Close the Horde Gates

Oh it’s the weekly time for the misconstruction that Alliance has a population issue and not an issue of not being interested on end game content?

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We’ve reached a point where people want to play Horde because that’s where everyone is. Whether they actually want to play Horde more than Alliance isn’t relevant at this point.

I have more long term friends who’ve moved to the Horde, after years of being on the Alliance, than I have left at this point. Many of them didn’t want to play Horde, per se, but they wanted to raid more than they wanted to raid and actually feel like they had a chance.

I’m not saying that closing the doors is the right approach but saying that it’s caused by people preferring Horde just because is not factually accurate.

M’kay. Whatever kills the faction conflict. All going Alliance, all going Horde, neither factions existing, whatever. The story is at its worse when the faction conflict is involved.

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The community was always bad.

People going to this faction or that faction based on what 1 % of the player base does is a joke.

People are so freaking concerned about what the Jones’ are doing that they don’t have time to enjoy the game. Play what ever you want and if you want to be a part of the 1 % then try to get into one of those guilds if not then don’t worry about the faction imbalance and enjoy the game. If it is a pvp issues then yes Blizz needs to fix that through either better crz or even better through another round of realm connections that balance the factions out.

The problem isn’t the overall population imbalance, the problem is their aren’t enough Alliance doing endgame raiding, to the point where this has become self-reinforcing. It is possible some form of cross-faction grouping would alleviate this, as folks who preferred Alliance could raid as Alliance with being starved for players.

No. That is a stupid idea.

IMO, the best way to fix the faction problem going forward is to leave the faction strife for PVP and simply eliminate the barriers on PVE. The war is over, so why wouldn’t the two factions work together in dungeons or raids? I might add some interesting new flavor to that content. You can even write it into the game as saying that the PVP content is people in both factions who disagree with the armistice and “go rogue” and start border skirmishes.

And while you are it, allow me to share stuff with my Alliance toons. I would roll more alliance if I was allowed to share gold and resources with them the same way I do when I create a new horde toon.

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That’s a good way to not gain new players… Limiting them more on what they can roll.


But this ignores how the hemorrhage of Alliance → Horde players happened. It wasn’t a sudden overnight shift because of a racial, but there was enough marginal benefits for a shift to occur in the first place (slight % dps and mana increases), which then lead to a perception that the only way to achieve any real high-end progression is to go to Horde. I have raider friends who keep going on about how they’d have an easier time finding guilds if they just move to Horde. Sure, they’re not looking at the minor marginal benefits, but the issue has compounded to a point where a stronger community exists on Horde and that’s the result of years of hemorrhaging.

Another poster from a similar thread said it best:

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