This is where my hatred for the meters comes in. But as long as a person sees and understands this problem, you are at least admitting this issue isn’t as easy as some think it is. Blizzard didn’t “just homogenize” everything. Their reason for doing this is deeper than you think.
My Mage example clearly details why. Yes, the Mage is more fragile. If you’re out questing, you are more likely to die. You also KILLED THINGS twice as fast so that you never should have been in danger to begin with!
Anyone that played a Mage in Vanilla knows exactly what I’m talking about. And the huge numbers that would have let them dominate the meters to where everyone just rolled a Mage was offset by the fact Mana used to MEAN SOMETHING! Mages had downtime to recover mana which leveled-off their overall dps into “normal” territory. That’s how it worked.
But, again, it’s hard to measure that. All anyone looks at is the big POM-Pyro numbers.
I disagree on this. Tolkien pretty much pulled from Norse Mythology. Now, norse myths were also religion, but many of the myths that have been handed down seem to have also been written with a strong entertainment focus. A prime example is when Thor’s hammer is stolen by Ice Giants and he dresses up in drag to reclaim his hammer.
This entertainment focus in some of the myths makes me believe Norse mythology should be credited before Tolkien.
I agree… most of the “mail” aka chainmail sets for hunter are literally Plate Armor or Cloth armor. Even this slutmog my character is wearing now is the exactly the same as a set that plate wearers can wear.
So yeah, armor weight would be a better designation. Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor or a numerical system.
that or maybe labeling armor more appropriately… such as plate armor being labeled as dense or heavy metals, such as Steel, Titanium, lead, etc… while metal cloth armor can be labeled as Tin, Aluminum, Gold Plated, etc, and finally metal leather/mail armor labeled as bronze, brass, iron, etc.
Robert E. Howard was writing his Conan tales, among many others, whilst the good Professor was an unknown associate trying to get tenure AND recovering from the Great War(WW1 for most of you).
His fantasy contributions were vast and universally acknowledged, even if they were a little more…‘earthy’(COUGH) than the Professor’s style.
Class dismissed.
I’ll apologize as I never read the Conan books, but did they include things like elves, dwarves, orcs, etc? Because that’s part of the fantasy lineup that people refer to with Tolkien.
I kind of agree with OP about that instead of using “cloth”, “leather”, “mail” and “plate” armor types, perhaps terms like “light”, “medium” and “heavy” armor would make more sense (sorry couldn’t think of what the 4th type would be).
Anyway, I don’t find it particularly bothering I care more about what the game mechanics do rather than how they choose to call them.
If you search, you can find mail gear that looks like leather. The Talhide/Netherstorm mail set from BC is 100% a leather look, even with some nice gold filigree. Other than that, Trailseeker set from WoD and Eagletalon Battlegear from Legion are your best bets.
TBH, Blizzard has no idea what the word “mail” means, and the armour design absolutely shows.
Cloth = Ceremonial Robes
They could even have multiple armour “types” on gear. Cloth Armour, Work Clothes, Leather Robes, and Light Leather Armour could all be types of armour that count as Light Armour for current “Leather” classes.
Hardened Leather Armour, Chain Mail, Segmented Armour, and Light Plate could all be considered Medium Armour and usable by hunters/shaman.
By having generic categories, but specific armour types belonging to those categories, perhaps the design for Mail/Medium armour could be more coherent than it is now with its “I guess that seems somewhere between leather and plate armour” look.
Honestly, I have no idea what in the Light 90% of “Mail” armour sets are supposed to BE!
Read the OP again. Carefully. And realize I am not suggesting Rogues should wear plate. And that I am just saying the categorizing armor by material is a big fat lie, and that they should rename the categories by weight. That’s all.
For instance, these pieces of solid gold contain no cloth:
Yet they are considered “Cloth Armor”.
If you told me it was “light armor” I would buy it, as I can’t possibly know it’s weight.
But if you tell me it’s “cloth armor”, it’s a lie.
You’re the kind of person that would say the old “Flash Gordon” serials were better than “Star Wars” because Lucas copied elements of Flash Gordon in his movie.
It’s not a matter who was first to press. It’s whose work more greatly affected the world we live in; and per this discussion, how it changed the fantasy genre. Tolkien didn’t change the fantasy genre, HE INVENTED IT. And to pretend otherwise is risible.
@Lug, There’s no denying Tolkien borrowed from the myths and legends of other cultures. I mean… that was the basis for his writing. But while there was always a bit of Nordic culture here, a bit of Germanic there, and a dusting of English lore in that other corner, NO ONE combined them they way Tolkien did. Again, to deny the unique scope of Tolkien is to admit an embarrassing amount of ignorance.
I guess if you still want to disagree with that, that’s up to you. But this thread is about Armor differences, not literary criticisms.
I kind of like the look of the armor to fit the class and/roll being played.
I have always looked at it this way…If the boss dies the plan worked and the tank was good enough, the healing was good enough and the DPS was good enough.
If the boss lived then one of those needs a little work and try again. Most often it is because either the plan did not work or someone did not follow the plan.
I enjoy playing this game and that is all it is…a game and I hope all of you enjoy playing it as well.