Coming Next Week -- New Source for Azerite Essences

Close enough I’ll take it

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Our alts can finally not be lame!

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You literally opened with–

You know exactly what you did dude. I suggest you stop trolling, its not going to go the way you think it will go.


Now all we need is an alternate way to get the PvP/Raid ones and we’re gold.

(Rank 4s would still be locked behind barriers for the prestige.)

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these truly are the endtimes…

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Thank the lord. Holy moly.

No the pvp and raid ones should not be changed

I like this new activision president :slight_smile:


The essences are flowing again!

People will always have something to complain about, however it’ll probably just go back to being how little content 8.3 actually has(especially now that you have to do it for the essences). Or back to how terrible a system corruption is.

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Nothing about that makes me outraged.

I’ve seen your comments on this matter before and the only thing you have to say now is “what will people complain about next? oh, look, found the next complaint” when a bunch of people are just happy about this change.


don’t worry you can keep your e-peen essences little time they have left of usage anyway.

I’m sure it was a “big achievement” getting those :rofl:

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Of course it happens right as I move my rogue to the better faction on another server >.>

My mage on nagrand alliance is the only char with all rank 3 pre 8.3 and pretty sure that change isnt server wide >.>

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How does this change not include BotE/CLF? Or by raid did you mean Formless Void?

“These Echoes can be brought to MOTHER in the Heart Chamber, and exchanged directly for eligible Rank 3 Essences.”

Eligible Rank 3 Essences? That suggests some won’t be eligible. Why won’t all Rank 3 Essences be eligible?

I also don’t like the idea of ANOTHER currency. Everything is just getting bloated with currencies. Why not let me use the 65k war resources I have sitting around instead? sigh


MY understanding, eligible means unlocked by another character.

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Eligible as long as you have them on one character. If a player doesn’t have say, BotE r3 on at least one character, they can’t get r3 automatically on their alts.

I think this means if your MAIN has it unlocked you will be able to purchase it otherwise you wont be able to purchase it basically raid essences, pvp essences if your main doesnt have them you wont be able to get those.

It has nothing to do with how “big of an achievement” it was more so that it would cause a ton more complaints that ppl had done it the hard way