Coldlight Surfrunner

What sucks is it won’t be fixed before the Murloc island is over, which means we likely have another 3-4 weeks before the Murlocs show back up. :confused:

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Excuse me while i bask in my smugness.

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So, what else is new?


I’m slightly justified this time.

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Maizou, Coldlight murlocs still exist as a tier 1 invasion on any island, though. If they fix it now we can get it next week or any week.

For those that may have missed it there was a tweet from the warcraftdevs twitter on this today:

There are different Murloc tribes in Azeroth, and so far, the kind of Murlocs that could drop Coldlight Surfrunner have not appeared on Island Expeditions


I saw that, and I pretty much wanted throw something after all the IEs I ran this week trying for this. The layering of RNG that is the IEs is unnecessary for something that is nothing more than a loot-based time sink. As someone pointed out, they’re like the worst kind of slot machines, except we’re putting in way more effort than simply pulling a handle.

At least give us the option of choosing the IE we want to farm. Even then, certain mobs aren’t a guarantee, but it feels like they’d be giving us a little more say in what wall we’d be smashing our face into.

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Most upsetting part of this for me is that this seems like such a simple statement to make, and it should have been said sooner.

So many have been thinking they’re doing something wrong because they can’t get the pet to drop. Many tickets and bug reports have been sent in. GMs giving conflicting information. Arguments and debates. All over this pet. Clarify :clap: Things :clap: Sooner :clap: PLEASE :clap:

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Per a follow-up Tweet from WarcraftDevs:

Wonderful news! Looking forward to hearing about the ‘simplified system’ coming in the future content patch.


I’m very happy it’s being hotfixed, just wish it would have happened a week sooner. Hopefully the new simplified system will make the pets/mounts added for the new islands easier to acquire.

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I think what bothers me about this, is that instead of fessing up to the fact they obviously forgot to add the pet to the loot table of the Coldlight Murlocs, they lied and said there’s Murlocs we haven’t seen yet.

It’s been over 3 months. There’s been 2 Murloc Islands, we’ve seen countless Murloc AND Gorloc Mini-Invasions.

There are not Murlocs we have not seen yet. The only Murloc model in the game currently we have not seen are the Demon/Hunter Murlocs. Unless THOSE are the Murlocs they are talking about, which would require some really weird explanation as to A. Why they are on the islands, and B. Why they still exist, and C. Why they drop the COLDLIGHT pet instead of the COLDLIGHT Murlocs, then they lied. Big time. And even then, why did they not force them to spawn if they did not show up for over 3 months and they knew it?

Just tell us that you made a mistake and forgot them on the loot table. It’s not that hard. You don’t need to lie. Humans make mistakes. WE WILL UNDERSTAND. We aren’t General Discussion. We are the Pet Battle Community. We are more understanding than most. But one thing I am not understanding about is lying. Ugh.

I’m glad they’re hotfixing it so all Murlocs will drop it, but couldn’t they have done it last week, when we had a Murloc island?

Now we’ll have to rely on massive RNG. 1-2 Murlocs during a Naga invasion. 1 Murloc during a Mini-Invasion of Naga. 4-5 Murlocs During a Murloc Mini-Invasion, and that’s it. :confused: (Mini-Invasions are the “Invasions” that start on the Island, that’s my term for them)


Couldnt have said it better. The coverup is always worse than the crime.

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I hope the “simplified” system does not require an absurd amount of dubloons (or some new token) to buy the desired award. If Legion legendaries are any indication, maybe we will have a vendor by the end of the expansion and we can buy what we want.

Hopefully they come up with something logical and finally throw us a bone. Still mad about the thousands of pet charms we need to buy stuff off vendors.


I would much rather work to a goal, than to have to depend on RNG. I’m so burned out on the IEs I’m hoping the new system is better, sure couldn’t be much worst.

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The hotfix is live apparently. The pet has started appearing on the UndermineJournal.

Unfortunately, as I mentioned above, the chances of finding Murlocs right now is VERY rare.

There’s like 2 per Naga Invasion, 1 per mini-naga invasion and like 5 per mini-Murloc invasion.

So there’s going to be very few popping up until we get another Murloc Island.

^^^ there is one for sale on Sargeras right now for 999k…

What would be an “absurd amount” (honest question, no sarcasm)? I was drowning in them before I quit doing IEs, so you’d likely have to go into the high 5 figues or even 6 figures for me to worry about it. The fel corrupted dread raven in WoD was 6 figures aoexis crystals if I recall (admittedly you could get more at once than you can dubloons, but there were also other things that were useful to spend them on. Dubloons, imo, sigificantly less so which sees me harbouring them more than I did the crystals, likely evening it out), but I still got it within a pretty reasonable timeframe, and so did many others.

Dubloons aren’t really like Apexis. Apexis could drop from literally anything in the level cap areas(Tanaan and the Scouting Missive areas). Rares always dropped them too. Not to mention you could actively farm them in groups in Tanaan at the Throne of Kil’Jaeden. Also not even mentioning the quests in Tanaan could easily give a few thousand each day.

Dubloons are only from Island Expeditions. You aren’t guaranteed to get some. And when you do, it may be 2 or 4 or 6 or 10 or whatever. Provided they make Dubloon bags 100% from every expedition(amount inside can still vary), I think realistically 50 or so Dubloons for pets is a decent price. Maybe 100 but that may be pushing it. Of course, if they add more ways to get Dubloons(8.1 content/missions) the number could be higher to reflect but as is, given all the pets, it’d still take quite a bit of work to get enough to purchase everything.

That’s not even considering the toys/mount/etc… on the Dubloon vendor, assuming those prices have stayed the same on the PTR. That’s even more that will be needed.

Honestly, I would 100% not recommend buying the pet from the Auction House unless you’re one of those people with infinite supplies of gold. People are going to charge insane prices for it.

Wait until we have another Murloc Island pop up and farm it yourself, or at that point, the price will plummet because a ton of people will have it drop.

There’s no time limit on getting the pet, there’s no need to rush.

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See, i’ve done probably fewer than 20 IEs and have over 100 dubloons. I assumed, based on the drop rates I was getting (averaging 5+ per), that they were pretty similar to TW badges, crystals, etc. I’ve also seen others saying they’re getting more than they could ever need. I’m disappointed to hear that isn’t the case across the board.