Co-lead steps down. D4 and OW2 delayed to 2023. I bet Blizzard shuts doors 2024

Jen Oneal, one of the puppets installed by Activision in place of JAB, has already stepped down from the position. She’s only been there like 15 minutes. Maybe doing Bobby’s bidding wasn’t as attractive as she thought.

D4 and OW2 delayed to 2023. Will they release anything in 2022 or make any solid money? At ABK, Blizzard makes the least amount of money out of the three divisions.

I bet D4 and OW2 are the last products Blizzard launches.


So this fruit bowl and changing McCree’s name stuff isn’t working?


after i finish TBCC i dont care if blizzard shuts down

they reap what they sow


I did three bosses in SSC and was bored out of my mind. I can’t finish TBC lol


I bet blizz shuts doors 2024

Having played blizz games since 2002…that kind of possibility is no longer remote. we’re on life support over here lol

Nope, they’re doing wonderful work with classic now that TBCC has released and I expect them to continue to do so.

Lets see, they added a collectors edition with a once per account boost which I think most of us stand against, but then again, it is a once per account boost which is better than what they got going on now so at least its an improvement.

They’re banning 2-3k accounts per day for botting/gold selling

TBCC phase 2 is riddled with bugs because they caved on people complaining about P1 duration, so screw anyone who was a part of that.

WoW classic alone is still pulling in probably 8-9 figures every month and peak classic wotlk is on it’s way. Doubt they’re going anywhere. Keep dreaming or wait for AoC, whichever floats your boat.


well said, so true

Quite the dream world you’re living in there. I’m jealous.




Nice troll.

D4 and OW2 were never coming out next year.


Supposedly they made some commitments about hiring or something, ticking check boxes isn’t the issue, the issue is ensuring people have a safe work environment in which they can work. It’s just common sense and decency.

Blizzard might eventually have to shut down, the damage is so bad and the internal strife is so great that nothing will get done.


naw m8, I just give credit where credit is due. Screw boosts, we know that, they know that, shame. Is it a step forward, yes it is.

Look at runescape, they have advanced bot detection code and real players get banned because the bots are so humanlike now.

Until the community at large is okay with client side anticheat software that has access to core OS files and monitors everything, this problem isn’t going to get fixed.

Boosting is being tackled hardcore with season of mastery which is great. I mean really, if you jacka$$es are going to talk sh!t, do it right. Be part of the solution, not the problem.


Yeah okay im really gonna wait around for ANOTHER two years.

What clowns.

Not looking good for our beloved Classic WOTLK.

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Do you think their cube crawl was resisted?

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I remember when they delayed D2 for 2 years before it finally came out. Turned out to be a great game. Hopefully that speaks well for D4. It used to be what they were known for. Delaying games until they got them right. And those games were great. Then they just started pushing crap out the door, which led to inferior games and expansions.


It’s almost as if the other two host some of the most successful titles in the entire world.

Yes, they’ll make billions like they always do.

I’d take you up on that bet easily.

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I hope they patch D2R to re-implement TCP/IP before they do this.
If not, RIP that game.

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You mean you couldn’t go further than 3/5 on SSC and you quit


Mob mentality has ruined many great companies and organizations… Blizzard is by no means a great anything so they are doomed. The old school games they made once upon a time are cool tho…

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