Close the Horde Gates

I have seen this proposed around the forums and am wondering how horrible you guys think this would be.

Lets stop these alliance and any new player from joining the horde. Until the alliance issues of population are resolved the Horde will no longer be accepting any faction changes and/or server transfers. The only faction available to new players and old are the alliance.


Will not work.


Bad idea. You shouldn’t restrict player choice like that.

Yes, The Horde is beginning to bloat on players as more and more things are added that draw players away from Alliance. This has been something that’s happened since Wrath.

Though back then it was a slow transition. Sometime around Mist we lost our world first raiders, then it just came crashing down from there.

But, that is the players choice. Rather than stopping people from playing Horde, Blizzard needs to give people a reason to play Alliance.


Damn, I thought this would be about closing the Orgrimmar gates so Anduin can’t get back in.


No. Make the alliance more appealing. Either through new races or other means.


The solution isn’t to try and force the players to rebalance the factions. The solution is to keep heading in the direction shadowlands is going.

Make WoW such a great game again that it doesn’t matter that the factions are unbalanced because there are so many players it isn’t really noticeable for any content.


Meanwhile in classic some servers restrict new players to create characters because of population

See no difference

Limiting players to one faction is a really bad idea, and is a good way to prevent new players from coming.

The Alliance need something to entice players, or factions should be removed in all aspects but War Mode or something. The system is dumb anyway.


This is the only way to do it, but by the looks of things Blizzard either doesn’t know how to or doesn’t want to make the Alliance more appealing.


they keep taking away what makes the alliance the alliance.

Give dalaran back to the alliance. The horde have a potential equivalent in the nightborne and the nightspire. The nightspire can be raised up to fly just like dalaran.

Give us an old world revamp with much of what has been lost finally reclaimed. Gilneas, gnomeregan, andorhal, southshore.

Keeping a balance of zones and capitals between the factions won’t be necessary. The old world revamp could be entirely for that expansion’s level bracket. It wouldn’t be necessary to recreate leveling zones from level 1 anymore. New characters can use chromie time to level.


The best role playing games don’t let you be what you want to be. That’s how you retain players.

You’re assuming, despite all the evidence which suggests it, that Ion Hazzikostas isn’t purposefully trying to tank the Alliance player base. Just look at the Allied Races, the only one Alliance got ANYONE asked for is Dark Iron Dwarves, and then he put Vulpera, a race clearly designed specifically for those attracted to the Alliance aesthetic, on the Horde. Further Datamining showing that they’re giving BE’s blue eye options is just another nail in the coffin.

It’s not the Alliance rerolls you’re mad at, they’re just giving up and doing what Ion clearly wants them to do. He’s the one killing the spirit of the Horde AND the Alliance.


There’s a gigantic difference between not being able to make a new character on a full server and not being able to play the race you want to play.


No. I say open the gates further. I hope every alliance main rolls horde. Maybe it will take an imbalance so great to open up cross faction play.


Well i guess thats one way to fix dead realms since nobody will ever want to play on alliance, they will just join dead realms to fill up for with the Horde. If you make it impossible regardless of realm population then people are just gonna quit and unsub till they change that. Theres a reason nobody wants to play the Alliance it isn’t racials.

Im always in favor of cross faction play


Closing the gates would just cause a panic swap the moment they started considering it people would rush over in fear of being trapped on a ‘dead’ faction.


Getting rid of faction transfers will help with this issue, but blizzard won’t ever do that because of the money.

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Since they’ve been so tight about it it’s going to take something MASSIVE for them to open it up. I hope to see a 80/20 balance one day and hope that’s enough.

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Vulpera don’t look anything like humans. You’ll notice the Alliance takes issue with humanoids that don’t look like them because they’ve always been huge racists.

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