after the buffs). But, like.

Bogdan has decent health, but low attack. Long cd ability that does mediocre damage(given its cd). Vulca has mediocre health, a mediocre attack and a very, very subpar ability on a moderate cd. Then Thela, is basically a weaker Simone, she isn’t bad compared to the previous two though. (Not trying to derail, just explaining why i feel that the followers weren’t tested/tweaked unless they were current “available” ones at the time).

That said, yea. Kyrian is, weird. It has so many “support” types that aren’t anything special(either due to low hp, subpar ability, or both). And its frontline is subpar outside of Bronn who requires getting hit during his ability to do damage. Crazy whirling punch man and Clora definitely need their attacks buffed. And possibly their health too. Kleia could use a bit more health too, given her “thorns” type passive.

Ispiron…ugh. Maybe his ability is wrong and it’s supposed to be 40% damage reduction and 40% increase damage dealt. That could offset his mediocre attack, but I still don’t think that’d be enough to justify his laughably low health.

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Yeah, it’s hard to rank troops both inside and outside of combos. A lot of troops drastically improve if they are paired with mikanikos, but is that a point in their favour, or is mikanikos really that good?

Alone, or just without mikanikos, bron is solidly B, so I stuck him there.

“S” because healing is scarce and most Kyrians are so useless, but there is a certain Necrolord healer that is so good that it makes Kosmas seem like trash tier.

Same with the ardenweald table. Night fae make kosmas B tier at best, even the generic healer troops provide more healing. It’s like having telethekas as an infinite troop.

Even after nerfs, nf table is so op compared to kyrian weirdness.


The most annoying thing about Telethakas is that he uses his heal on the opening turn, before you take any damage, and puts it on the long cooldown. I guess it’s helpful if you have someone you want to send out that still has a little HP to recover, but it generally irks me to no end.

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