Is there even an option to report this behavior? If someone does something to grief a player, I don’t even see an option unless it is to report a player for their name or if they said something in chat that was offensive.
ex: I joined a random dungeon that had a guild group of 3 players (tank and two dps). Sat through the 10 min queue as a dps, get in and the tank pulls half the room. I’m on my rogue so I am trying to help gather what he pulls with Tricks and by kicking casters. He doesn’t get all the adds, and the healer gets killed, then I die, and it causes a chain of deaths. Hunter: “Let the tank gather everything.” Myself : “You have misdirect and can help.” I get instantly kicked. Now I have to wait 15 mins before I get to queue, to sit in that queue for another 15 mins. This is an obvious breach of the player conduct, as they intentionally used the kick feature to grief another player. I don’t suppose Blizz intended for the remove player function to be used in random dungeons while leveling, just because the other person doesn’t agree with you. How is there no reporting system that actually addresses the big brand new conduct agreement blizz threw in our faces?
It isn’t. There was a vote to decide if they wanted you. They didn’t. You were kicked. That’s not griefing, it’s 4 other people deciding they didn’t want you.
And there is no new contract. It’s the same old contract, shorter for easier read.
This isn’t griefing, a group of players chose to exercise their option to remove someone from a random group.
They did not, use foul language, insult you in any form nor did they break the CoC in any way. They used what tools were available to them in hopes that the next player that came into the group would be more along their style of play.
It may of not been the nicest thing to do to someone but it was a legitimate option that they had.
I’ve been kicked from groups before. I did not enjoy the experience. But it was their right to do so. And I just hit the button for a new dungeon and moved on.
You cannot requeue because blizz has placed a timer on dungeons. You cannot get into a dungeon immediately because of queue times. If you know that you and two buddies can remove anyone from a dungeon at anytime for no reason, and your intent is to force them to reenter a queue time of 20+ minutes, and continue to abuse players by repeating this action, I would argue that it is an abuse of the code of conduct. The code of conduct has a section that addresses intentionally ruining or harming other players game experience. Whether blizz would enforce or agree is subject to their decisions, but I don’t even see a way that players can report other player behavior, other than name and text.
You are welcome to open a ticket and type out your complaint if you honestly feel you were griefed.
But I assure you, that this group could easily argue from their point of view that you were ruining their experience by causing a wipe.
Just a matter of perspective actually. And yes we understand how the LFD system works. And it doesn’t change the fact that they felt a certain way and removed you in a just manner following the CoC along the way.
They don’t need to explain why they kicked you. They don’t even have to have a reason to be honest. You could join up and the group as a whole could of said. I don’t like rogues and vote kicked you for that reason. It’s their choice as a group to remove someone for any reason.
I once got kicked from a dungeon for not paying attention to the chat. It was Timewalking and two players were trying to do an achieve (that could have been done in a normal dungeon). I just burned down the thing that you would normally burn down but had to leave alive for the achieve because I never noticed them saying to leave it alive.
Was I bad? Yeah. Were they dumb to try an achieve in a random Timewalking PUG when they could have just gone in on their own and got it done without worrying about some rando hunter screwing it up for them? Yeah.
From my point of view, I didn’t deserve the kick because I was just trying to finish the dungeon I signed up for and didn’t notice their comments in chat. From their point of view, I was being a deliberate jerk.
Moral of the story? Stuff happens. If you get kicked, go do something else until the timer wears off.
You don’t understand… I’m not trying to argue the semantics of the contract, I’m simply asking where players are expected to go, if they believe others are breaching the contract. The current report system only covers text such as names, comments, abusive language, advertising… So, if a player engages in abusive behaviors, what is blizzards expectation of the community to respond or identify areas where abuse may be occurring?
Not wanting to play with you is not abusive behavior. Blizzard has said they will not Micromanage player interactions.
We simply aren’t able to micromanage social interactions to that degree. It just isn’t feasible to weigh in on countless dungeons, scenario and raid runs to figure out why a person was removed and if such removal was justified.
You do not get it. That “contract” said for players to “try” on every aspect of it as written. They tried, and found you not worthy of their group. Its that simple, and why theres no report system in place to force people to “do” and not just “try”.
Because those options could be abused beyond belief because some fee fee’s got hurt.
If the right click option does not cover anything you wish to report them for. You will need to open an actual ticket and type in with as much detail with the events that happened.
I am unaware if the system allows you to type a brief explanation for a right click report. I personally don’t report people often. And haven’t felt the need to since the new system came out.
OP, right click on the player and you should see an option to report them. If you do not see an option that meets your need, choose the closest one and then in the text box write what they did.
Doesn’t this violate the very first part of the social contract, "Players must do their best to 1) be make friends and 2) help others out?
It does not violate the CoC at all. Suggestions are just that, Suggestions they do not need to be followed. It would be nice if people did. But they do not need to followed
Back on memorial day weekend I was dabbling in some TW Wrath dungeons on an alt thru LFD. Witnessed a newbie/baby/leveling Guardian Druid player get booted for the “crime” of not pulling fast enough
The little “vote prompt” dialog box simply said “DUMB” and the vote passed almost instantly lmao
Like I said, large swathes of the WoW community are toxic… all the more reason why giving these same low attention-span/low-IQ types “increased” reporting powers (ex: “social contract”) is a bad idea
There is one issue you have, the Social Contract not “suggest” anything, it states that players “do their best to” … (insert social contract)
Now just because some customer service rep is trying to backpedal on the contract they required their customers to agree to doesn’t mean the contract does not exist.
Personally, I don’t have a issue with the extra reporting options. People have always had the option to open a ticket and report people for anything that they wished. It’s just easier to do now.
As long as I’m not doing anything to be actioned against them I have no concerns about anyone reporting me. But I can understand the concern you are stating
Even in WoWs official post it states that there two parts to the contract. One a outline that will help players have a better time and the second dealing with an outline of unacceptable behaviors in the game. If you choose to follow it or not. That is certainly up to you.
If you truly do not agree with the contract. Then I suggest you uninstall the game. The choice is certainly yours to make.