[Collection] Mount achievements

Thank you for bringing this up as it hasn’t really been discussed much on the CC forums since 2021 and definitely worth revisiting. Linking the last discussion below as there were suggestions on there.

Yeah, this has been a lot of our experience for the past 9-10 years. It’s even worse now with all the mount bloat we got in Shadowlands, especially during the Korthia patch. I got inspired to start collecting mounts in Cataclysm and 300 was the first “log in, get achievement, log off” for me.

Agree, I’m inching toward 900 unique on a character and I’m over 950 overall (counting both horde and alliance). Having the highest achievement in Dragonflight being only 500 feels like getting gifted a VHS.

This is an absolutely lovely idea. Or even more like “Awake the Drakes” where we can collect the following boar mounts, wolf mounts, coursers etc.


Yes! Exactly. I love the incentivization of building a collection. We have plenty of addons and 3rd party sites, but that little dopamine hit from collecting and then achieving in game is so good.