Coming Next Week -- New Source for Azerite Essences

Ya some day I will just know everything I say will immediately be assumed wrong regardless of understanding or context.
Maybe in 9.0.

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Indeed. I’m glad you are starting to learn.

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Except those World 100 guilds already do that, players already are expected to level and gear multiple characters through split running so this makes no sense…

And I am saying that those “facts” are revealing if true on just how busted the game is.

Or, maybe, I don’t know… they could stop designing new systems on systems on systems on systems. BFA has had more new systems with their own separate grinds than any other expansion. Azerite Armor, Essences, Corruption, Legendary Cloak, ect. Its not like previous expansions where character growth was a singular idea of “gear up” but now its a system of gearing up as well as unlocking/leveling multiple different systems.

The system is broken in general Metro, this is a step in a better direction for the player base. I have already said I didn’t care one way or another personally, but I can’t agree with your reasoning on why this shouldn’t happen because that would be covering for bad game design.

Its honestly something I am also anxious/worried about for Shadowlands because its looking to have multiple power systems as well with Gearing, the Legendary crafting system, The Covenant system, it just seems like they are continuing to tack on MULTIPLE progressions systems that make the game alt-unfriendly and overly complex.


Saying that means you don’t play 4 characters anymore in this expansion even thou you did it with ease .

Bold move, actually giving your paying customers something they’ve been asking for since you added this system to the retail game. You need to break the cycle of thinking of your customers as ignorant annoyances that have no clue what they really want. WE want to play with our friends in the world you’ve created. WE stop doing that when our friends can no longer enjoy the constant addition of RNG and new grind systems. We lose more and more people over time, and our desire to slog thru this human attrition gets harder and harder. Stop daring us to quit this game that you’ve put so many thousands of hours into by punishing us for playing more than a single character. Were so much more than that.


Bwa ha ha ha. This quote could literally be a line from a Dark Legacy Comic.

There’s no need for another darn currency, although it is par for the course in this expansion. In the future Blizzard, please, double the grind on mains and half it on alts. I have no problem doing repetitive un-fun content on my main. Make it “mandatory” and I’ll do it as much as needed. But when it comes to alts, I just want a character to run raids/dungeons on aside from my main.


No they don’t. Only the top 20 or so guilds do these practices. Most just overrecruit and class stack within a 40 man roster. Top guilds bring 20 skilled players who have 10 geared characters. HUGE difference.

Right, so am I. Its not fixable though. The entire game would have to be redesigned.

I geuss you are misunderstanding, because I am not saying this shouldn’t happen haha.

Just saying it can not happen at the start of an expansion because it would trivialize all PVE (and probably pvp too?) for the remainder of the expansion.

Its not an option, and no offense, but if you participated in that scene you would understand why.
The meta, for whatever it is worth, is just too heavily enforced in some scenes.

If my DK’s gear was equal across all 6 tanks, no one would ever allow me to play anything but what was perceived as the best tank period.

Right now, it can still be about the character I identify with and enjoy, even if only because I have the excuse to say “by the time I get a Monk geared the boss would be dead.”

If you say so.
Sorry for any confusion.
I still continue to play many alts to this day.
Like the Mitch Hedberg joke!

I used to play alts.
I still do.
But I used to too!


But Mitch was talking about drugs , not alts lol

Blizzard’s idea fun in WoW is like Mitch’s Chainsaw juggling .

Day late and a dollar short. Already unsubbed a couple days ago. Will be back next expansion. Next time do stuff like this way sooner. At a minimum this should have been done beginning of 8.3 but really, sooner.


So does this include the cloak?

I never really cared about the essences, but I am pleasantly surprised by this news. It almost makes it seem like Blizzard does listen to players sometimes.

Just the players that matter like Method.

So, the guy who has basically no mythic experience, can barely do anything above a 13, and is basically a casual ho-hum player is the expertise on what is and is not “character progression.”

Gear is earned, essences are mandatory, especially for raiding. Go away.

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The look on your face when you realize this is only for the naz + mech essences will be priceless.

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No it is not a poor example, the FACT is it could be done and easily, which makes your comment incorrect, and what if I do not raid mythic? my max power would be heroic, and I can easily do that on more than one character.
My point was it was able to be done prior and for someone that doesn’t work and could raid anytime it wasn’t that hard, If I so choose to be in say 3 guilds and raid 7 days a week alternating my characters in any of the earlier expansions, I could very easily have all my toons around the same, I constantly had 4 at least and that working full time as well.
At the end of the day you are saying that toon A that raids mythic and has full essences is the same as toon B that doesn’t raid mythic but has full essences, and before you say no its not re-read your original comment…

“The ability to keep a dozen different characters all near equally powerful would expose massive holes in already weak class balance and design and force the game to be designed per account instead of per class and spec.”,

Which was related directly to essences as per the thread, you did not mention raiding at all and nor was it referenced prior.

More currencies, more chores, more hoops, fewer subs. Happy for the change and all but not really sold on the method or the timing. You guys have been playing catch-up on fundamental aspects of your BfA systems all expansion to the point im burned out by the time relief comes.


Here’s hoping for the new currency to not be a huge headache!


I thought that as well then I re-read it, what it actually says that for those essences only you can get alternative one ie, if you have lvl3 dps, you can get lvl 3 heals without leveling one prior.