Coming Next Week -- New Source for Azerite Essences

I’m curious about that as well, but I have r3 null barrier on 3 character’s but only r2 of the dps essence. Kinda burnt myself out to farm the crates but with this change I’ll definitely get it regardless

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Well, there’s our 1 blue response of the month. I doubt anything about “our” discussions so much as either high ranking guilds or some other equally important group got the lone dev off his Diablo immortal phone.

In all seriousness, I’m pro BoA. Believe it or not, making alts is fun.

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Whenever you see green text you already know

Does that green text troll saying that invalidate the point? This is NOT account wide essences. That’s like saying the bonus rep tokens in MoP were account wide rep… At best this is a presumably shorter grind to get essences IF your main has rank 3.


glad to see some good changes to the game.


very excited! I just wish they would give specifics when they announce stuff like this- how much currency do you earn per assault, raid boss, pvp etc and how much do the essences cost?


wait, it said rank 3 essence only, so my alt still need to get rank 2 before I send one rank 3 essence?

The way I read it is if you have rank 3 on one character you can get a token which allows the same rank 3 to be gained for another character.

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It means you skip 1 and 2 if you don’t already have them.

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what if your main is dps spec only class like rogue, mages, warlock, and you want to play your alt tank/healer spec, how do you deal with the tank/healer essences


I’m confused as well. If we only earned Rank 1 or 2 on an essence, does that mean we still begin at rank 0, effectively, on an alt?

Thumbs up for this definitely, Blizzard encourages you to make more alts with allied races and does not keep in mind how much time it takes to get even basic crappy gear on them. Keep in mind I am not saying all 13 of my alts need to be in Mythic epic top tier gear.

Also most definitely this is just borrowed power that is going to be replaced by a green necklace we get from the armpit of a bear in the first Shadow lands quest… calling it now.

Also this, I be a bit wary with them adding another currency to grind out.

crosses fingers too

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Don’t worry, I got you!

  • Skip for Wrathion scenario.
  • Portal to Vale
  • Portal to Uldum



Honestly, I wouldn’t complain if those were to become a thing some day haha XD

Actually, going off topic a bit, I never understood why Uldum never had a portal back. Its the only Cataclysm zone with a one way portal. Every other Cata portal in Org and SW is two way but Uldum is one way for some reason. Never understood why.

But I digress.


I have a level 118 Dark iron Dwarf I was dreading capping because of Purification and Nullifcation Dynamo.

So happy…!


Finally …

Neato. :slight_smile:

This very well may be the case, but the forums made it no secret that essences were killing the repeatability of the content by greatly discouraging players from playing alts due to the insane grinds that would need done on each different character.

A million times this.
I don’t mind buyin em on my DPS main, just give me the option to do so.

Thanks for the info! It sounds like the most reliable way to farm them will be to spam keys then. I wonder if you get more for higher keys, or if they are the same amount regardless of key level?