Co-lead steps down. D4 and OW2 delayed to 2023. I bet Blizzard shuts doors 2024

okay but where is diablo immortal i got one of those phone things now


3/5 on night one in my casual guild > woke up next day to a permanent ban > 7 days unrightfully banned before ban lifted by Blizz > couldn’t bring myself to go back into SSC because unfortunately it’s just not a very exciting instance > haven’t been back on TBC since.

So not exactly cut how I said, but pretty much. I never did step into TK though, I wonder if that is more interesting than SSC.

Activision CFO’s at Blizzard have been going off at the company for the lack of releases within an entire financial year and want them to pump money faster. This delay will mean the 2022 financial year will be bad for them and they’ll be looking for something to compensate.

Retail is also not likely to have a 9.3 patch so it’s very possible they will be leaning more heavily on TBCC than ever, expect tokens mounts etc in game next year.

:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

You’re trolling, right?

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I hope so because P1 lasted too long.

Good then we can go back to Pservers, that actually care about the game.

Nost 2.0… believe


My headcanon is they hired her with a intended amount of time in mind, a payoff to leave.

“ we hired a woman to co lead, so we axed sexism everyone” after the ragees died down, “ so here’s your paycheck, please leave”


Or she came into headquarters and realized that changing the hearts and minds of young individual talents is a lot harder than a pretty speech written to appease the masses… You can’t make people change who they are.

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Why wait? Are your ethics less important than a hamster wheel grind?

as a costumer i dont need to be ethical
would be like buying a smartphone and then protest against lowkey slavery and environmental destruction caused by the production of said hardware


problem with the whole we hear you
is that this is by far NOT the first time we hear that from blizzard, it just doesn’t work anymore

people are dumb but not THAT dumb… or at least i like to believe that

meanwhile CoD 2023 and Fifa 23 are being preordered en masse


I don’t doubt that they might have hired her to fire her later… I’m just saying even if they didn’t it’s a brutal workforce out there today… I’ve managed many of them…

Most the products you use and food you consume comes from less than ethical means. You didn’t think that buying “free trade” items made you a saint did it?

You want to know how all the holier than thou people keep living their lives? It’s because the vegetables they buy for their guac salad bowl and iphones come from the work of people who are paid pennies on the dollar and sometimes by force. It keeps costs down.

Seriously there are avacado cartels.

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They’re only going to get more problems if they hire like this. A lot of mediocre graduates that get picked up by bigger companies because of some collection of “diversity” statistics tend to also have a pretty big chip on their shoulder about their own performance and place in the company… which is ironic since that’s why they were a mediocre graduate in the first place.

Perhaps. There’s also the chance that her style of leadership and her vision for the company was just… not going to work at all. It is also possible the place is so radioactive that she had to leave for her own sake (this I doubt the most of the options).

Since literally no product exists that isn’t tainted by human hands, it isn’t a simple “ethics” problem. We’re purchasing a luxury good, so we could do without the entire business wholesale. We also aren’t responsible for how Blizzard may or may not mistreat their employees, that’s on Blizzard, and many of the employees at Blizzard are still dedicating themselves to creating the luxury goods we consume.

Even if we assume every single accusation is 100% true and also downplaying the severity, all of the above is still true. Are the workers who don’t abuse one another, clock in day after day, help those they can, and put their hours towards making these products also unethical? If someone can work there while trying to make it the best place they can, within their power and position, then consumers can support that effort.


No it was too short from a pvp perspective.

It’s okay they’ll release exclusive store mounts to stay on track

They are but not for the reasons you’re trying to lead the reader to make their judgment on.

Comes down to basic sociological principles, really. If you’re part of a group, and that group actively partakes in, take your pick, systematically oppressing women/minorities under the table, or espousing bigoted values, then your attachment to that line of work whether because you like the day-to-day or you like your colleagues comes inherently tethered to a passive/tacit support of your company’s values, whether or not you personally wouldn’t ever engage in that sort of behavior or conduct. It’s up to you to “put your money where your mouth is”, literally, in that circumstance.

This is why advertisers ever pick and choose who they affiliate with. They either do or don’t want to be affiliated with certain images or principles espoused by the franchises who do their advertising, because consumers do vote with their wallet, if nothing else.

So, yes, even if you’re a fine upstanding citizen who has never hurt anyone, been judgmental, thought or uttered an offensive comment in their life can be considered complicit if they continue to work for a company that is demonstrably proven to be abusive.

Of course there is something to be said about fighting for change and starting a movement internally, which is what we’re seeing with Blizzard now, and this can ultimately sometimes lead to positive results, so given we’re still in the middle of this whole thing, I won’t say definitively that this explanation applies to Blizzard right now, as the jury is still out on how Blizzard will shape up for the long term after all of this.

In terms of the Co-CEO stepping down, I noticed her statement had a bit about diversity near the end, so it’s very likely she just recently decided that through all of this her values are not aligned…simple as that. Doubt she was fired or there is any shady business going on, it’s pretty easy to read between the lines in her given statement.

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Let us also consider the type of candidates one may encounter in the field of computer gaming and mmo/RPGs…. They have Classically been white boy nerds… They chose that lifestyle long ago when many people thought that games like Wow were for nerds.

Now nerdy is cool and mainstream but years ago when you needed to apply this to college to get the jobs IN THAT FIELD being a white guy nerd fits the mold. Also nerds are typically sexist or at least enjoy the exploitation of the female… See film Revenge of the Nerds as my reference….

The year is 2021. No longer satisfied with the meme of referencing a Facebook post, the internet has moved towards referencing fictional movies as reputable sources of information.


So white male nerds are evil. Hm.