Combat Auction House Scammer

Blizz should make all loot personal to avoid people getting burned in that regard as well! Oh wait…

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I swear if I have to use the dumb checkout aisle reference in this thread I’m gonna break something…

The way people go on about the evil AH makes me think they spend half their day protesting supermarkets for preying upon them for offering snacks and drinks at checkout.



I don’t want this Kit Kat

I don’t want this Kit Kat

I don’t want this Kit Kat

**** I want the Kit Kat


He’s clearly argued that because I argue against it I must have fallen for it which would mean this logic implies that because he is arguing it is OK that he partakes in it. And then after I tell him I’ve never fallen for it he seems to become confused as to why I’m even here then since it doesn’t involve me.

There’s plenty to infer from his stance.

Blizzard doesn’t really control this narrative by the way. Legally speaking they control whether it’s fraud or rather if this conduct breaks the TOS. If you believe that Blizzard controls the scam narrative then you believe that if someone uses a WA to remove their gold during the accept period of an in person trade that is also not a scam because Blizzard also isn’t doing anything about it.

Scam doesn’t really have a legal basis. A scam has to have some illegal component to get charged against, such as fraud. You don’t get charged for scamming specifically and one may argue they got scammed even if they have no legal recourse.

Glad to know you’re on board with the ask that I put forth, but the whole basis of the ask revolves around how people are using the system to begin with. If I didn’t feel that people were taking advantage of the system to prey on other players I wouldn’t be asking for it.

That’s not really a valid comparison at all. The closer comparison would be a supermarket individually labeling every can of beans. For each can, 95% are labeled $0.50, but 1/20 are labelled $500. All transactions are by credit and they don’t prominently display your total when swiping and there’s no refund even if you catch the cost immediately after swiping your card.

I mean it does prominently display the cost, but that’s not really relevant if you ask me. The whole thing revolves around you assuming all items are reasonably priced so you do not pay attention when grabbing items so by the time you get home and check your receipt it’s too late. Then the store says all sales are final. The scam relies on players not paying attention and all scams prey on some form of victim interaction like this.

The only difference for players versus the real world store is we only have one store to go to in-game.

Then you are unreasonable and irrational.

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Yes they do. It is there game. They can decide what is and isn’t “a scam” or against TOS. You agree to that when you click the “I agree to the TOS” when your first installing the game.

The way the AH works is how it is designed to work.

You don’t have to like it. I personally don’t like it, that’s why I use TSM.

Low bid with High buyout is not a scam tho.

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Why o why would you ever assume anything.

Didn’t anyone ever teach you that assuming makes an a$$ out of U & Me.

This 100%

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The auction house works, you see things, you can bid on them, or you can purchase them for buyout price. I don’t really see what the issue is here.

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Yes, you do. These threads always devolve into the same “IT’S A SCAM!” “NO, IT’S NOT A SCAM!” midwittery. Everybody knows what the ‘issue’ is; people just decide to spergishly focus on whether or not they think the subject at hand is a ‘scam’.

Could make it like Dungeon loot is now.

They could apply some kind of “receipt” attached to all purchases giving players a 90-minute window for a refund. Null and void if you use any of the materials you bought or if any items became Soulbound after you bought them.

Buyer’s Remorse is a thing.

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I could possibly see this working, but players would no longer be able to be notified of an auction being sold, it would have to notify them after the 90 minute period had expired.

Purely to avoid situations where, “a buyer has been found for your auction for X”

“ wooohoooo I’m rich”

  • goes and buys Haris Pilton bag *

“Your auction has been returned”


Now that’s not considering the type of backend stuff that would need to be done to implement this system, I have no idea how that would work or if there would be issues with that.

Yeah, seems like that would be appropriate.


I could see some people buying out something, so they could then post their item without competition and then Returning the item 5mins before the refund time runs out.


Hahahahaha that’s big brain

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Heck I go through sometimes and bid all the low stuff then put my stuff up for sale, only to watch the botters drop all their auctions and relist in super short order, I then keep punishing them by bidding the cheap stuff in hopes that I get luck to nuke a not automated player scammer.

If you try to resell during the 90-minute window, the receipt becomes null and void. Easy fix.

would be cool if vendor items could never be auctioned ever.

Looking at you winterspring alchemy recipe bot in vanilla