Collectors Wish List for Transmog Items


Over the last few days of being in the council, I have managed to gather a lot of things which many people (including me) would like to see being added/fixed in the future :slight_smile:

● MoP scenarios should reward the boxes with a chance of the transmog item for the daily queue as it was back in the days. Currently you can get this only from three one-time quests, so you can “farm” it only with trial characters which feels a bit odd.

● Legacy dungeons drop two items from each boss while Legion dungeon bosses only drop 1 item. All legacy dungeon bosses should drop 2 items.

● It’s very annoying that some rares will only drop the transmog based on your current specialaization or class. You might farm it for a long time without even knowing if you can get the transmog.

● Personal loot is very annoying when doing old transmog runs with friends. It would be nice if legacy loot allowed us to just roll on the gear.

● Give us a damage boost in legacy content (slow kills are boring, not difficult). Mainly talking about late Legion and all BfA raids. Also try to be more active in fixing unsoloable old bosses.

● Covenant weapon rewards are overly frustrating to get (e.g. you might have a Kyrian rogue to collect the leather, but now you need to redo the campaign + difficult Path of Ascension achievements on a demon hunter to get the warglaives). Maybe try to make covenant achievements account-wide?

● MoP + WoD world bosses need 5 min respawns. The limiting factor is toons and not respawn time. Respawn time is dead time. Also Ordos should be fightable by all.

● Please stop removing content that offers gear (without moving the rewards). I can understand time-limited gear that required some high pvp or pve achievement. But removing quests, old raids like Zul’Gurub, dungeons like original Scholomance etc., feels very unnessesary and avoidable by simply leaving both versions in the game.

● Let us learn all transmogs, don’t restrict by armor type. Or at least could we ignore class restrictions? (e.g. rogue-specific gear drops in Nighthold, let other leather wearers learn it too).

Now I’d like to talk about ID collectors. There are many people who like to go to the extreme and collect not only every unique transmog, but simply all itemIDs in the game. Sadly this is very hard since Blizzard is very unconsistence with usage of itemIDs and modIDs.

● Fix timewalking IDs (BC/WotLK/Cata dungeons and raids).

● Fix WoD dungeon IDs (and Son of the Beast fist weapon drop). The difficulties are all mismatched since Shadowlands pre-patch.

● Ensembles need to be fixed to give all items, regardless of when they were used by the player or if you have the other shared IDs. (e.g. I have collected Legion season 5 tmog set in Legion, but now I can’t use the given ensemble to give me season 6 & season 7 items, desipte not having those items in my collection, because it has the same look as season 5).

This is the end of my first post. I hope you like those ideas and I’ll be happy for any other ideas or questions regarding this post. Thank you for reading through :slight_smile:


A big problem with Legion Dungeons and Raids is that Relics are still on their loot table. So even if they boosted it to 2 items, that’s still a good chance to just get a useless Relic. D: But yea, they should normalize this.

Unfortunately, you can blame the playerbase for this. If they make it drop without regard to your spec, you get people screaming and complaining about it. I’ve seen tons of complaining threads that the Dune Dominance Rares in Zereth Mortis drop regardless of spec. Blizzard’s in a lose/lose situation here.

I’d rather they just work on a greater system to let us put personal loot up for roll ourselves, so it can be used in LFD and LFR without having to manually go through the roll and trade process. Something people have asked for for years.

There’s supposed to be. For some reason, the legacy damage buff is not active in Legion, even though it should be. It’s been reported since the legacy buff was tested on the PTR it was added.

BFA content wouldn’t be eligible until next xpac though. It’s how it’s been since legacy buffs were added.

For the love of everything, please. At the VERY least these two need to be:

There is literally no reason we should have to do all 10 challenges in path with all 3 soulbinds on 4 characters. And then It’s How You Wear It could have to be done even more than that. If your mail character wasn’t a hunter? You’ll need to do it a 5th for the bow. If leather wasn’ta Demon Hunter? There’s a 6th for the warglaives.

Why on earth are these achievements not account wide? And it’s almost strictly a Kyrian issue.

Venthyr Ember Court was made really alt friendly, though I still refuse to do it on alts. Lol.

Night Fae Garden transmogs are tied to simply upgrading the Garden. The unique transmogs are learnable on any class. (Back Mogs). There ARE weapon mogs from the seeds, but they are unremarkable and most people won’t care about them. And if I recall, most are shared sources with other covenants.

