Coming Next Week -- New Source for Azerite Essences

I didn’t say it wasn’t an improvement. It’s just not as big an improvement as I’d hoped.

I also did not say how grindy it is because I don’t know the extent of the grind just that it replaces one grind with another.

It is true that it is nice to only need to do content I don’t want to do (PvP in my case) once and that is definitely an improvement.

They’re trying to get rid of a grind for “alts” through your main but they are “still” forcing you to grind unrelated content, i.e. 8.2.5 ET raid mats for an updated 8.3 system. If anything, it’s working backwards from ET to NYA. We have not done this in WoD or Legion. I honestly believe they shot this idea out of a cannon without really thinking about unrelated content for Essence Ranks. Why should we still continue to grind Eternal Palace raid mats for a updated system in 8.3 when ET raids are pretty much non-existent in the “current” content. Just b/c ET is part of BFA does not mean it’s current with the layers of the essence system.

When I got my Outlaw Rogue to Level 120 about a week ago, I got Rank 1-4 CoF, easy, it was just a simple “catch up” mechanic. Now, think about my issue. How is grinding unrelated content, Eternal Palace materials for over MONTHS for current Essence system in 8.3? Understand that grinding Eternal Palace AR’s between 3-4 bosses that reward the mats will be extremely difficult to obtain no matter if you are in a guild or pug to run those raids.

The whole concept of this change it to mitigate the grind for alts, but not for mains. If you main has a Rank 2 Essence weather it’s Major or Minor BiS, you’re SOL for Rank 3 and need to grind “old” content to obtain Rank 3 not only for your main but for your alt. That’s the underlying issue Blizzard needs to address.

EDIT: And to clarify, I’m talking about Condensed Life-Force Ranks 1-3 which is Eternal Palace mats. That’s my current issue, Rank 2 CLF on my main which a BiS Major and would need to grind ET just for Rank 3 just for my “alts” to benefit?..No thanks.


Thank you Morgan for pointing out that issue, particularly for the EP raid. I am not a raider and CLF is still a good essence in non-raid content for some classes/specs. I agree 100%.


Apparently, General Discussion loves the idea of copy+pasta.
Apparently, General Discussion loves the idea of copy+pasta.
Apparently, General Discussion loves the idea of copy+pasta.

I should be able to copy everything from my main to my alts because I don’t want to play the game, I want free stuff.

Should make the essences cost an exorbitant amount

I think it’s safe to say that some of the essences could still use adjustments in terms of requirements.

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gullible creatures praising already.
just wait until you get ur hands on those nylotha currencies, 50from a weekly chest out of 1000 required per essence


Agree. Condensed Life-Force is one of them that needs to be adjusted.

In the beginning of 8.3, we got a wave of reduced requirements for Essences, especially for Essences bound to rep which was very welcomed. Even though 8.3 was “fresh” there was still some minimal ET raids going on but players quickly jumped through 8.3 content which left 8.2.5 in the dust IRT Eternal Palace raid since N NYA and H NYA we’re available at the start of 8.3.

It’s not just from the weekly chest…

As per Blue post: When playing an alt character that is missing Essences that have already been earned on a different character, most ordinary Visions of N’Zoth activities, such as Horrific Visions, Assaults, raid bosses, Mythic Keystone Dungeons, or BFA Season 4 PvP, will award a new soulbound currency – Echoes of Ny’alotha.

This isn’t really account-bound essences. If you don’t have any level 3 essences, you won’t benefit from this.

If the grind isn’t too crazy it’ll be fine. Honestly, I think people will freak out on Blizzard even harder if they make it take too long to get enough currency.

Honestly Blizzard,

It’s sickening how long it took you to do this. The last couple of expansions have been SO alt-UNfriendly it’s absurd. The pure amount of catch up, re-do, and hours of grinding is ridiculous unless you’re a seriously hardcore player or don’t have honestly anything else to do.

I’m happy for the change, but you really should act on players concerns faster especially when they’ve been in mass number for a LONG time. We’re paying your bills, you know.


One-way feedback and community-only discussion that should’ve been acted on months ago.
Just like that Cloak FAQ, I’m sure this is simply because people have stopped playing and doing the boring dailies.
Why else would you attach another currency to these boring dailies?

When will you learn that we as players are what make Blizzard what it is.
You don’t need to listen to our every suggestion we make (Because fairly, some of them are outrageous and stupid), but damn it man, respect our time. Account-wide Essences should’ve been done months ago.


Hey! end of xpac we can finally play some alts. A bit fkn late I’d say


It’s almost pointless for this sh*t so late in the Xpac. Play some alts for a few months and then we’re in Shadowlands. Pisses me off


How was this such a big deal? The patch will be over and it won’t matter anymore…

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People that can’t play 8+ hours a day win. I have two toons with tons of rank 3+ essences. It sucks I play for 3 hours on an alt and it’s all towards grinding essences. That’s all I’m doing on an alt. Grinding these damn essences. Makes playing content on alts nonexistent.


Wait wait, so this is only for the Rank 3 Essences right? Cause I haven’t even bothered leveling my Essences on my MAIN let alone my alts >.< I might have a motivation to actually play the game now lol

The big thing here is the fact that we can get the account bound currency by doing enjoyable content now and not from grinding rep which most players don’t play wow to do. The fact that I can get this currecny from M+ pvp or raiding is amazing and means I am making essence progression just by playing the part of the game I enjoy.

This is how it should have been all along though so blizzard does not get much cred for a system that should have been implemented from day one. I am sure they noticed a massive trend in people unsubbing and not logging onto alts for them finally to do something about there failure(.

They want people subbed until shadowlands and this is literally the only way. People were not going to take there BS and ask for more like ION thought they would to boost there time played metrics.

They got greedy and figured players would reluctantly grind out essences on there alts boosting time played by a massive amounts. what happened instead are players unsubbed or only logged onto raid aside from a select few masochistic wow players. This alt unfriendliness has butchered there game as a main game option for most of us given that wow gets most of its repeatability from enjoying fresh mechanics on alts. Sadly fresh mechanics don’t mean anything when they are used grinding reputation nobody likes that part of the game.

:clap: Now :clap: reddit :clap: can :clap: stop :clap: with :clap: these :clap: posts :clap:

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