Coming Next Week -- New Source for Azerite Essences

“Dip”? What an odd way of putting it. Almost makes it sound like the grind has been totally removed and replaced with 10 minutes of fun.

Feel free to not go out into the world. You paid for the game, you play it or not. I spend most of my time in the world.


I’m against account bound any kind of power progression as well, but this is not what that is. Potentially. You still have to work for it, it’s a catchup mechanic for alts only, not a gimme. It’s also, from the look of the post, only for naz and mech rep, which I’d say again is acceptable. Account bound power progression is bad, but these systems shouldn’t have been designed the way they were to begin with.

You’re reading it wrong


This is great. However, can we also do something about essences from old content? For example Condensed Life-Force is a top tier essence for frost mages but only obtainable through Eternal Palace. Anyone who wasn’t playing/raiding back then is now forced to find groups to this outdated content and run it for weeks for rank 3. Groups are hard to find and personally I have little desire to raid old content for an essence upgrade. This feels problematic.


Does this include Blood of the Enemy and Conflict and Strife? If this is -only- for Mech and Nazjatar essences… not really a great change.

While it is appreciated you heard the feedback, I’m not pleased that I will have to be forced to play a bad game modes to get them for my alts, not even yet considering what you’re going to have to do to earn the currency to buy the essences, how much you are going to need, and how many runs it’ll require to get the ones you want.

Realistically, you will only want to open up the 4 best ones for a single spec, or 8 to 12 for the spec.

I would reconsider making people play any/all of these choices. I just want the essences to make the things I do use alts a little easier.

Just make them account bound. Easy peasy.

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I can’t agree with this more. This change, while certainly a great compromise, is just “too little, too late” for a lot of us. I have already moved on to other games at this point and am in standby mode waiting on Shadowlands. This very well might have kept me from burning out on 8.3 so quickly, and I’d still be playing. However, it is not going to undo what damage has already been done. I’ll be back for the pre-patch.

Why does it take a mass exodus of players to spur Blizzard into making the right decisions? This should have gone live when 8.3 did. Grr.

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Does this apply to all essences IE conflict and strife? Or just the 8.2/8.3 essences?

What they actually wanted people to do was pay for a faction/race change.

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And what compensation will those who have already earned these Essences be getting for all the extra work they had to do since you will now be basically selling the Essences to the lazy!

Sooooooooooo, what do you want the currency to be rewarded from as this basically covers all activities. Single Player PvE, Group PvE, and general PvP.

Where exactly do you want to get the currency from if you are literally labeling the above as “bad game modes”???

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I mean you still have to do it once the real way.

They don’t admit mistakes. Fixing some feature they had invested a lot of thought in - though clearly using some sort of faulty logic - would be like admitting they had made a mistake.

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That doesn’t answer what compensation those who have earned those Essences on multiple alts will be getting now that they can be basically bought!

Fixing bad game design doesn’t really entitle anyone to anything, and this is coming from someone who raids mythic and has done 2 essence grinds on a main and alt now.


Just in general, they know what players are thinking, because somebody out there is reading the forums. They think we’re wrong. They think the problem is not any game feature, but unreasonable expectations on the part of spoiled players.

Gj on getting so many people worked up with such a basic troll

MoP world bosses while trying to get mounts, clearly. :laughing:

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This is the problem. You guys keep viewing this as a “mistake”. The only mistakes made is some bugs and maybe some numbers that werent fully fledged out in beta.
Systems are thoroughly thought out. You dont think someone in the room said “we are introducing so many new systems to grind out, think we should make essences BoA?”. You know they did, it was a thought. But sadly they know if it takes more to grind out, they will keep it for a while, then go “whoops” when subs start to drop a bit. This is very calculated.

Where is it stated BoA?

EACH character is going to have to farm the currency to obtain the essences.