People, the essences will is vinculed for account or no?
As i appreciate the change and am happy for all who wanted this. I wont be doing any of that… I am probably alone in this, and with 463 responses it will take forever to find out.
I dont like the current content… Visions, cloak things, the panda and uldam zones. nor anything that says PVP! Now if you add to this list Doing your regular dailies in ANY BFA zone will gain the new currency for alts then i would be jumping for joy right now!
Hopefully no one misunderstands… I AM willing to work for these things, but i would rather it be open for ALL BFA zones activity’s! Not just the new 8.3 stuff
Nailed it. A good part of your clientele is just now leveling characters in 8.3. Without a level boost it must be this way for Mechagnomes and Vulpera, plus I see tons of other ARs, the main feature of the expansion, while leveling. A bit of alt catch-up was definitely in order, as I can’t be the only one who plans to main an AR (this one) as well as get the heritage on it. I’m particularly glad I shouldn’t need to grind mechagon again, capturing some mechanical pets aside. Nicely done!
Great change. Essences came in to fill the gaps and fix the broken Azerite system. I’m all about the grind for the first time, but there was no reason not to unlock it on subsequent characters. Essences aren’t gear, even if they are a form of power.
Lmao, literally someone commented about how they have to buy them with a currency and that they should be just instantly unlocked, about 15 comments or so up from you haha!! I read my son that series all the time! No one can just be happy.
Essence cost/currency gain should be tuned so that you can get at least one essence per day on alt.
Good news, you don’t have to worry about the currency if you get the essences the old fashion way.
But I don’t get it?:
Will my stuff like “null barrier 3”, somehow be used by my Hunter and/or Priest? Can they even use that essence?
Oh, nope. Just read that they can’t =/ Too bad it doesn’t convert to what they CAN use, for them. It is only Death Knight, Demon Hunter, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Warrior
Ah, looks like my hunter and priest can use my crucible of flame, with the priest also using memory of Lucid dreams (which I raised.), that is it though.
Gad… now I might have to switch to a different spec, if I want to raise other essences to rank 3 for them (but I only play Blood.)
Visions of N’Zoth activities, such as Horrific Visions, Assaults, raid bosses, Mythic Keystone Dungeons, or BFA Season 4 PvP, will award a new soulbound currency – Echoes of Ny’alotha. These Echoes can be brought to MOTHER in the Heart Chamber, and exchanged directly for eligible Rank 3 Essences.
So switch one grind for another? Far too many people celebrating what will likely turn out to be another disappointment… its the same tune every time!
Imagine Blizz ACTUALLY giving the paying customers what they want!
Good, good…
For future reference, because we know this situation will happen again with another system: Ion and Co stating their preference against something has jack-all to do with whether it gets done.
All it does is give a rough measure of Blizzard’s willingness to lose out on revenue for the sake of being stubborn.
Thank you so much for this feature to be added.
funny all you monkeys are complaining about what people will complain about next. Actually brain dead
Please just make them available without a new currency. Returning players with lower ilvl gear will have a hard time grinding the new currency, and will end up just quitting again. You want players more active? Then do the right thing Blizz!
Exactly! Trade one grind for another. Blizzard could do better than this
I’m kind of a ok with a currency as long as:
- It’s not time gated
- It doesn’t take an unreasonable amount of time to grind.
But like everyone else, I think this should have been in the game since 8.2 launched. This might be too little, too late to save multi-character players.
I’d really like to know - how much can you get from a raid boss or m+, is it based on level/difficulty, what else is going on?

funny all you monkeys are complaining about what people will complain about next. Actually brain dead
They’re just really salty because all of their “Blizzard said no, shut up” nonsense didn’t pay off.
Oh really more forced play content by blizz lol “want your essences on alts? Well do this stuff we want you to do”. Eh…whatevs
If you got null barrier rank 3 on your main, you will have access to purchase rank 3 well of existence and/or purification protocol on your alts.
I doubt very much players have been requesting this since the patch dropped, why now? cause everyone is unsubbing and to keep what they have they have done this. When did Blizzard ever listen to what people wanted? I will tell you NEVER. Its their way or the highway and people are taking the highway now. Just like the attitude of “”“Don’t you have a Phone”""" their cash cow is slowly drying up.