Coming Next Week -- New Source for Azerite Essences

Yeah…going back to old content is a great thing. Especially when there’s a good reason. I love mechagon personally. I don’t like naz though :rage:

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inb4 T&E react. Also TYSM Blizz for listening!

I have always wondered, do they pull from the US forums or the EU forums, because if memory serves they play EU.

I would actually love to know if they read the US forums as well or mostly just the EU forums.

/gazes to the sky

Great Taliesin and Fair Evitel, rider’s of the Heavenly Hippo in the sky, doth thou readith posts from the WoW colonies? Doth thou see us across the pond?

So we have to farm still currency to obtain something we already have. What changed? We still have to farm said essences why not just give them to us we already f’n earned them

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what changed now is we can log on an alt and just do a few dungeons or bgs or raids and not worry about wasting time not gathering essences in boring tasks.

As Cartman once said : now we finally play the game.


Say that to horrible RNG and boring dailies repeatedly. I only wanna do them once and done like most(reps). I don’t wanna do nazjatar x4 times, my memories there were horrible.

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What a delightful surprise. Seriously, this is awesome.

Thank you Blizz

It’s like asking for something for Christmas, then your birthday, then every single other holiday where gifts are involved, and then finally, right before the next version of whatever it is you want is going to come out rendering the thing you wanted obsolete, you finally get it.

Yes, there is such a thing as too late when what comes next completely wipes the slate clean. If people loved their alts they played them regardless, and if they did not because of this reason, then their cloaks haven’t even been unlocked. I’m not saying give us the cloak too, I’m saying there’s barely enough time to go through the motions with the alts when right when they get there, it all goes POOF with the squish and expac. TOO LATE.

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I’m really happy this is happening. I had already spent over a month trying to get the essences I wanted on one of my alts that I had previously and really didn’t want to have to go through the ordeal a third time.

This makes me want to play my alts more. Good change.

Too little too late

Yeah it’s seriously not complicated. When grinds obscure the purpose of the game it’s just a bad experience.

Like I tell people all the time imagine buying Starcraft and being told for the first 10 minutes of every session you need to play CS:GO. That might appeal to a percentage of players but most would understandably hate it.

WoW has always been raids, PvP and dungeons and should largely remain that way. Dailies are there for people who like that sort of thing but homogenizing the game down to daily or bust is not good design.

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Best comment of the entire thread, thank you for making my day lmao!

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So, say I had a rogue, and I earned Blood of the Enemy on him. And I have a tank alt, would I be able to buy Sphere of Suppression since they both have the same requirement? I seriously hope so, although I have high doubts since you only listed the Nazjatar and Mechagon reputation based essences in the second paragraph. Otherwise this is COMPLETELY messed up. This would mean that anytime you were to do new content, max a reputation, or unlock something it would be utterly foolish to do it on anything other than a Druid/Monk/Paladin. I hope you get this right on tuesday…


Better than nothing, I suppose

But um, why introduce a new grind to solve a problem with a grind?

Is Xhibit on the Dev team now?


Oh good. Another currency to grind…


I don’t get it. You people were complaining that you couldn’t just raid / m+ / pvp and that’s it, now blizzard is giving you exactly that and you’re still calling it a grind? Unbelievable.

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There exists a clear and obvious difference between earning something like Worldvein today by completing Islands, Vs earning a Rank 3 of any essence through Vision run’s worth of currency.

I don’t think collecting a newly introduced currency from completing a Vision or clearing an Assault to trade with a vendor is really comparable to what was required to earn most of the essences up to this point.

I think it’s pretty silly to argue otherwise. They simply aren’t comparable, pre and post account wide essences. If you substitute anything else, like gear or character levels, for Essences in this scenario it’s really quite clearly a flawed way of making essences more widely available.

If after my main earned a 475 weapon or obtained a specific trinket, my alts were able to earn a currency from completing an Emissary and purchase their own 475 weapon or specific trinket from a vendor… that would be broken.

That’s historically not how progression has worked in WoW up through this point, and it’s not exactly healthy for the game moving forward to have a one-and-done approach to content like this across multiple characters. Quest progress, character and profession levels, gear, items, and various currencies; aspects of progress across many different areas of the game deliberately aren’t shared. The gear drops or levels one character earns aren’t duplicated and made available to all other characters across an account simply for the sake of maintaining parity.

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Wow, I was so sure this was never going to happen. Pretty nice. :star_struck: