Close the Horde Gates

Hehe. That would be fun wouldnt it?

Why? Nobody spent the last 15 years talking about how Blizzard needed to encourage more people to play Horde. Then suddenly, for the first time ever, there are more Horde players than Alliance, and people freak out like it’s the end of the world.

That’s most of the problem there. Racials have been balanced for quite a long time, everything is set up for people to raid more seriously on alliance but it just doesn’t happen because of a lack of interest.

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It’s already that way man, Alli are buying up Horde accounts already from folks quitting BfA so they have a leg up in the raid scene.

If you close off the creation of Horde toons the value of a decently geared toon with cheevos will be staggering.

Be quite a thing to behold for sure my friend! :kissing_heart:

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Dalaran is supposed to be neutral just like the Earthen Ring , Cenarius Circle and the Silver Hand

You can’t really use Pandaren in that example since they can go either side.

Worgens/Gilneans do have a human form and the Draenei do have human like facial features. As for the deer bodied allies their upper halves are human like .

Because there are end game systems tied to the alliance getting 100 mythic guilds the world wide achievement. It matters because the health of the alliance is directly tied to how many mythic pug raids I can do at my own time. It has mattered since the start of BFA. The amount of mythic pug raids I can do is tied to the value of my money for this game. So yes. It matters.

Please if you’re gonna cry Horde Bias could you please do it on an Alliance toon so it has some credibility.

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Telling people they can’t do something makes them want to do it more.

How’s Yoshi been? I was in your guild for like 5 years.


Or maybe we should start making the Alliance faction more attractive a player choice, instead of taking away a player’s right to swap factions.

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Yea I agree. I still favor Cross Realm raiding. Yoshi is doing great! I am sure he would remember you. Hes got another child for a total of 3 now. Another raid tier where we all got aotc way ahead of the end of the patch. Hes been playing a mage the last two patches but hes going back to his Shaman roots for Shadowlands

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Yo I’m still IN the guild.

I remember when he had his FIRST kid. Very proud of him!

And that’s great. To keep on topic with this thread, I remember when Nightstalkers went Horde and then never actually went back to Alliance because of the lack of people on Alliance side. There was absolutely no recruitment pool.


Its pretty insane. Sid still runs the guild. We always have around 30-60 people online and he usually keeps the guild full with about 950-999 members.

Also if you ever see me online on this toon or my dh let me know if you want to run things. Im mostly active in discord as Admiral Smurfs

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If they ever did this I would simply join the horde before they implemented this change.

I swear I dont get why so many asked for this in the forums. I am pretty happy with the community shutting it down because I want cross faction play. However they also shut me down for that but not as hard as this. About 30/70 in favor of cross realm mythic in my prior forum posts.

Gotta love when people think top-down planning will change behaviour.

Well, if the number of Cutting Edge Alliance guilds is so important to you, I’d suggest pitching in and joining an Alliance guild shooting for Cutting Edge. Rather than waiting for others to do the heavy lifting so you can pug 1 or 2 bosses cross-realm at the end of the tier.

Lol. Thats a hard no from me. Yes I am dependent on them but I am not going to leave the comfort if the horde any time soon. This game is alt unfriendly enough prior to the changes with essences. If I were to do that at release it would be impossible. However the alliance health does clearly matter to me. I wish cross faction play was a thing so we can deal with other issues that are not population size.

That’s a very narrow agenda. If you were actually interested in Mythic raiding, there are plenty of teams out there to enable that.

Rather than closing off the Horde, I’d much prefer that Blizzard lock raid ID’s to guilds, since pugging has proven to be hugely detrimental to the game over the years, by punishing social players for the benefit of anti-social players. And then everybody looks around and wonders why the community went to hell.

I’m doing well guys - good to see you’re still kicking around. Hope all is well on your end too!

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