Code of conduct is misleading

I understand, I was simply reminding you and whomever else reads it, posts like that do violate the forum CoC, and it isn’t worth the potential hassle of getting in trouble for it.

Where can I speak freely?

Facebook is your best friend, I’d wager.

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As long as it doesnt violate the Forum COC you can post where its relevant if its ingame if its annoying or offensive to realm mates you will be reported and if it violates chat polices you will be squelched and silenced depending on weather or not its first time or multiple offense. Its Blizzards sandbox and freedom of speech doesnt apply here.

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I’m not one of those types who complain about freedom of speech, as a matter of fact I was one of the first subscribers to side with Blizzard on that. 99.99% of the time I agree with Blizzard and will stick up for greens and blues when I see them being maltreated. Edit: I will leave it at that, have a good evening.


I just wanna know when trust level 3 privileges kick in again after a simple 24 hour suspension, assuming they ever do? I used to be able to post links and such, but one 24 hour suspension for something trivial (and yes, it was trivial considering the context) mucked that one up :sweat_smile:

Have you logged out and back into the forums since it ended?

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Actually idk… I’ll try now

Didn’t work. Still can’t post gifs :disappointed_relieved:

According to the new forum guide sticky, in general, you can’t get trust level 3 if you have been suspended from forums or in game

No, I had trust level 3 already… look at my post count, ofc I had it forever :joy: Got a 1 day suspension about a month ago

Right, and you can’t get it again because of the suspension

I might need a link for that. Seems a bit harsh for a 1 day suspension which wasn’t even warranted

New Forum Guide - Syntax and Features
It is in general discussion, it is one of the stickies

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Rest, guilty for that flying over my head. I was equating the 5 forum flags and the suspension as the same thing.

We’ve been seeing this pop up a lot, this week. Did you try to appeal it? They do make mistakes from time to time-- it’s what makes them human. If it was in error and was successfully appealed, the black mark should have been removed from your account.

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I am not seeing anything about if you are level 3 already and not regaining it back…

Nope, it was 24 hours…

Under the requirements for Trust 3

Ehhhhh, it boils down to semantics in this case, I would think. Your suspension dropped you down to TL2, you would have to get back to TL3. You can’t get back because of that suspension.

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Wow, seems easily abused

Not trying to rain on your parade, or anything, but I can’t say that I agree. Blizzard has always followed internal policy in regards to what does and does not violate rules, both in-game and on the forums. If it hadn’t run afoul of them, nothing would have happened. It’s still quite possible that it didn’t, but I think it’s too late to appeal the decision, now.

I’m just a little shocked that you didn’t bother to appeal it if you didn’t think it was warranted.