Coffee advice (lol)

Add a tablespoon of fresh Tauren milk.


I’d say shots of espresso will get you wired up. I always get 3 shots if I’m going to have a long day.

If funds are limited it’s cheaper to drink more coffee. If that’s not a concern then go for it.

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I tried that (bulletproof coffee) once. It’s an acceptable field expedient if you’ve run out of milk, but I wouldn’t care to do it on the regular.

The ol “shot in the dark” eh?

You got that right. Freshly ground beans always make the coffee taste better and more potent. My son recommends Black Rifle Coffee or Stumptown.


Use a light roast coffee. It will have more caffeine in it.


boosts will probably hinder you more with medical conditions and you also could be sluggish from certain nutrients your not getting enough of so try looking into that as well I would recommend if your doctor allows with your medical conditions to drink one green tea every day it will improve your energy .

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lesser known fact
 light coffee has more caffeine than dark roasts. Most people think the opposite, that darker bolder coffee has more power. Nope. If you look at coffees labeled as breakfast blends, you’ll note they are typically light to medium roasts. Maybe that can get you on the right track for a stronger kick.

But with reference to medical conditions, I’m loathe to recommend any type of additives that may be detrimental. But I don’t think your physician would mind at all if you took a daily vitamin supplement suitable to your age and gender, with emphasis on the B vitamins for energy.


Try dunkin’ some double stuff Oreo’s in that shizz, if nothing else it will add a whole new layer to that coffee addiction. Now if your looking for a little more pep that doesn’t tempt type 2 diabetes, then go for some B complex vitamins and a good meal (not junk food) like someone else already suggested.


Actually no. You have to grind your beans to a very specific coarseness for pour over coffee, and you need the right temperature of water. There’s also a specific method of how you pour the water over the coffee. I can tell you from firsthand experience that there is a completely different taste result of percolator vs pour over coffee.


A little shot of Tennessee Whiskey


Make yourself some Turkish coffee. No filter needed.


I have medical condition induced fatigue too. Have you tried perking up your diet in other areas with naturally high-energy foods? I know that that isn’t always realistic or feasible, but the more caffeine you take the harder you’ll crash and the more dependent you’ll get on it.

May need to bite the bullet and ease back on it for a bit to feel it’s benefits again.

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Stumptown is my favorite, I’m a Portland native and they have coffee shops there that are 100 times better than Starbucks. I miss it :frowning:

the sugar will only slow your digestive system the sugar rush is not long lasting because of this and also if your not getting or processing enough vitamin d or iron you will feel sluggish

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Dripper shape and filter type can have an effect on taste too, due to the length of time the water sits in there, which oils get through, etc.

I’m partial to my glass Kalita dripper and matching filters.


throw the coffee out and drink a bang 300mg of caffeine. tried one before damn near pushed my truck home.

Get Black Rifle Coffee expresso blend. Best coffee in the world.


Haha yea those are scary. I think they also have high levels of creatine, which makes a lot of people agitated.