Yep at the end of the day cash is king. The only thing that can bully these devs into making changes is to crush there pocket books which was 100% the case. May be to late though I know many players that have already moved on.
This is good news.
I was expecting this kind of update right before Shadowlands.
So I’m glad they made a decision to implement this early.
this I have never seen such a hot topic were 90% of the playerbase was literally screaming for a change only to be told to bad you are going to deal with it and like it.
It takes such extreme measures for these devs to listen to player feedback. Subs are way down player engagement is wow down people stopped bothering on alts and are playing other games so finally they act…
so do you need to unlock rank 1 and 2 still and this is only for rank 3? not very clear from this post… I the phrasing “eligible rank 3 essences” didn’t make it clear rank 1 and 2 would be available on mother for alts… or if using rank 3 will automatically give rank 1 and 2…
I’m just here to say thanks. I love my alts, but despise rep grinding.
I agree with you completely. However the argument was these essences were being “granted” – meaning given for free – to all characters across an account, which is still not correct. Moreover, what you said above only supports my point of the new currency being a way only to speed up alts acquisition of the essences which, by definition, means it won’t take as long.
To further address your rebuttal, while this level of sharing across characters is not historically how progression has worked in WoW, the mid-expansion addition of complicated, time-consuming systems which are sudden and MASSIVE bumps of a character’s ability is ALSO not historically how progression has worked in WoW. Thus making the whole point of your post moot because you’re acting like the original essence system is anything at all similar to anything from past expansions. Since nothing like the essence system has been seen before in WoW, anything done to address the very clear problem it has caused is going to also be without precedent.
So, just by curiosity logging into my other chars for Condensed Life-Force Ranks, I discovered the following:
Unholy DK (8.3 main): Condensed Life-Force Rank 2
Fury Warrior (8.2.5 alt): Condensed Life-Force Rank 2
*BM Hunter (8.2.5 main): Condensed Life-Force Rank 1
*Now, I’m not too worried about my BM Hunter’s CLF since it’s not really a Major BiS Essence I would use anyway, however I am for my Fury Warrior and DK since they are one of the Major BiS Essences.
I know I’ve already expressed my concern with Condensed Life-Force, but does Blizzard plan to do anything about adjusting Eternal Palace essence materials for Rank 2 to Rank 3 to be purchasable from MOTHER? Or are going have to suck it up to grind past raid materials which Eternal Palace raids are slim to none at this point in the expansion?
All of the other 8.2.5 Essences are currently obtainable through adjusted rep, M+ duns or Weekly Caches, so what about previous Raids? Eternal Palace raiding is not current with 8.3 Essence system since CLF is a BiS for many melee specs in 8.3.
Would hope to receive some more clarification from Blues to see if Condensed Life-Force will have adjustments before this goes live.
They think it draws out the game time to wait on this stuff. My money is on it making people leave and not come back though.
Please include a BoA random essence option that we can purchase on our mains to then send to alts. Much like the similar system we had in legion (7.3.2 and 7.3.5), I want to increase the power on my alts (and will play them more with this system regardless), but grinding for rank 4s on this character take precedence.
Really happy that y’all opted to finally go down this route.
Amazing! This is great news. Ok, so how do we get a rank 80 neck on alts to use the essences if we have one on our main?
Need a way to upgrade alt necks to level 80. Also we need a cloak quest skip for alts to!!!
Why level 80? 75 unlocks the final essence slot and it’s already easy to get 75.
Cloak has a catch-up system already in place. You do still have to play the game to make progress…
This, passive AK is already built in since all start of bfa, much like how we had in 7.3 onwards (before then there were the AK tomes). In short, not having your neck level up is exclusively on you, and there won’t be catchup to max level until there is a universally acceptable quest much like the sargeras sword event (which nothing of the sort has been datamined/planned).
Plus there is no max level for the neck. It’s infinite!
Hey it’s not infinite. Just a really really large number you’ll never reach ever, but could if you tried hard enough.
looks at the crazy diamonds at 90 and 89
Over 9000!
We can now focus on the important things: Nerf DHs.
Yes. Thank you. Side note…you see your player base reaction to this? Feedback doesn’t always need to be acted upon but showing us that you’re listening is huge step forward for you guys.
The “why can’t you just be happy?” mentality is what got us BFA in the first place…