Combat Auction House Scammer

So anything that requires an addon… Is something that blizzard should just “fix themselves” because its a problem within the game itself.

It’s certainly the general approach they took in retail. Many addon functionality got incorporated into retail.

Given that this is classic I do not believe they should do that, but for me this type of capability is toxic to the playerbase.

I don’t scam people on the auction house, and even if I did “bait” people into seeing my post because of the low bid price I wouldn’t consider it a scam, in the same way that if I was dumb enough to purchase something that was overpriced I wouldn’t blame anyone but myself.

You are asking the game to be altered in an unnecessary way. It’s not as much of a “problem” as you are making it out to be


That’s not really helping your argument.

Its Toxic to “you”

You don’t speek for the “playerbase” and from this thread most of the people responding don’t agree with you.

Those people are part of that “playerbase” you were refering to.

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And personal responsibility is absolutely relevant in a discussion, but I also think disregarding the sellers intent is not fair in any capacity.

We can’t pretend that there is zero difference between walking up to a shelf that says “This product $10” and a consumer doesn’t realize this when they buy it versus “This product $10” and also there’s other products that are improperly shelved there that are not correctly priced and shoving all blame onto the consumer for failure to notice. It is not fair to blame the consumer for the latter, especially if it’s proven the store was doing it intentionally.

In my view you need to look at each case by itself and decide who bears more (or all) responsibility. Trying to blanket blame every scenario and say personal responsibility is just garbage logic, especially in the real world when you consider that companies marketing to you are not genuine with the information they give you.

We both know that not enough of the playerbase exists on the forums to make any sort of determination on this.

But I’ll be happy to have Blizzard put this to a vote in the same way OSR does with changes and see what happens

“Should we update the AH interface to sort prices by buyout price or keep it the same where it sorts by bid price?”

I’d eat my tier helm if it went unchanged :wink:

It’s not a store though, it’s an auction house… and functions as such within the system that exists.

There is no “correct price”

Auctions are organized by the bid price, not the buyout price. The system is working as intended. Buyout means you choose to purchase the item for whatever price it has been set at, by bidding you can be outbid.

Also this isn’t the real world, it’s a video game. There are no consumer protections… there is a bid price, and a buyout price. Personal responsibility is king.


just get tsm …

A seller has no duty to sell his goods in the manner and for the amount that a buyer desires.
A seller has no duty to sell his goods in the manner and for the amount that a buyer desires.
A seller has no duty to sell his goods in the manner and for the amount that a buyer desires.
A seller has no duty to sell his goods in the manner and for the amount that a buyer desires.
A seller has no duty to sell his goods in the manner and for the amount that a buyer desires.


Easy way to combat this, make the default sorting do so by BUYOUT, not bid.

Unless the government is the buyer, unfortunately.

Lucky for us, Stormwind Keep doesn’t impose itself.

Imagine that!

Some city official approaches you at random and says, “By the order of King Wrynn, I’m here to collect your Primals. You will be compensated in a manner deemed fit by His Majesty.”


Alas the Kingdom of Stormwind has no 5th Amendment.

Primals are still selling for 20g on your servers? They’re like 11g for Fires on Herod now thanks to all of the damned bots. Never saw them this low in actual TBC, even toward the end of the expansion…

Or let you sort by either the bid or buyout price.

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That’s why I’ve never said Blizzard should police or monitor sales to review nefarious tactics. That’s way too complicated for a video game to take over. Doesn’t mean they can’t react and adjust the system to curve predatory behavior though.

Nor does it detract from the conversation you and I have in regards to who we think is responsible. When I first heard of this AH scheme my first question to ask was how did this happen? It’s important to ask that question on both sides of the equation because this conversation changes entirely based on the factors.

However everyone here knows what this scheme is about (by the way can I call it that, or is that still too abrasive of a term for everyone?). It happens on every server, we hear about this topic once every week or so and the people doing it spread these auctions across multiple markets to catch as many people as possible. It’s not some one off accidental thing, it’s a prevelant issue across all auction houses on all servers.

The widespread use of this tactic is enough to discern the intent of the posters as intendional and that is why I do not place much blame on the buyer. We are all acutely aware of the intention of the seller is, there is no mystery here. Arguing otherwise is laughable. One may even argue it would be unreasonable or irrational to do so. You are doing nothing more than victim blaming them despite the predatory nature the sellers are partaking in.

That doesn’t absolve a buyer entirely though. They should learn from their mistake, they should pay more attention, and realistically get an addon to protect themselves. Hopefully they never fall for it again either. But do I say it’s their fault? That they are solely responsible? No, that is ridiculous. They were prey. And if there is prey there is a predator because this posting scheme is predatory by nature.

When you catch up to the point where you realize we’re discussing whether Blizzard should be altering the system itself and I am not trying to tell people we should punish the seller let me know.

Because they cancel the action when someone bids. They have no intention of letting a low bid go through, even though that’s what they listed.


I actually really like this idea of buyer’s remorse, that’s a good idea!

They shouldn’t, keep up.

They should, keep up.

Haha got’em bois.