Coming Next Week -- New Source for Azerite Essences

It would probably make me happy if it was what people had asked for, to wit, account wide essences.

This isn’t account wide essences - this a rank-specific requirement, further grind reliant limited availability essences.

  • You need the Essence to be rank 3. Tough luck if one of your toons of a specific class could really do with a Rank 1 or 2 you already have. So its back to the grind there.

  • The currency is soulbound so you can’t help out another toon to top up their currency, you just have to keep slaving away on one toon, and then presumably repeat that grind on the next one and the next one and so on.

The whole idea of the request for account wide essences was because of the unfriendly Alt status of having to repeat Essence grinds. This doesn’t seem to me to achieve that.


One week for essence on alt is way too long. It should be one essence per day at least…

Ive played wow sense Val I’m allowed to give my opinion. Sorry you dont agree with it and like to over react like a child.


It’s mage favoritism, I tell you. Mage favoritism!!

Should I mention I have a mage, and think it’s awesome that I can pop into the Vale whenever I like? I could probably make a little gold on the side, selling portals from the heart chamber…

This is exactly what i was thinking. So my guess is they are going to make this currency on a system where u can farm a rank 3 essence on your alt and obtain 1-2 essences a week.

Simply so you stay subbed for longer!

We are going to make essences easier for alts!! wait for it… wait for it… it is in the last patch for the expansion… oh you still have to farm it, probably in a system where u get 1-2 essences a week…

another epic fail imo.


They did that for wakening essences, so there’s precedent.


It took what? 1000 of the thingies for a legiondary? You got like 400 or something from any key on Tuesday. I don’t remember exact numbers but the largest chunk came from the key.

Purely hypothetical numbers, but let us assume 1000 for a rank 3. Based on what we currently know is valid it will probably break down something like:

100 for major assault
150-200 for end of week m+ chest
150-200 for conquest cap chest
10 for queuable dungeons/bgs or arenas
25 for m+ end of dungeon
50 fo raid bosses, horrific visions clears, minor assaults.

Could be incredibly wrong. Could be around the right area. These numbers SEEM good enough and allows for an essence each week pretty easily doing bare minimum. 600 from raid and 200 from doing assaults almost gets you there on it’s own and m+ and conquest capping boxes should be done anyway for corruption gear even if it is only +2 or unranked for 445.

All of this speculation is largely pointless since it will be revealed on Monday, but I doubt it will take much more than a week to get one. I am also curious what the currency does on my main who can’t buy anything. Am I just going to go into 9.0 with 1,000,000 useless points?

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I can hope it’s not 1 per week like legion legendaries it would be a bit backwards…

but it kinda sucks that we don’t have the full info I hope they can tell us later today before they leave for the weekend.

What helmet transmog is that bro? You look sweet.

store helmet no longer in the store.


While this is great news…it is MONTHS behind and late. In addition, more needs to be able to be done through PvP. Not just this, why can’t i cleanse gear by doing PvP, NOT INTERESTED in living in Visions but EVERYTHING is tied to them. Haven’t bothered getting my cloak on every toon either.

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see i hope for more than 1 a week, but if it means i don’t have to do CaS and BotE on my alts its a win regardless :smiley: don’t make me pvp on my toons that suck please lol

For anyone who says they don’t listen… it just takes a while

You got 8 months and you even get to choose the essences which is more than can be said for Legiondaires on a weekly basis since the random token was the easier one to get.

I am being realistic. If anything I set my standards lower so I am surprised if anything when they turn out better. I am not going to be on here asking for an essence a day and be severely disappointed.

I personally want requirements to also go down for essences in conjunction with this. I have zero need for BotE for my warlock, shaman, or druid, but if I want a rogue alt or whatever I would still need to grind the 30,000 honor.


Exactly, players that haven’t played at all in 8.2/8.3 or haven’t unlocked essences that are needed on theirs alts are getting nothing from this new system… And some requrements are just absurd, especially PvP ones and bunch of weekly gated requirements should be completely removed as well. For example rated pvp essence items could just drop from arena wins at this point

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Was really hoping for a better catch up mechanic for even mains on essence that require you to farm old content. Like condensed life force. No one running ep as much and lfr takes ages… fml

The whole picture hasn’t been given yet so I am mildly hopeful something changes as well with the 8.2 introduced ones as well. Mainly AEP and the PvP essences. Worldvein would also be nice to see a reduction since even people playing in 8.2 didn’t really bother to go for it since it was doodoo.

All they said is they want to preserve people who did it the first time. Which is fine. PvP for BotE and whatnot is fine. 30,000 honor is not. I am perfectly fine with a single heroic clear of AEP giving rank 3 CLF or 10,000 honor even for BotE. They have already halved most of the other 8.2 essences.

I don’t have blood of the enemy and I’m not going to get into pvp with the corruption system so I guess my alts arent going to be 100% efficient and that’s okay with me.



I’ve avoided getting rank 3 of the M+ essence (Essence of the Focusing Iris), though, because its minor is a dps loss from rank 2, and you can’t equip a lower version of an essence.

Any plans for that?