Necrolord Abomination Factory mog is god awful annoying, but there’s not much in the way of alt-friendliness they can do other than make Malleable Flesh and Superior Parts BoA to help speed up the process of crafting abominations on alts. Also, the Anima-Touched Weapon Fragments really need to be made BoA. Lol.

I don’t camp these bosses, but the few times I’ve gone to them, they really need a shorter cooldown.

The weird thing about Ordos, is Blizzard told us at the end of MoP (or in WoD) that they were removing the cloak requirement for Ordos, but then… never did. I have the cloak so it doesnt affect me, but it’s still very weird they said they were but never followed through.

This still flabbergasts me.

Who does it hurt to let us collect appearances on any toon? Like, seriously, who does it hurt? There’s been reddit posts of people getting Garrosh’s shoulders on a non-plate toon. I can only imagine how much rage they had.

I don’t agree with not removing revamped content though. There’s no reason to have two versions of scholomance in the game, for instance. However, they do need to stop removing items and such. Or story-important questlines like the MoP/WoD Legendary lines.

I don’t do ID stuff, so can’t comment on that.


I think it’s just removing content for no reason. Adding an NPC such as Zidormi outside of revamped dungeons such as Scarlet Monastery could easily solve this, a simple dialog option to queue you into the older version of the instance would be more than fine. I just like the idea of seeing the dungeon again from many perspectives such as farming items, nostalgia or even leveling low-level characters through these dungeons again (in retail).


Yup, that is one of the major issues I’ve had this expansion, seeing as how many rares we’ve had in Shadowlands with unique appearance transmogs, that not only drop based on your class, but also fairly low drop rate too.

About the respawn times, I absolutely agree. Considering the drop chance of these mounts, needless to say that you will be spending HOURS AFK just waiting for respawns. It definitely isn’t fun.

As a side note, ever since Legion, the PvP ensembles and the weapons sets are the only way to obtain their transmogs. The vendors don’t sell individual items like in previous expansions. Meaning, that if you only need ONE weapon mog from a PvP season, you need to spend 80 Marks of Honor to buy the whole weapon set, even if you already have all the other appearances. This is incredibly frustrating.

Technically they aren’t useless as you can still use them to increase your artifact’s ilvl, but a great alternative would be to just move those relics to a bonus loot table, similar to how conduits drop in Shadowlands.

I simply couldn’t agree more, this is really ridicule.

I’d personally like to see a return of the transmogs that used to drop from certain rares and mobs in vanilla zones. Items such as this cloak still show up in the appearance collection, even though this item is no longer obtainable unless you somehow manage to find someone who had one since pre-Cataclysm. At the very least, items like that should be removed from the collection interface unless you actually have them, similar to how tier 3 sets don’t appear in the collection unless you buy them off the BMAH.


Give monks the on the shoulder option for all staffs,polearms, and staves and alot of people will be very happy.

Watching bolvars daughter in haven with the hammer on her shoulder made me super jealous for maces to be added too but one thing at a time


All great suggestions, I’ll have to think a bit if I’m gonna add some more :>

You could add multiple loot options and choose which one you would prefer to have. By default, it would be to your specialisation, but you can also choose another specialisation, and add a new, neutral option where you say you’re okay with getting any type. Win-win?


An “All Specializations” option would be fantastic.


As I have mentioned in other posts, the missing pieces from sets need to be added into the game as either drops or via a vendor, it still baffles me how old tier sets are missing pieces for certain difficulties (Antorus Rogue Mythic Shoes for example)

It would be nice if there was a way to unlock all the different armour classes for a given covenant on one character, as I would like a lot of the other set colours but honestly the time and effort it takes to getting some of them again really puts me off doing it.


I was reminded that the WoD crafting sets that were removed with the crafting revamp in Shadowlands are still not in the game, even though it was stated that they would return at some point. It’d be great to have those back, too.


One thing I’d love to see is allowing people who have pieces of an elite set to buy the rest of the elite set and weapons that they would have been eligible for. Not returning elite sets altogether mind you, and not returning them for people that didn’t qualify when they were current content, you’d need to have had at least one piece of the set from that season, but if you did perhaps there could be a vendor that would trade it for the rest.

A lot of people missed pieces of their elite sets, either because they joined a season late and ran out of time or even because, like in Cata, elite pieces were traded for the regular pieces and certain classes used pieces that didn’t match their set for the stats. Warriors are an example, they used different boots for BiS stats that didn’t match their classes elite set appearance.

Perhaps if you already have some pieces of a set the rest could be added, same with the weapons you would have qualified for. Many people didn’t spend all of the conquest required to buy every elite weapon they qualified for, but they rightfully could buy those pieces then. Being able to buy them now if you qualified back then would be great.

