Combat Auction House Scammer

That system would never work. In short order it would be abused to force your competitors off the market.

Case in point, someone undercuts you. You buy out all their auctions making yours the lowest price, you wait 80-85 minutes and get a refund. Then rinse and repeat keeping your competitors off the market.

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Not resell the ones you bought. Just sell from your own supply.

Buy all yours to remove them from the AH and Sell my own. Then return your items for refund right before the timer runs out.

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He’s saying to basically eliminate the competition for windows of 90 minutes. Now that I think about it you could basically abuse that system to troll somebody and make their auction disappear for periods of 85 minutes at a time.

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And you could get others to do it too. Basically it could be used to make someone unable to use the AH. If enough people want to abuse it.

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The context of the situation at hand is relevant and that has been beaten to death. You are stuck on the fact that the price tag exists and think that is enough to absolve the person of any blame and I wholeheartedly disagree.

The best real world example I can actually think about this is buying something like meat at the store. Price varies between pounds in the container and also quality. I recently went to Costco and bought a whole new york strip loin to carve into steaks. Costco separates by quality of meat and it was about $100 for a choice and $150 for prime.

Now if someone goes to the choice section and see they are all worth around $100 dollars, which is a price they’re comfortable paying for, its possible for someone to just grab the best looking one without really looking at the price closely.

So if Costco accidentally put a prime quality loin there it’s not unreasonable that someone might grab it without looking at the price of that specific loin. Maybe they realize it on checkout and maybe they don’t catch it until they get home because they bought 10 things so the price got lost in the purchases.

What I am accusing players of doing in game is intentionally placing that prime cut of loin in with the choice hoping someone won’t pay attention because there is a sea of choice and only one prime they have to pay attention to.

Every item was marked with a price, they even state somewhere the price per pound of each quality of meat and the packet would even say prime on it. Except in WoW the only difference is there is no quality differentiation.

And then you get to ask yourself did someone intentionally do this or not. The answer is yes. Regardless of what you want to call this interaction it doesn’t change that the simple fix of sorting by buyout price is the right call.

Because people who fall for this type of stuff are naive about the situation at hand. In the same sense that some stores will place deals at the beginning of an aisle to give you the impression that the aisle is full of deals you then buy something in the middle thinking you got yourself a hot deal when you actually didn’t. You can ask “why did they assume” but it’s besides the point, human nature is studied and analyzed for this purpose. There’s a reason why companies have marketing teams dedicated to maximizing their profits and while some of them are above board some of them will cause you to raise your eyebrows and ask how is that legal.

The issue can be fixed by a third party addon (which I also use), but the most casual players don’t always bother with them and don’t keep up on WoW news nor do they post on the forums. You and I aren’t the target. We are the smarty pants who know what’s up with this and we very likely won’t ever fall prey to this, but that’s fine with them because it’s their one auction (across multiple markets) versus thousands of players making purchases every single day.

It’s a numbers game and they won’t lose so long as it’s doable.

Lower the window. 90 minutes might be too long. What would be more appropriate?

10 minutes?

5 minutes?

2 minutes?

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In wow there’s also no wholesale distributor, each auction is placed by an individual. It’s more similar to a flea market, where there are different vendors selling the same products. You just happened to walk up to the wrong stand.

The bottom line is… if I want to sell a primal fire for 150g, that’s my decision. If someone purchases it for 150g, that is their decision.

They could have bought one for 10-15g, but they decided to purchase it for 150g. Likely because they were not paying attention, in which case I would say… pay attention when you are buying things. Be careful with your money.


Could work but you’d need to build in a way for the game to detect the same accounts purchasing it and refunding it over and over again. People or a group of them will literally sit there and take your auction off the market for small increments of time if they have the ability to do so.

I will take your flea market one further and note that the stand you bought from stopped you and asked “Are you sure you want to pay 150g?”

And you said yes.


It isn’t an issue but for people too lazy/hasty/impulsive. That’s not a Blizzard problem.

You’re free to disagree, but that doesn’t make you any less unreasonable or irrational.

This is inherently unreasonable. You’re trying to treat a lack of personal responsibility as “reasonable” and it isn’t. Get a shred of accountability before you demand changes be made to accommodate a lack thereof.

Right… because you’re unreasonable and irrational. Wanting people to pay more for your item than they would pay for someone else’s is not a problem, and if people too lazy and impulsive to notice feel scammed, that is their problem, not the seller’s.


It is just one more example of how the retail mindset is ruining TBCC. Players want the game to remove all potential for them to do something stupid.

They want no accountability, no risk, no worries. Easy mode with 100% ability to take back any decisions they make.

TBCC = Retail 2.0, if they have their way.


He says, posting on a retail toon.

You can set a maximum buyout price in TSM4 to flag any purchase attempts before they go through. Anyone buying in the default ui looks at the buyout cost before hitting purchase. Anyone falling victim to these just doesn’t know how to use their AH add-on.


It’s really not relevant honestly. The analogy I used works close enough to get my point across.

This is actually not accurate. If you want to think of the AH as having multiple stands then prices needed to be sorted out well enough to allow you to create multiple “stands” and the AH design doesn’t allow this since it sorts by bid.

That is why my analogy works better than this one. We’re all buying from one single stand except instead of one wholesale seller it’s all individual sellers throwing their product out there.

And I’ll never say you can’t. All I want is the AH to sort by buyout price by default, not by bid. If that concept upsets you then it’s clear your price model isn’t genuine.

An Auction House is not a Store. They operate completely different! This example does not fit with what your trying to reference.

In the TBCC auction house, The best looking one is in fact the cheapest one, as there all exactly the same.

So anyone looking for the “best one” is literally only looking at the price.

You make it sound like having a particular addon is mandatory.

Than download an addon that allows for that, assuming one exists.

If we all agree an addon solves the problem then maybe we should all agree that Blizzard should fix the problem within the game itself.

It’s not a problem, it’s a problem with how you interpret the information, the game is doing its job by sorting the bids in order of price.


Again if you take issue with the idea of making auctions sort by buyout price instead of by bid then it’s obvious your intentions are not genuine and you have proven my point in showing how this is a scam.

If you didn’t believe this was a scam you wouldn’t have a problem with a change because you’d keep posting your post auctions the way you do, but you know the second they did this your auctions would never sell again.