WoW is clearly out of touch and off its rails… Imperial Operative, I’m starting from scratch.
Are there elves?
No. I hate Star Wars.
Hmmm… IMHO Rattataki are kinda close, but not really.
It’s ok if you play it for the class stories
Then that’s a no from me
SWTOR is a great game and the devs have been improving it quite a bit recently. Also, you can play the entire base game (game minus expansions) for free, which lets you play out the enitre original storyline for each class. The Class storylines are classic Bioware and worth playing even if you don’t do anyhing else in the game. I play both WOW and SWTOR.
Def a better story than the Jailer Thanos and Loki Sylvanas…
Wait, you think Blizzard is off the rails and you picked to play the Sith Empire? I love the sheer irony of that choice
Nope, bailing on one flawed corporate machine to support an even bigger more evil corporate machine is kinda gross.
SWToR is totally fun as a free-to-play single player experience.
As an mmo it just felt like a wow reskin that didn’t really improve on the formula. That said, it is entirely possible to play solo and as a single player game the stories are pretty cool if you like star wars
actually swtors class system is getting an overhaul i look forward to so ill prob be doing that
You really need to use “free to play” very loosely with SWToR. Sure it is free, provided you are willing to accept crazy limitations. I mean last time I played they even limit the level of gear you could equip or the number of times you could do a “BG”.
Been there. Then they went “F2P” and ruined it. But have fun.
That is the whole basis behind free to play
yeh thinking of picking this game up again actually
it has such a BETTER story line too. oh and I have got a unit, something blizzard aren’t smart enough to do. (housing)
For those who dont know
Swtors class system is getting updated and how classes can now pick specs
take for example in the pass trooper had access commando and vanguard right?
now you can pick a trooper and have access to not only vanguard and havoc specs but every other tech spec including gunslinger sniper BH skills etc
Not this dosent mean you can play a trooper with jedi powers the classes are still limited to there original types Tech and force
Why would I got to a worse game?
Cause swtor can still be fun if your just there to play the story
It’s not that great.
The stories were not that compelling, I played both a sith and a jedi. Mediocre and predictable is how I’d explain the storylines.
You do you though.