Coming Next Week -- New Source for Azerite Essences

Which part didn’t you understand?

Except you are comparing World First players to the average player in this scenario, which is a very skewed comparison. As you said, the World First players already play the said BiS/FotM classes to begin with Metro so where does the problem exist then???

And players did, its not like the request was “Can all essences just be unlocked?” it was “Can we have an easier way to get essences we have already unlocked but on alts?”

You are trying to make an argument that only applied to the top 1% of the player base who ALREADY do that kind of stuff and then apply it to the vast majority/average players. It makes no sense.


omg, thank you so much!


Understand? It’s an insanely asinine comment. In BC, I had 6 alts farming Black Temple and a couple partially going into Sunwell. I had similar characters through Wrath. Your comment is just dumb lol.


Doing outdated content and time gates were the major complaints.

Now this new system solves one of those.

The idea of the old content being too easy and boring starts to die away when you realize people don’t want to do EP as well.

And all the “serious” players are now “forced” to grind every source of this new currency every week to catch up.

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In the world 100th guilds comprised of people who do not get to play the game as a full time job.

If EVERYONE had this potential to play any class for any encounter, the game would be completely different.
I don’t think this is something to be arguing honestly.

I was just stating the facts of the matter.
That is why the game is what it is.

If they had to design things per account instead of per character it would be different in just about every way.

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Uh…no it wasn’t.

Is it? I don’t understand where we differ.

I am saying that in order to play your alts at the same level as your mains in the old days you had to raid a LOT.
Now a days people cant even be bothered EP for a few weeks.

Sounds like we are on the same page, even if we are both making “insanely asinine comments.”

Really? So we are on the same page about Mythic raiding, something that didn’t exist, and having to use multiple guilds? Really? You sure about that?

Key word in your speech is " Played " , past tense so therefore you shouldn’t be commenting on subjects that concern those who still play . However …

Maybe most of us set a goal for all our toons not just 4 and we can’t make that goal with Blizzard being out of touch with the community that they give us what we think we want but never asked for.


10 characters.

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Yes, I am sure. Just because it didn’t exist doesn’t mean there aren’t parallels. Is this another one of those “I disagree with you no matter what” situations?

this rocks bilzz Ty Ty :smiley:

Not really, it mostly just sounds like you have no clue what you are talking about, as per usual.


I’ll wait and see…

1st how many/much “currency” will one get from said activities…

2nd how much will the essences cost…

Because if you can only get say 300 “currency” a week or so and one essence cost like 2000…

Yep I have that much faith in them


Uhhhh maybe you misread something, or I made some grammatical error haha.

I used the past tense there to signify action that happened in the past and present.
I believe I used the word correctly.

To clarify, I still play multiple alts often.
I just also did in the past too.

Thanks for the insight as always.

That’s actually a surprising but very welcome change. Making it limited to essences you built to lvl 3 is a fair compromise as well. Good stuff.

No problem, hopefully one day it will finally dawn on you.


Which is why reduced requirements are better overall. I don’t need BotE for any of the characters I currently play would not use BotE in any scenario whatsoever, but if I wanted to roll a rogue or any other mdps or whatever, I would need to grind out the massive amount of honor anyway.

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