Coming Next Week -- New Source for Azerite Essences

How is that even possible for rank 3 to be dps loss over rank 2? WTF?

You have to remember its “Unlocked” essences. so if you need a certain tank/healer essence and you only played dps, you still have to do the grind to unlock it.

Example: You played a warlock, to which they are neither capable of having healing or tanking essences. You have to unlock those on a toon that has access to those roles in order for them to be account wide.


Yup there a cpl essences/ rank I may never get just don’t have the time to grind and spend abundance of hours on it like others in this game lol. Kudos to those players smh. I’m complaining but not complaining :slight_smile:

They should unlock all tank/healer essences if your main is DPS only class.

They already do that for nazjatar/mechagone rep essences, but there’s more role specific essences from other sources (eternal palace, nyalota raid, pvp, uldum/vale rep etc) that they have forgotten about and should unlock as well for DPS mains…


I do NOT disagree that account wide should have been from the start, but Max and his guild are very similar to “casuals” in one way - army of alts. They want to gear them up super fast too. If you’re talking guilds that only require one geared character that progress mythic more slowly they might feel differently.

I’ll reserve my judgment to see how much they cost, how easy the currency is to attain, and what essences are for sale.

It’s a shame they solved their over-systemization… with another system.


Yeah, I’m not stressed about getting the BIS essences. Just enough viable ones to fill out all the slots honestly is good enough for me. That was even tough (hopefully until now). Even on my main that I spend a lot of time gearing and grinding stuff every day, I cannot make myself get C&S on.

Exactly, what is the point of this stupid currency. Just allow them to be unlocked plain and simple. At least it’s going to be a bit easier, but it’s just like Blizz these days to give with one hand then smack you in the face with the other.

I don’t know if it’s good or bad they didn’t mention how much of this currency we’ll get from available sources. We could receive enough that it’s not a big deal, or so little we’re basically still grinding for weeks on end which account bound essences would supposedly have done away with, SMH.


about damn time stupidos prolly doing this cause they no ppl are quitting and baits them into playing alts

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They might. People with pure DPS mains are certainly going to raise a stink (which is understandable).

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This is big for me. Doing things you want to get the things you need. No feeling forced to PvE if you just want to PvP, or do assaults if that is your cup of tea. This needs applied to more things. The azerite grind is this way, and back when I did random BGs for fun in 8.0 and 8.1, my neck was actually higher than my main that I wasn’t really playing at the time, all because I was getting it passively.

See above. Yes, but the avenues to obtain this currency are far less restricted, which is what we need. I just hope Blizz doesn’t drop the ball and make this new grind tedious and time-gated.

This also takes away the argument that alts will get essences for free, which was a complaint from some (although I still find that argument ridiculous).

Oh, I don’t think you quite understood my point, but then again it’s a bit of a tangent anyway.

You can have RPG with competitive elements, WoW has had that from the beginning. More just saying that some of their attempts to preserve the game as an esport have resulted in things being less fun and RPG-like.

Facilitating competition in a game is different than having it naturally occur.


From the bottom of my blackened soul: THANK YOU! <3 :sob: :heart_eyes:

This sounds like the perfect way to prevent weeks (or months) of repeating grinds on every alt or new main while still ensuring each Essence is earned with playtime on a specific character.


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I understand the post 100% and I am grateful for this change. However, there is just a slight issue with players (including myself) who have Rank 2 Condensed Life-Force which is one of the BiS Major’s for my UDK (main), would we still have to grind Eternal Palace for Rank 3 if none of our characters have Rank 3 CLF? Keep in mind, Condensed Life-Force Rank 3 requires 36 Aqueous Requiem. Currently have 13/36 of AR and it’s been extremely difficult to get into any ET raids to obtain AR’s including Premade Groups or LFR (which LFR was in queue for over 1.5 hrs).

I ask this due to the extremely low popularity, if any Eternal Palace raids exist now since 8.3 release. Thanks.

Yes, the post clearly says that you need the rank 3 essence for this system to work on an alt.

While this sounds nice on the surface, I am realizing that this is hardly an improvement at all. It replaces one grind with another through yet another currency. It’s too little, too late.

The only positives are that you can skip directly to rank 3 and it adds another method to work on those essences if you don’t want to go back and do 8.2 content on alts.


In case you missed some things over the excitement:

  • You will need to grind said content such as visions, m+, raids etc etc on YOUR ALT the currency wont be account wide.
  • If you main has no lvl 3 essences at all and only lvl 2 you wont benefit from this.

It’s basically a reset to play 8.3 from 0 on a new character if you want a short way to see it.

How is this not an improvement? you can literally do the activities you like and spam them to get the essences now (spam m+ to get bote, the dream for many), and we have no numbers yet, so complaining about how grindy it is is honestly stupid.

This is literally the best news ever. I have 10 120s collecting dust right now and have every essence unlocked on my main so its about time my alts come out to play baby!.. I am so happy for this FINALLY!!!


This should have been a feature at day 1. I still do not understand why once I have done something on my first character I am to be told I need to do it all over again on another simply due to it being a different character.

This change at least makes me want to consider playing my alts more and log in more. IF THAT IS THE METRIC YOU CARE ABOUT THINGS LIKE THIS NEED TO BE IN THE GAME DAY 1 of the feature release.