Oh look… another currency grind. LOL
It is extremely disappointing to say the least that it’s taken this long for such a logical change to occur considering it should have been done this way from the begining, encouraging people to play the game on their alts is much easier done when you don’t have to literally start from square one with a rep grind. I wish I could say this comes at a fantastic time but it seems this is a day late and a dollar short. This has been asked for since Beta of this expansion… let that sink in. In closing I’m very happy this change is coming, but blizzard needs to take the blinders off their eyes and realise this game above all should be fun for its players, make that your mission and follow through with it and people will flock to the game; however, continue to make it a struggle and an unnecessary hardship and I guarantee the last thing you’ll see is a peaked interest in the vast majority of players. #makewowfunagain
So it took you three entire major patches to listen to feedback that was blatantly obvious to anyone who tested the content before it went live? Well I can now see why it took so long. Why did you take so much effort into coming up with some complicated system with a new currency and new conditions? All that development time wasted could have been spent doing other things.
All people wanted was just account wide essenes. Make it so when you earn an essence, boom! You got that essence on your account. Rank 1? Rank 2? Who cares! It’s account wide. No mess, no fuss, no drama. Like yeah I know it sounds like I’m complaining despite how everyone wants to pretend that you’re finally listening but this just shows exactly how little you really do listen.
You’ll only give into our “demands” after months of waiting and the wait will always be for some halfassed system that you come up with instead of just doing something simple. Same thing happened with pathfinder. Please just do us all a favor and never implement a crappy character only system of progression ever again starting with Shadowlands. Levels, gear, reputation. That’s all we should ever need to worry about for our alts.
Imagine being so incredibly late that it doesn’t even matter anymore.
“Hey our game has no new content to make any of your alts fun and engaging to play but heres that thing you guys wanted about 2 years ago”
Spoken like someone who hasn’t been playing the game for long. The only thing you should worry about progression wise for an alt are two very basic things. Level and Gear. Having some arbitrary BFA only essence unlocked for your alt is not like getting a free 475 for all your alts. Why? Because unlike gear which we’ll still be using in Shadowlands, the essences are something we’re throwing away. Your levels and your gear are here to stay. They’ve been part of WoW since vanilla. You can not compare some crappy expansion gimmick to the core part of your progression.
Even when I level up a new character from 100-110 I don’t get the full power of my artifact weapon anymore. Not a single one of those talents can be used… even the ones that were meant to be used while leveling 100-110. We threw it away. But you know what stayed with us? The character level and gear. So thank you for sharing your misguided opinion so the rest of us could educate you on why you are objectively wrong for having it.
As pleased as I am to see this, I’m leery of just how much currency alt essences will cost and how much we’ll be able to get for each activity. Wishes granted from Blizzard tend to be more like monkey’s paw wishes, and I’d hate to just trade one grind for another.
Just make them account wide this is just silly. If you done x y and z then you can grind a new currency. Oh Joy…
Not sure how i feel about yet another currency…
Because it is too late. This should have come out with 8.3, not 2 months later. I grinded 2 conflict and strifes, one condensed life force and a blood of the enemy this patch. I barely got to use them, so all that time is now wasted because they make the same mistake every expansion. They tie power progression to unfun and grindy stuff, and then they dont make it dramatically faster on alts. We all complain for months and they eventually say they “heard our feedback” and changed it. And people like you just bend over and say thanks daddy, which is why they keep getting away with it years later.
Every hotfix has been stuff that should have been in the patch on release. Assaults were unrewarding, dailies and visions were extremely unrewarding, the rep grind was ridiculously slow (still is), coalescing and vessel caps were stupid, corrupt gear is scarce and way too impactful for how scarce it is and acc wide essences. And we still dont know the acquisition rate for the new currency because anything less than at least two rank 3s per week if you do the 3 assaults, some world quests and the emissaries will be too low. And if its even lower than that people will rightfully complain again and they will end up buffing it in a month or two and we’ll have lots of thanks daddy’s again.
So I don’t have to step foot into another arena, bg, or ever see the inside of the Eternal Palace again? All I have to do is grind dailies in Uldum and the Veil?
now that my hype has come down quite a bit and I can think clearly…
There’s some points I want to know and hope the CM can provide us with them:
- Essence costs.
- How many echoes we get per activity?
- Will it be account wide currency?
Where does one get these Echoes though, that one will have to use to buy the essence?

Great Taliesin and Fair Evitel, rider’s of the Heavenly Hippo in the sky, doth thou readith posts from the WoW colonies? Doth thou see us across the pond?
Quickly, put some image of the long boi mount to gain his attention!
Noob question: I've been grinding spare crates on my 4th alt for rank 3 purification protocol and I got to 20 crates and 7 galvanic oscillator last night (1 more oscillator to go), should I use those resource to roll yellow punchcards instead? Can yellow punchcards still titanforge now like it used to?
Subs must be so bad they had no choice.
So it seems like if your main is DPS only class (hunter, rogue, mage, lock), you are screwed and not getting tank/healer 8.3 essences unlocked on alts (except for nazjatar/mechagone ones)…
Blizzard should not limit account share of role specific essences to nazjatar/mechagone only… It should include role specific essences from all content (eternal palace raid, nyalota raid, uldum/vale factions, pvp etc), because this is unfair to those playing DPS only main because our main can’t even unlock those to begin with…
Might not have been how I expected it, nor do we have the numbers (which means I’m afraid it’ll be a bit ridiculous) but I’ll take it. It can’t be worse than the situation we’re in now. Nice job Blizz.
Congrats blizzard, you did the exact thing you were criticized for in Legion. You wait until the very end of the expansion when content is irrelevant and cleared to implement something that should’ve already been in the game 6 months ago.
And yet people act like we’re supposed to pat you on the back instead of calling out the scummy tactics you used last expansion. What a joke. Can’t wait for the exact same thing to happen with the next temporary power progression system you add in shadowlands.

blizzard, you did the exact thing you were criticized for in Legion. You wait until the very end of the expansion when content is irrelevant and cleared to implement something that should’ve already been in the game 6 months ago.
And then people come criticize me for saying they dont do what forum posters want, they just do things to keep them quiet when it is convenient.
No wonder why everything “majority vote” is dumb.
Wrong your reaching here.