Coming Next Week -- New Source for Azerite Essences

Essences were literally the first reason to dip back into a previous patches content in a long time. And also the first real power gains possible through world content rather than funneled through raids.

And it’s done. Back to staying out of the world as much as possible and only focusing on the latest raid.


Cool, but old content wasn’t the complaint now was it?


You realize it’s still timegated right?

Except now you can do it in 8.3 content?

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There are literally threads on this forum complaining about ilvl bloat and the invalidation of the progression system of lvling to dungeons to mc to bwl etc.

You realize that had nothing to do with your first post right?

It does in the sense that they didn’t change the time gate part, just made you not have to do 8.2 stuff for it?

Completely different topic lol.

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i dont mind farming yet again a new currency but please make the price of the essences balanced … and please DO NOT TIMEGATE this currency, else, this is going to be yet again another flop

Pretty sure the complaint was just wanting easier access to essences for alts. I don’t remember anyone complaining about doing various pieces of content, new or old.

Then you haven’t been paying attention for a while…

Also the new complaint will be how unfair it is that someone who does everything (Assaults, visions, raids, mythic+, rated PvP, etc) on their list gets 5x the currency as someone who raid logs.

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Pretty sure I’ve been paying closer attention than yourself based on your original post.

You were never bound! I played 4 characters easily all expansion!
You just need to move past the idea that you need to maximize characters you barely play and the game becomes a lot more interesting to explore on multiple characters.

Are you disagreeing with the rest?

The rest is irrelevant. It’s a whataboutism that has nothing to do with what is taking place currently.

True that shadowlands is not coming out soon.

But no one is surprised by this either.

It is the case though.
You can see it clearly in any World first race.
Class stacking is the reason many fights get killed, and even guilds not in that race are still stacking immunities on nzoth.

Now imagine if every character in the game had access to any spec or class they wanted with full power.

That is the issue with account wide progression, and why it will never be a reality for this game.

Nothing is “made inconvenient” though. Its just not made easier because you did it once.
Very different.

You should be expecting to earn your power every time.

Not to mention not much being changed class wise in SL if this is true doesn’t help at all.

No, that’s a very poor example.
In the days prior to legion to have your alts and mains both at the peak of power it meant mythic raiding on them all.
Usually meaning having multiple guilds and scheduled to maintain this.

Make no mistake.
The game offers FAR more power for far less work now.
People just want 100 percent instead of 90 percent always, so these complaints about minor power losses seem more prevalent now than when it was obvious why you were weak.

lol wut?


Sure, you are welcome to you opinion.
I disagree with it heavily though.
To me, competitive elements are the reason the RPG remains important to this day.

If it wasn’t for that adherence we would have no gear at all, right?
Think about how much better PVP would be if that were the case - like every PVP focused game out there.