Coldlight Surfrunner

It seems pretty randomized but likely averages out over time, sometimes you get none, sometimes you get 20. I would guess it averages out to 1-5 per island over a large data set. Hard for me to guess since I have my dubloons and island runs spread out across 5 or something characters right now. I know I have done 309 islands over the last 4 weeks and I think (as a rough estimate) I’ve gotten around 400 dubloons in that same period.

Dubloons are… really weird.

I have the upgrade to increase the dubloons I get, but still, some weeks I’ll only get 2-3 Dubloons per bag I open, then other weeks I get 9-14 per bag I open.

It’s like some islands the perk works on and other islands the perk doesn’t work on.

But…but the ROUS did exist. THERE IS HOPE!

edit… I just saw the rest of the thread. crosses fingers

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Speaking of dubloons… given the number of times I’ve seen anyone else pick one up (once, I’ve seen it only once), I am guessing that the majority of people are not aware that loose dubloons can spawn on the ground during an island expedition. Whenever a person loots one, everyone on the team gets a dubloon (very rarely is it 2). I know its team-wide as I’ve seen teammates get the achievements for dubloons when I looted one.

On average, I’d guesstimate at least one ground dubloon per island is usual. Sometimes even 2 or 3. They look like big gold plates roughly the size of your characters face.

Thats nifty, did not know that, lol.

Minimum of 2 spawn on every island. Sometimes 3.

And yes, occasionally you will loot 2 from one dubloon, and yes, everyone in the party, regardless of where they are on the island, will loot the dubloon when you loot it.

Had a random clump of murlocs on Skittering Hollow (heroic), so I now have a coldlight murloc pet.

I used UndermineJournal and saw one on Darkspear for only 8k. Jumped on a lvl1 toon I had on that server, sold a couple of duplicate pets over trade to make some gold and bought the 8K Coldlight Surfrunner as fast as I could.

It was a deal that was too good to pass up. :slight_smile:

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Aw man I saw that on UJ too, but it was too late. Awesome snag, grats!

Was running some islands on an alt with friends and got the murloc, I’m Here for the Pets finally done.

Dropped on my last IE today!! Only four to go… and of course they are the ones you cant cage (yet) so more grinding or hoping they arent crazy expensive in 8.1…

If you need Kunchong, Captain Nibs, or the Air Ele pets hit me up after the change I’m at 5, 4, and 6 of those respectively

Giggling Flame
Laughing Stonekin
Mischievous Zephyr
Kunchong Hatchling

Those are the ones I still need… happy to take one of those kunchongs off your hands! I have some duplicates of the currently untradeable ones I could swap if you want.

The AH will likely be flooded with them when 8.1 hits.

I have like 2 of each of them in the bank on my hunters. They might start at like 30-50k, but I imagine they’ll fall under 5-10k within a day or two, even on lower pop realms.

Also, MMO-Champ is fired. They had Whispering Reef with Murlocs listed as the Island for today. -.- It’s Naga.

Got the kunchong yesterday! And yes, I know there will be plenty for sale after 8.1 hits, I will be among those selling some extras :slight_smile:

Wish I had enough charms to finish buying all the vendor pets, this expansion is too boring to level my army of alts…

Only 3 I am missing are Snort, Coldlight Surfrunner and Kunchong Hatchling…Just am having no luck on drops.

The Coldlight Surfrunner must be dropping like crazy because a week ago there was only 1 on the AH for 500k, then 2 for abour 300k each now there are at least 5 on the AH and are selling for 55k each…I figured once they started dropping the AH prices would drop lol

It would seem that it’s now dropping off all murloc and nagas.