I know Blizzard solved this first with the elite achievements in Legion and now just giving the elite set appearances directly since BFA, but if this could be worked out it would be great. Although I know it doesn’t affect that many people so it would likely not receive priority.


I have theorized that the legacy damaged buff kicks in when we are 20 levels above the raid, and due to the SL level squish even tho we are 2 expansion past Legion, we are not 20 character levels beyond it. So with 10.0, we should technically see the full damage buff come in to place.

One thing about the BFA raids. I hope that with 10.0 Blizzard makes them more solo/small group friendly and not wait until 10.1 or 10.1.5. I play with a small group/solo most of the time and transmog could be considered my “endgame” so making more content available would be huge.


I would also love to get more variety with transmog enchants. I think lots of people only like certain weapons cuz it makes the enchants huge and I think thats kool but I would love like an option for like the top, middle, half, bottom, and outside of the weapons to be where the enchant is located. I mean we already have shoulder options for single side so it cant be that hard.


Adding more to my wish list:

  • More rewards for the Honor level system, possibly reduce the amount of honor needed as well.

There’s currently rewards up to level 500, but starting from level 100, this where the system starts to feel both unrewarding, and really grindy, as the honor required to level up gets pretty high as well (up to 8800 per level, I believe). It doesn’t feel great to receive yet another recolor of the same unicorn for the 5th time at level 150. There are also much bigger gaps between the highest levels, having no reward between Honor level 401 and 499 is really not satisfying. For reference, you unlock about 20 cosmetics in the first 250 levels, but only 4 in the last 250 (and it is a whopping 2.2M Honor from 250 to 500).

  • A proper quiver mog slot for hunters.

While I was glad to see new quivers dropping from Sylvanas, I was really sad that they were taking up the cloak slot; meaning you can’t mog them with a cloak. Since ranged hunter can’t actually mog illusions on their weapons, this would be a perfect opportunity to change that slot for a quiver option. Add the Sylvanas quivers in there, the MM artifact (so that you can mog the quiver but with a different weapon), then add some cosmetic options for quivers in the future.


Ive always thought it should be honor AND conquest so its more rewarding for the people who do rated and eventually receive so much conquest it becomes insane might as well let us double dip

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I dislike that I cannot gather certain things that my spec/class can use just because they’re part of a separate set.

These three transmog statless cloaks cannot drop from Unity World Quests to a monk because they’re part of the cloth/mail/plate sets. I can use them, but they won’t drop for me without making an alt.


Similarly, these three transmog statless cloaks cannot drop from Chordy Weekly Quests to a monk because they’re part of the cloth/mail/plate sets

This is frustrating to me. I can see them for my spec/class in my All The Things addon, but I cannot get them.

In a similar vein, there is a bug with some class filters on vendors. There are items I can use on the Path of Ascension transmog vendors that don’t show up unless I change the ‘Monk’ filter to ‘All’. This doesn’t prevent me from buying them, but it took All The Things telling me there were things on the vendor left to get that I couldn’t buy to even know they were there since the default shop filter for me is Monk instead of All.
I don’t remember specifics on the Path of Ascension anymore, I noticed this a long time ago, but make a fresh monk, buy all the items on the filter, and check All The Things for a monk on that vendor and you’ll see these items.

I have another concrete, and more frustrating example of that happening that I DID record.
These two polearm transmogs from Torghast are usable by a Monk, and buyable by a Monk, but they do not show up on the vendor for Phantasma with the Monk filter on - they’re marked as Strength Polearms on wowhead (based on who it “drops for”) but they are statless transmogs that don’t show up for the Monk shop filter. All The Things told me about them again. I ran torghast quite a few times looking for these before I realized I was being dumb and simply had to change my shop filter. I probably passed them up several times without realizing.

It would be nice if these sorts of filter issues and global-itemslot-issues (e.g. the cloaks) could be fixed.


I’ve noticed that some of the covenant cloaks are currently only transmoggable if you have the required reputation requirements, such as Marasmius or the Court of Night, which kind of defeats the purpose of collecting them account-wide. It would be great if these followed the rules of collectable transmog (as it has been for a few expansions now) that you only need the reputation to purchase them and not to transmog them once acquired. And that rule should still be enforced going forward, as well.


I would love if the Legion Artifacts appearances, such as balance of power and Rated PVP, were a global unlock for all classes (obviously for Rated PVP only if you have the mage tower base unlock). Having to do those particular unlocks over and over again on each class can get a bit annoying and Legion is quite old content now anyways.