Coming Next Week -- New Source for Azerite Essences

Based on how BfA has gone already and the echo of mortality quest… I assume the “currency” will either be a limited drop or it will require thousands of them. Blizz is not going to make it easy…

Look, you’re going to throw away all your gear too.
It’s likely not a single piece of gear you obtain in BFA will carry over into Shadowlands first tier of content.

Levels, are relative at this point. Your max level currently. In Shadowlands, much like every other expansion, you are no longer going to be max level.
You are no longer going to be level 120.
You are probably not even going to maintain your relative level of power after the pre-patch. E.g. A level 60 in today’s game certainly isn’t comparable to a level 60 in Classic. And won’t be comparable to a level 60 in Shadowlands.

Your argument " We are going to get rid of it in the future" Applies to most everything when moving through expansions.

Essences are very much like gear. Incredibly so. You can even make some pretty direct comparisons to relics (Librams, Sigils, Idols, and Totems) a piece of gear from way back. A lot of similarities between how they function in practice and what they did for specs. Relics had various unique effects, you could chose which relic/effect you wanted to slot in, and that being the case specific relics stood apart from others in how they effected the performance of some specs.

According to the post.
No it will not.

Sure it is.

So I have a question does this include condensed life force from ep? Because farming the drops for players who were not around at the time it was current content is a pain! It’s really hard and time consuming to find a grp for it and lfr takes forever when you already trying to stay caught up with current content. will there be ways on your main to get rank 2 and 3? Or do we still have to farm ep for weeks or even months to get it?

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Lets hope they need quite a few but are obtainable through many sources…

Cuz if this is too easy , we’re 1 more step where mains wont mean a thing again with how easy alts have it , welcome to instant lobby+instant gratification era sigh

Okay but if you’re playing 8.3 it’s a grind that you’re already doing or atleast you should be doing if you care about progressing your character. The major issue with essences was having to go back and grind old outdated content you’ve already done. Stop complaining for the sake of complaining or just leave the game.

Even if you’re not doing dailies you get them from pvp, raids and m+ so all facets of the game will reward them so I don’t get the complaining about “grinding” a currency that you can just passively get form doing what you enjoy.


So let me see if I understand this.

At the moment, if I want to have a particular Essence on my alt, I have to do a grind of some sort in order to get it. It could be a reputation, or a currency, or Island Expeditions and so on.

So with this change, assuming I have the Rank 3 of an Essence on one character, in order to have that on another character I have to…grind for…

so that I can get it for the alt.

So, rather than working on the Essence I will be…working on the Essence. The only difference is that it will involve doing things from 8.3 to get the currency.

Do I have that right?

Also make it much easier to get all PvP essences on mains while at it…

Thanks Blizzard. <3

How much do the essences cost, and how much of this currency drops from :

  1. Heroic Dungeon/Mythic Dungeon
  2. M+
  3. Heroic/Mythic Raid
  4. Mission Table/Ship
  5. World Quests
  6. Minor Visions
  7. Horrific Visions
  8. Major/Minor Assaults
  9. Battlegrounds/RBG
  10. Arena

Tabulated response is best. Please and thank you.


I am guessing. No content, Ny’alotha for 8 months etc.

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is it going to come from the weekly M+ chest? do i need to get my alts threw a 15+ this week so they can have max reward on reset day?

My bet is similar to legiondaries in 7.3.5. 1 per week doing basically the bare minimum of a key and a raid clear. Can be sped up through other means (which there are way more now).

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I hope they throw the currency on WQ’s tbh


Probably emissaries if anything. We will find out on Monday.


indeed, its just fun to speculate tho :stuck_out_tongue:

" account wide essences "

" new currency to purchase your essences "

Not really account wide essences if you are still making us grind a currency to get them. Kinda dumb imo


If it works like Legion the key level didn’t matter for end of week and you got the same amount regardless.

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sweet, hoping for that, i couldn’t remember how it worked in legion, we been threw too many systems since then :stuck_out_tongue:

See people like you should stop playing then …they give you a way to grind out rank 3 on alts(not r1-2-3 , rank 3 right away) and you people still complain . Stop ruining wow and go play fortnite or something like that!